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优恪 - 面向十亿中国消费者的独立测评平台,源于德国独立测评机构 ÖKO-TEST。采取匿名随机的方式购买商品,送往德国专业实验室进行检测,每日发布商品品质测评报告。
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Check Out How To Find A Product's Grade On OKOer's Website

优恪网  · 公众号  · 电商  · 2018-05-15 09:57



Today we would like to introduce our homepage of OKOer to you. There you can find all the useful information related to our test reports and tested products.

So far we have tested and graded thousands of products in 4 major fields including Mom & Baby products, Cosmetics, Foods and Home Supplies etc.. Through constantly testing different commodities in our daily life, OKOer intends to help consumers always improve their life quality and find a better product.

In our testing system the products are graded from A+ to D-. If a product wins A+ or A, this means it is highly recommended by OKOer. B and C mean a product has some flaws but is still recommendable. However, the products with D or D- are definitely not recommended by us.
