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国际投行研究报告  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-01-02 00:00



资本离婚:纽交所将启动三家中国电信业者退市程序 象征意义大于实际意义


中概股在这种对立情绪之下,伴随瑞幸咖啡作恶留下的问题,中国公司在美国融资的路可能越来越难走 了。








13F文件显示,包括Renaissance Technologies LLC,Dimensional Fund Advisors LP和Two Sigma Investments LP在内的量化对冲基金经理是这些美国股票中最大的持有人,但他们在9月底持有的股份很小。


美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)于11月签署了一项命令,禁止美国对由军方拥有或控制的中国公司进行投资,以向北京施加压力,要求其认为北京有辱人格的商业行为。该命令禁止美国投资者买卖五角大楼指定具有军事联系的中国公司名单中的股票。



该行政命令已导致一系列公司从MSCI、标普道琼斯全球指数和FTSE Russell编制的指数中删除。



电子商务巨头阿里巴巴集团控股有限公司(Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.)和京东(JD.Com Inc.)等已经在纽约上市的公司,由于中美在一系列问题,包括贸易和新型冠状病毒的紧张关系加剧,在过去两年中在香港进行了二次上市。。

(Bloomberg) -- The New York Stock Exchange said it will delist three Chinese corporations to comply with a U.S. executive order that imposed restrictions on companies identified as affiliated with the Chinese military.

China Mobile Ltd., China Telecom Corp Ltd., China Unicom Hong Kong Ltd. will be suspended from trading between Jan. 7 and Jan. 11, and proceedings to delist them have started, according to a statement by the exchange.

Quantitative hedge fund managers including Renaissance Technologies LLC, Dimensional Fund Advisors LP and Two Sigma Investments LP were among the largest holders in these U.S. listings but the stakes they held at the end of September were small, 13F filings show.

The three Chinese companies have separate listings in Hong Kong. All generate the entirety of their revenue in China and have no meaningful presence in the U.S. except for their listings there. Their shares are also thinly traded on the New York Stock Exchange compared to their primary listings in Hong Kong, making this NYSE delisting more of a symbolic blow amid heightened geopolitical friction between the U.S. and China.

U.S. President Donald Trump signed an order in November barring American investments in Chinese firms owned or controlled by the military, in a bid to pressure Beijing over what it views as abusive business practices. The order prohibited U.S. investors from buying and selling shares in a list of Chinese companies designated by the Pentagon as having military ties.

Vowed to Protect

The Chinese Foreign Ministry later accused the U.S. of “viciously slandering” its military-civilian integration policies and vowed to protect the country’s companies. Chinese officials have also threatened to respond to previous Trump administration actions with their own blacklist of U.S. companies.

The executive order has resulted in a series of companies being removed from indexes compiled by MSCI Inc., S&P Dow Jones Global Indices and FTSE Russell.

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission in May barred China Mobile from operating in the U.S. In December, it ordered carriers to remove equipment made by Huawei Technologies Co., and begun looking into whether China Telecom should be allowed to operate in the country. China Telecom’s U.S. unit told the FCC in a June 8 filing that it’s an independent business based in the U.S. and not subject to Chinese government control.

Global exchanges, including NYSE and Nasdaq Inc., courted Chinese companies during the past decade as they attempted to expand their IPO business, particularly in the internet sector. In response, Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd. changed its rules in recent years to lure back listings, including allowing share sales by companies with weighted voting rights -- strengthening the power of company founders at the expense of weaker protections for minority investors.

Companies including e-commerce giants Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. and JD.Com Inc., which already had listings in New York, conducted secondary listings in Hong Kong in the past two years as tensions between the U.S. and China intensified on a range of issues including trade and the novel coronavirus.