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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-05-19 06:02




Thank God it’s Thursday


Britain’s Green Party proposes a three-day weekend


A shorter working week sounds appealing, but could be costly


Apr 6th 2017

WITH the prospect of Easter and two bank holidays on the horizon, Britons have an embarrassment of long weekends to savour. For Caroline Lucas, the joint leader of the Green Party, that is not enough: she wants three-day weekends every week. On March 31st she announced at her party’s conference that the Greens were exploring such a policy, which could go in their manifesto in 2020.

随着复活节和周末的接踵而至,英国人可以尽情享受一个长长的假期,但是这种长假期往往使得政府感到为难。对于绿党的主要领导人Caroline Lucas来说,这远远不够:她想每周有三天假期。3月31日她在绿党的会议上宣布,绿党一直在探讨,研究这样的政策,大概在2020年能够成为绿党的竞选纲领。

  • manifesto:竞选纲领;告示;宣言书

The Greens reckon that lopping a day off the working week would begin to redress the inequalities between men and women, since both paid and unpaid work might then be shared more evenly. People could do more of what they love (assuming that excludes their jobs) and would be less stressed. It would reduce Britain’s carbon footprint. And it could even boost the country’s productivity.


  • carbon footprint.:碳排放量;碳足迹

Some evidence supports this. A paper published in 2014 by John Pencavel of Stanford University, looking at first-world-war munitions workers, shows that reducing working hours can be good for productivity.(读者试译句) Between 2007 and 2011 the American state of Utah adjusted the working week for state employees, with longer days from Monday to Thursday, and Friday off. In ten months the shift saved the state $1.8m in energy costs.


  • munitions :军需品;军火;必需的设备的供应

But the Greens would go further than simply redistributing working hours over four days: they suggest that people could work fewer hours overall. Since not everyone can afford to take a 20% pay cut, “wages must go up correspondingly”—courtesy of employers and the state—“to ensure no one loses out”. The 26m employed Britons earn on average £90 ($112) a day. Covering the shortfall would cost around £120bn a year, equivalent to the budget of the National Health Service.


The Greens’ proposals encounter two problems. First, the theory. They argue that the reduced hours worked by some could be redistributed to others in order to lower underemployment. They thus fall prey to the “lump of labour fallacy”, the notion that there is a fixed amount of work to be done which can be shared out in different ways to create fewer or more jobs. In fact, if people worked fewer hours, demand would drop, and so fewer working hours would be on offer.


Second, the cost. Increased productivity could cover some of the costs of paying a five-day wage for a four-day week, suggests Sarah Lyall of the New Economics Foundation, a think-tank. She points to a Glasgow marketing company that did just that, and experienced a 30% leap in productivity. But that is an astonishing increase to expect across the board.

第二是费用,智囊团机构新经济基金会的Sarah Lyall表示,提高的生产率可能会由于在四天工作日里支付相当于五天工作日的工资而增加了成本,她也指出Glasgow营销公司也实行这个政策,他们的生产率也上升了30%,但是各个方面的成本都有了惊人的增长。

The Greens say they are in the early stages of exploring the idea and have not yet produced firm costings. It might be useful to do so before next month’s local elections. That leaves little time—but presumably the party’s policymakers will raise their productivity accordingly.


翻译 ▍栏目六第一组

审核 ▍Arias

编辑 ▍且听风吟

Try to translate 

 A paper published in 2014 by John Pencavel of Stanford University, looking at first-world-war munitions workers, shows that reducing working hours can be good for productivity.

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