古人云:书山有路勤为径 学海无涯苦作舟 。
注:一般标榜着 “ XX天学会XX”、“ XX 分钟了解XX”的文章都不会是让你增长功力的文章,如本文。
如果你是一位从未接触过编程语言的新手,请移步 这里。 此书作者是一位程序员大叔,大叔说了:“学编程,首先,得会打字!!不会打字您就别学了哈”。大叔的在书提出的观点个人觉得也是值得学习的,无论用于编程还是其他事情,如:
As you study this book, and continue with programming, remember that anything worth doing is difficult at first. Maybe you are the kind of person who is afraid of failure so you give up at the first sign of difficulty. Maybe you never learned self-discipline so you can't do anything that's "boring." Maybe you were told that you are "gifted" so you never attempt anything that might make you seem stupid or not a prodigy. Maybe you are competitive and unfairly compare yourself to someone like me who's been programming for more than 20 years.
Whatever your reason for wanting to quit, keep at it. Force yourself. If you run into a Study Drill you can't do, or a lesson you just do not understand, then skip it and come back to it later. Just keep going because with programming there's this very odd thing that happens. At first, you will not understand anything. It'll be weird, just like with learning any human language. You will struggle with words, and not know what symbols are what, and it'll all be very confusing. Then one day BANG your brain will snap and you will suddenly "get it." If you keep doing the exercises and keep trying to understand them, you will get it. You might not be a master coder, but you will at least understand how programming works.”
无论是什么原因使你想要退出,不要管它!要管住自己(译者注:论“自虐”能力的重要性。)! 如果某一个练习你不会做,或者有一课你听不明白,那就跳过它,然后再回来重新学习(译者注:子曰:温故而知新)。编程这事说起来是件奇怪的事情,当你没有领悟真谛的时候你只需要坚持。像学习任何一门自然语言一样,刚开始时可能总会感觉怪怪的。那些奇怪的单词,那些你不知道的符号,也许会让你感到十分困惑。但只要你坚持不懈,坚持做本书中的那些练习并且尝试着去理解它们。会有一天,你的脑子会突然闪出“哇哈~!原来是这样!” 的顿悟时刻。也许你不会成为一个高级码农,但是至少你将会知道编程到底是什么鬼。
列表 定义方式 li = [1,2,3,4,“Hello World”] (列表可以包含任意基本类型)
元组 定义方式 tup = (1,2,3,4) (和列表类似,但
字典 定义方式 dic = {“one”:2,“tow”:3,“three”:0}(字典,就是字典嘛。以
集合 定义方式 set=set(1,2,3,4)or set = {1,2,3,4} (集合里的元素是唯一的,集合支持 & | ^ + -操作)