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CCF B类会议ICCD2024即将截稿(附投稿交流群)

轻松参会  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-04-25 10:45



会议全称:International Conference on Computer Design





官网链接: https://www. iccd-conf.com/Home.html


Track 1. Computing Systems: System architecture; System support for multi/many cores, co-processors, and accelerators; System support for security, reliability, and energy efficiency and proportionality; Virtual memory; System support for emerging technologies, including NVM, quantum, neuromorphic, bio-inspired computing, machine learning and artificial intelligence applications; Storage systems for data center and cloud/edge computing, high-performance computing (HPC), exascale system, and serverless computing.
Track 2. Software Architectures, Compilers, and Tool Chains: Software architectures, compilers, programming language/model, firmware, OS, hypervisor, runtime design, and co-design for embedded/real-time systems; Middleware for embedded systems, including resource-awareness, reconfiguration, energy/power management; compiler support for enhanced debugging, profiling, and traceability.

Track 3. Hardware Architectures: Microarchitecture design techniques for single-threaded and multi/many-core processors, such as instruction-level parallelism, pipelining, caches, branch prediction, multithreading, and networks-on-chip; Techniques for low-power, secure, and reliable processor architectures; Hardware acceleration for emerging applications including NVM, quantum, neuromorphic, bio-inspired; Hardware support for processor virtualization; Real-life design challenges: case studies, tradeoffs, retrospectives.

Track 4. Test, Verification, and Security: Design error debug and diagnosis; Fault modeling; Fault simulation and ATPG; Analog/RF testing; Statistical test methods; Large volume yield analysis and learning; Fault tolerance; DFT and BIST; Functional, transaction-level, RTL, and gate-level modeling and verification of hardware designs; Equivalence checking, property checking, and theorem proving; Constrained-random test generation; High-level design and SoC validation; Hardware security primitives and methodologies; Side-channel analysis, attacks and mitigations for processors and accelerators; Interaction between test, security and trust.

Track 5. Electronic Design Automation: System-level design and synthesis; High-level, logic, and physical synthesis; Analysis and optimization of timing, power, variability/yield, temperature, and noise; Physical design, including partitioning, floorplanning, placement, and routing; Clock tree synthesis; Verification methods at different levels of the EDA flow; Tools for multiple-clock domains, asynchronous, and mixed-timing methodologies; CAD support for accelerators, FPGAs, SoCs, ASICs, NoC, and general-purpose processors; CAD for manufacturing, test, verification, and security; Tools and design methods for emerging technologies (photonics, MEMS, spintronics, nano, quantum); interaction of EDA and AI/ML.
