专栏名称: 蒲公英Ouryao
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蒲公英Ouryao  · 公众号  · 医学  · 2017-07-31 00:33


翻译:JULIA  来源: Julia法规翻译


The MRA between Japan and EU will be extended


Besides other sections of the Economic PartnershipAgreement between the EU and Japan, the Mutual Recognition Agreement on GoodManufacturing Practice to new pharmaceutical products (MRA) will also beamended. This was communicated in a summary by the EU Commission. However the process is notfinalised yet and some parts of the agreement still need "finetuning" and final agreement. Once the agreement in principle will beconfirmed by the leaders of the EU and Japan, the respective document will beofficially published.


The extended scope of the MRA will include activepharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), biologics, vaccines and immunologicals. Thisis a "major achievement after numerous attempts and years ofdiscussion". It is expected that this will bring "substantialbenefits" to the pharmaceutical industries in both areas. It is planned tocomplete all the formal procedures soon to allow the entry into force.
