专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-10-19 09:45


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)报道,东南亚方坯市场保持坚挺。市场上听闻的报价数量有限,水平与上周相近或有所上升。

The Southeast Asian billet market remains firm, Kallanish notes.A limited number of offers are heard in the market at similar or higher levels than last week.

当周早些时候,一宗 5,000-6,000 吨的日本 130mm 电弧炉方坯以 447 美元 / cfr 马尼拉成交, 12 月船期。其等级相当于 3sp 方坯。贸易商还报告称,俄罗斯 12 月船期的 125mm 方坯报价仍为 445 美元 / cfr 马尼拉。

A cargo of 5,000-6,000 tonnes of Japanese EAF 130mm square billet for December shipment was booked earlier in the week at $447/tonne cfr Manila. Its grade is equivalent to 3sp billet. Traders also report that Russian 125mm square billet for December shipment is still offered at $445/t cfr Manila.

由于这和大约十天前同一家钢厂 11 月船期货物的成交价相同,一些消息人士怀疑该报价是否真实。“不知道这是一个实盘,还是(供应商)只是在收集还盘,”一位进口商说。“据我所知,现在没有低于 450 美元 / cfr 的报价,”一位贸易商在周五表示。越南电弧炉方坯报价为 451 美元 / cfr 。他补充说,菲律宾许多买家明年初的需求已经得到满足,正在寻找 1 月船期货物。

As this is the same price concluded for a November-shipment cargo from the same millaround ten days ago, some sources wonder if the offer is real. "Not sure if this is a firm position or [the supplier is] inviting bids only,"an importer says. "As far I know, there are no offers at below$450/t cfr now," a trader said on Friday. Vietnamese EAF billet is offered at $451/t cfr. Many buyers in the Philippines are already covered forearly next year and are looking for January-shipment cargoes, he added.

上周五, Kallanish 5sp/ps Q275 120/125/130mm 方坯的估价升至 445-447 美元 / cfr 马尼拉,上涨 3.5 美元。

On Friday,Kallanish raised its 5sp/ps or Q275 120/125/130mm square billetassessment to $445-447/t cfr Manila, up by $3.5.

同时,区域和中国贸易人士在周五表示,中国进口市场平静。 10 9 日,最后听闻的越南原产 3sp 高炉方坯成交价为 445 美元 / cfr 中国。一位中国贸易商表示, 445 美元 / 吨的进口价格没有利润。据他计算,目前国内方坯价格为 3,390 / 吨( 506 美元 / 吨),除去 13% 的增值税和 10 美元 / 吨的税费,相当于约 435 美元 / 吨。
