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译术人生  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-02-29 18:31



孙杨因为在2018年9月的兴奋剂检测中存在违规行为,被 处以禁赛8年,孙杨将无缘东京奥运会。

听证会起因于2018年9月4日,3名药检人员到孙杨住处取样检查,其间与孙杨一方发生了冲突。澳大利亚广播公司(ABC)曾引述官方的调查报告指,当时3名药检人员当中仅有一人有正式的资格证明,而孙杨是在接受取样之后填写相关报表时发现了不妥,且在咨询中国游泳管理机构官员及自己的律师之后拒绝签署文件,并由保安人员用锤子砸碎样本,不交予药检人员。 此次检查最终未完成

2019年1月,有关报告裁定,药检人员采样过程不符合正规程序, 国际泳联裁决此次检查无效,孙杨不存在违反《世界反兴奋剂条例》的行为。

两个月后,WADA因不满裁决结果,向国际体育仲裁法庭提出上诉。 于是2019年11月15日,孙杨“暴力抗检”听证会在瑞士蒙特勒进行,该听证会持续近12小时,全程公开,但没有立即宣布任何决定。


在仲裁报告中,案仲裁小组认为,在提供了血液样本后,在将完整样本保留在检测当局手中的同时, 质疑检测人员的认证资格是一回事 ;而在长时间的对话交流和对有关后果的警告之后, 采取破坏样品容器行动的方式,从而消除了在稍后阶段测试样品的任何机会,这是另一回事。 除此之外,判决书中表示由于 这是孙杨第二次违反反兴奋剂规则 ,所以处以八年禁赛。


Lausanne, 28 February 2020 -The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has upheld the appeal filed by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) against the Chinese swimmer Sun Yang and the Fédération Internationale de Natation (FINA). As a consequence, Sun Yang (the Athlete) is sanctioned with an eight-year period of ineligibility, starting on the date of the CAS award.

2020年2月28日,洛桑——国际体育仲裁法庭(CAS)宣布支持世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)针对中国游泳运动员孙杨和国际泳联(FINA)提出的上诉。 根据该裁决,孙杨(运动员)被处以8年禁赛,自CAS裁决公布之日起生效。

Following a conflictual anti-doping test at the residence of Sun Yang in September 2018 which resulted in the testing not being completed, the matter was initially referred to the FINA Doping Panel (FINA DP) which found that the International Standard for Testing and Investigations (ISTI), the protocol adopted by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) for the conduct of doping controls, had not been properly followed. Therefore, the FINA DP invalidated the sample collection. As a consequence, the FINA DP determined that the athlete had not committed an anti-doping rule violation.

2018年9月,在孙杨住所进行的一次反兴奋剂检测发生冲突,导致检测未能完成。 之后,此事最初提交给了国际泳联兴奋剂检查小组(FINA DP),该小组发现,WADA据以进行兴奋剂管控的《检测和调查国际标准》(ISTI)并未得到正确履行。 因此,FINA DP认为样本采集无效。 由此,FINA DP认定该运动员没有违反反兴奋剂规则。

WADA filed an appeal at CAS against that decision, asserting that Sun Yang had voluntarily refused to submit to sample collection and requesting that a period of ineligibility between a minimum 2 years and maximum 8 years be imposed on him.


The arbitration on appeal was referred to a panel of CAS arbitrators, composed of Judge Franco Frattini (Italy), President, Mr Romano F. Subiotto QC (Belgium/UK) and Prof. Philippe Sands QC (UK), which held a hearing on 15 November 2019. Further to the parties’ request, the hearing was conducted in public.

上诉仲裁被提交给CAS仲裁小组,小组成员包括: 小组主席、法官弗朗哥·弗拉蒂尼(意大利),皇家律师罗曼诺· F. 苏比奥托先生(比利时/英国)和皇家律师菲利普·桑德斯教授(英国)。 仲裁组于2019年11月15日举行听证会。 应双方要求,听证会公开进行。

The CAS Panel unanimously determined, to its comfortable satisfaction, that the Athlete violated Article 2.5 FINA DC (Tampering with any part of Doping Control). In particular, the Panel found that the personnel in charge of the doping control complied with all applicable requirements as set out in the ISTI. More specifically, the Athlete failed to establish that he had a compelling justification to destroy his sample collection containers and forego the doping control when, in his opinion, the collection protocol was not in compliance with the ISTI. As the Panel noted, it is one thing, having provided a blood sample, to question the accreditation of the testing personnel while keeping the intact samples in the possession of the testing authorities; it is quite another thing, after lengthy exchanges and warnings as to the consequences, to act in such a way that results in destroying the sample containers, thereby eliminating any chance of testing the sample at a later stage.

根据完全满意原则,CAS仲裁组一致认定,该运动员违反了《国际泳联兴奋剂控制规则》(FINA DC)第2.5条(篡改兴奋剂管控的任何部分)。 仲裁组特别认为,负责兴奋剂管控的人员遵守了ISTI规定的所有适用要求。 更确切地说,该运动员未能证明,他有令人信服的理由可以销毁他的样本采集容器并放弃兴奋剂检测,虽然他认为采集程序不符合ISTI规定。 正如仲裁组所指出的: 提供血液样本,对检测人员资质提出质疑,同时让检测方完好保留检测样本,这是一回事; 在就后果进行长时间沟通和警告之后,采取破坏样本容器的行为,从而消除了后续阶段检测该样本的任何机会,这是另一回事。

Considering that, in June 2014, the Athlete was found guilty of a first anti-doping rule violation (ADRV), the Panel concluded that, in accordance with Article 10.7.1 FINA DC, an eight-year period of ineligibility, starting on the date of the CAS award, has to be imposed on the Athlete for this second ADRV.

考虑到2014年6月该运动员曾被裁定首次违反反兴奋剂规则(ADRV),仲裁组认为,根据FINA DC第10.7.1条的规定,由于该运动员第二次违反ADRV,须对其处以8年禁赛,自CAS裁决公布之日起生效。

Considering 1) that FINA refrained from seeking the imposition of a provisional suspension on the Athlete when charging him with an anti-doping rule violation, 2) that doping tests performed on the Athlete shortly before and after the aborted doping control in September 2018 were negative, and 3) that in the absence of any evidence that the Athlete may have engaged in doping activity since 4 September 2018, including on the occasion of the FINA World Championships in Gwangju, South Korea in July 2019, the results achieved by the Athlete in the period prior to the CAS award being issued should not be disqualified.


The Arbitral Award will be published on the CAS website in a few days, unless the parties agree that it should remain confidential.



据《世界反兴奋剂条例》10.3.1条规定,违反条款2.3或2.5的,禁赛期四年;若未完成样本采集,而运动员能够证实该兴奋剂违规行为不是故意实施的,禁赛期为两年。而 对于第二次违规的运动员,世 界反兴奋剂机构可以提出最高两倍的禁赛要求。这也是CAS作出严厉判决的依据之一。

