专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-12-08 11:17


印度延长对来自中国、韩国、欧盟、南非、台湾地区、泰国和美国的部分冷轧不锈钢板材征收的反倾销税,但只延长到 2021 1 月底。

India has extended anti-dumpingduties on some cold rolled stainless flat products from China, Korea, the EU,South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand and the US, but only until end-January 2021.

此前,应 Jindal Stainless Jindal Stainless (Hisar) Jindal Stainless Steelway 请求,印度于 9 月份启动日落复审(见 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)往期报道)。

This follows a sunset reviewinitiated in September at the request of Jindal Stainless, Jindal Stainless(Hisar) and Jindal Stainless Steelway ( see Kallanish passim ).

相关产品 HS 编码为 7219.31 7219.32 7219.33 7219.34 7219.35 7219.90 。印度于 2010 年对来自这些国家和地区的 600-1,250mm 宽、厚度不超过 4mm 的不锈钢冷轧板材征收反倾销税,于 2015 12 月将税率修订为 4.58-57.39% 2017 年扩大了反倾销税的征收范围,将宽度超过 1,250mm 的产品也包括在内,原因是发现宽度超过 1,250mm 的相同产品在规避关税。

The products in question fall underHS codes 7219.31, 7219.32, 7219.33, 7219.34, 7219.35 and 7219.90. India imposedin 2010 and then amended in December 2015 to 4.58-57.39% AD duties on600-1,250mm wide and up to 4mm thick stainless CR flats from these countries.These duties were widened in 2017 to include product over 1,250mm wide after itwas found the same product but in widths exceeding 1,250mm was circumventingthe duties.



Europe Steel Markets 2020
