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ECO中文网  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-03-11 10:31


GHOSTS of the unburied dead are not only a supernatural phenomenon. As Alexander Etkind’s superb study of Russian cultural memory makes all too clear, they affect literature, art, public life and mental health too.


Mr Etkind—shortly to leave Cambridge University for a post in Italy—won acclaim for his previous book, “Internal Colonisation: Russia’s Imperial Experience” (2011), which showed how the country’s rulers in past centuries treated their own people as badly as other empires have treated their colonies. His new book, “Warped Mourning”, looks at the memory of the Stalinist terror: different from the Holocaust, he argues, because of its suicidal and random nature. Those persecuted by Adolf Hitler typically knew the reason, however hateful and twisted, for their suffering. Most of Josef Stalin’s victims had no idea. They included the hapless victims of the authorities’ requirement for quotas of subversives, those named in random denunciations, and loyal communists; even those who until recently had been implementing the purges.

艾特坎德先生即将短期内离开剑桥大学,在意大利的一个新岗位上工作。他在 2011 年出版的前一本著作《内部殖民:俄罗斯帝国的体验》曾赢得了读者的赞誉。他在这本书中向读者展示了过去数百年间俄罗斯统治者们对待本国人民的残暴。他们对待本国人民的做法与其它帝国对待其殖民地如出一辙。而他的新作《扭曲的哀伤》则分析了斯大林的暴政留给俄国人的记忆。他认为发生在俄国的恐怖中出现了众多的自杀现象,而且具有随机性,这一点与发生在纳粹德国的大屠杀不同。受到希特勒迫害的人一般都知道加在自己头上的“罪名”是什么(尽管有些“罪名”极其变态,令人痛恨)。而大多数斯大林暴政下的牺牲者却死的不明不白。他们有的是在当局定下“破坏份子”的数额时不幸成了凑人头的牺牲品;有的是在胡乱告发中被人点了名;有些人是忠诚的共产党人;而有些人直至被捕前还在执行清洗别人的任务。

The result, Mr Etkind argues, is a double mourning: for lost lives and years on the one hand, and, for many, lost ideals too. Uncertainty compounds suffering. Many loved ones simply disappeared. Their relatives did not know why they had been taken, whether they would return, who would follow them, and who might be taken next.


Mr Etkind ranges expertly through cultural theory, finding in film, literary criticism, linguistics, art and philosophy the effect of the Stalinist trauma on later Soviet and now Russian generations. He sees a taste for grotesque magical realism as one of the consequences: vampires and walking beefsteaks, or, to take an example from Alexander Solzhenitsyn, a giant frozen salamander discovered in the tundra, roasted and devoured by starving prisoners. Another strand is absurd pseudo-historical encounters—magical historicism—epitomised by Alexei German’s 1998 film “Khrustalyov, My Car!”, where a doctor, the victim of gang-rape in one of the gulag prisons, is summoned to attend to a dying Stalin.

艾特坎德先生从文化理论、电影故事、文学评论、语言学、艺术和哲学等方面进行了内容广泛的专业探索,分析了斯大林时期的暴政对后苏联时期至现在的俄罗斯这数代人产生了何种影响。他发现其后果之一就是这几代人喜爱荒诞的魔幻现实主义作品:如吸血鬼与行走的僵尸,或者如亚历山大•索尔仁尼琴( Alexander Solzhenitsyn )的作品中讲述的一个故事。故事描述了一群饥饿的囚犯在北极的荒原中发现了一头巨大的火蜥蜴,他们立即将这头冰冻的神兽烤熟后狼吞虎咽地吃掉。他发现这几代人还迷恋上了荒诞不经的伪历史加魔幻历史主义的作品。阿列克谢•日尔曼( Alexei German 1998 年导演的电影《哈鲁斯坦洛夫,开车 ! 》,就是这类作品的典型代表。在这部电影中,一位医生被抓进一所古拉格集中营,在狱中惨遭轮奸。但她却受命去照料影片中临终的斯大林。

Excursions into high theory (readers who know the work of Walter Benjamin, a German-Jewish critic, will feel quite at home here), are punctuated with searing personal testimonies, some from Mr Etkind’s own family. When his grandfather returned from the gulag, his own son pushed past him, not recognising the shabby old man sitting on the stairs.

瓦尔特•本雅明( WalterBenjamin )是德籍犹太人,他是一位文学批评家。凡读过他的作品的读者如果再来读艾特坎德先生的这本充满了高深理论的著作,那一定会感到非常亲切。您会不时在这本书中读到亲历者们痛苦的个人回忆。而有些回忆就来自作者的家庭成员。当他的祖父从古尔格集中营中被释放回家后,他的亲生儿子从这个坐在楼梯口的老人身旁擦身而过,但却没有认出这个衣衫褴褛的人是谁。

The author highlights some extraordinary attempts by gulag inmates to make psychological and moral sense of their fate.Yulian Oksman, for example, was a prominent historian (a risky profession inthe Stalin era) who spent nine years in some of the harshest camps. After hewas released he devoted himself to the detailed textual analysis of an obscure document: a letter from a 19th-century critic, Vissarion Belinsky, to the novelist, Nikolai Gogol, criticising his “sermons” in a country where serfdom was tantamount to slavery. What Russia needed, said Belinsky, was “the awakening in the people of a sense of their human dignity lost for so many centuries amid dirt and unfreedom.”

本书作者着重描述了一些古拉格集中营内被囚者们非同寻常的尝试,目的是要从心理与道德层面厘清他们的命运。例如,于连•奥克斯曼( Yulian Oksman )是一位杰出的历史学家(斯大林统治时期一种高风险的职业),他在几所最严酷的集中营内被囚禁了 9 年。获释后他全身心地投入到一份晦涩难懂的原始文件的仔细研究中。这是一篇 19 世纪的文学批判文章,是维萨里昂•别林斯基( Vissarion Belinsky )写给小说家尼古拉•果戈理(
