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环境科学与工程 | 高引SCI期刊专刊信息7条

Call4Papers  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2020-10-25 20:30




Call for Papers on Special Issue: Recent advances in the treatment of organic pollutants in synthetic and real wastewaters using photo-assisted electrochemical processes

全文截稿: 2020-11-15
影响因子: 5.108
• 大类 : 环境科学与生态学 - 2区
• 小类 : 环境科学 - 2区
网址: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/chemosphere

Applications of different photo-assisted electrochemical advanced oxidation processes (EAOPs) like anodic oxidation (or electro-oxidation) combined with light, photoelectro-Fenton, solar photoelectro-Fenton and photoelectrocatalysis will be considered. Hybrid and sequential processes involving photo-assisted electrochemical treatments will be considered as well. Photoasisted EAOPs are based in the combination of electrochemical reactions and direct irradiation for the oxidation of organics by strong oxidants as hydroxyl radical generated at the anode surface and/or in the bulk via Fenton’s reaction from H2O2generated at the cathode and added catalytic Fe2+. The exposition to UV light or sunlight in photoassisted treatments improves the organic compounds degradation. Case in point on the degradation of different industrial chemicals including dyes, pharmaceuticals, pesticides in synthetic solutions and real effluents tested in bench-scaled stirred reactors and pilot plants are welcome.

The special issue focus on wastewater treatment using combination of electrochemical and photocatalytic methods assisted with solar or UV light irradiation and application of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts and photocatalysts. It will cover the recent advances in the degradation of different organic compounds and real effluents under these different processes. We call for original research papers with high scientific quality as well as review articles covering the following topics but not limited to:

• Photoelectrochemical degradation of wastewaters containing contaminants of emerging concern;

• Photoelectrochemical treatment of organic contaminants in urban wastewaters;

• Photoelectrochemical degradation of real wastewaters discharged from pharmaceutical, dyes, pesticides, chemical, biochemical and petrochemical industries;

• Photoelectrochemical degradation of synthetic wastewaters of pharmaceuticals, dyes, pesticides and other biorecalcitrant chemicals.

• Photoelectrochemical reactors. Design and operation.


Environmental Research

Call for Papers on Special Issue: Photocatalysis Frontiers (ISFP 2020): Environmental, Energy, and Process Mechanism

全文截稿: 2021-02-28
影响因子: 5.026
• 大类 : 环境科学与生态学 - 2区
• 小类 : 环境科学 - 2区
• 小类 : 公共卫生、环境卫生与职业卫生 - 2区
网址: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/environmental-research

Rationally driving sunlight to carry out chemical reactions, for example, photochemistry and photocatalysis, has appeared as a beautiful episode within the long story of solar energy utilization by human beings. Over the past few decades, photocatalytic technology has become a research hotspot concerned by researchers and has produced rich research results in the field of environmental governance and energy. For example, in Japan, photocatalytic technology is widely used in water and atmospheric environmental governance, becoming the standard technology of the built environment. Moreover, photocatalysis technology shows great practical value in disinfection and sterilization. The photocatalysis frontier has been continuously explored by means of interdisciplinary research. Emerging understanding in the nanoscale is most likely to lead photocatalysis into the future. In this special issue, a group of leading experts plan to share their innovative ideas from the design and preparation of high-efficiency photocatalysts to the latest application and mechanism research of photocatalytic technology in the field of environment and energy.

This special issue will mainly address the following scientific issues: 1) Design and preparation of new high-efficiency photocatalysts. 2) Active site and mechanism evolution process in the photocatalytic reaction system. 3) Bottlenecks encountered in the application of photocatalytic technology in the field of energy and environment.

In this special issue, we will welcome and encourage scientific outcomes of research works related to the above-mentioned topics.


Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment

Call for paper for the special issue on Travel Satisfaction

全文截稿: 2021-03-31
影响因子: 4.051
• 大类 : 工程技术 - 2区
• 小类 : 运输科技 - 3区
网址: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/transportation-research-part-d-transport-and-environment

Subjective wellbeing (SWB), a critical indicator of social sustainability, has been increasingly used as a measure of economic development and social progress in many cities and nations. As a specific domain of SWB, travel satisfaction has recently attracted significant attention. Travel satisfaction offers a direct measurement of individuals’ mood, emotion and cognitive judgement on travel experiences, and thus captures the experienced utility of travel.

In the past decade, many studies have defined and measured travel satisfaction, and investigated its correlates such as trip characteristics (e.g., mode choice, trip duration), the built environment, and travel attitudes. Most studies rely on a unidirectional theoretical framework, where travel satisfaction serves as the dependent variable. However, feedback effects, such as the impact of travel satisfaction on travel behaviour and residential location choice, are barely examined. Additionally, the literature has little information on how people experience new forms of mobility (e.g., shared mobility and micro-mobility modes) and the extent to which vulnerable groups (e.g., older people, children, disadvantaged populations including minority groups, those with disabilities, and those with lower-incomes) are satisfied with their travel. The broad impacts of travel satisfaction on personal health, family life, social interactions, and work productivity also merit further investigation. Emerging open and real-time sensor data and new data analytical methods may provide opportunities to examine various aspects of travel satisfaction from a new perspective.

This special issue aims to bring together novel research on travel satisfaction, and encourages submissions of original research and review articles on (but not limited to) the following topics:

Travel affect and positive utility of travel

New ways of measuring travel satisfaction

New evidence on the correlates of travel satisfaction

Effects of travel satisfaction on travel behaviour, travel attitudes, residential location choice, etc.

Travel satisfaction of vulnerable and disadvantaged populations

Commute satisfaction and its spill-over effects

Satisfaction with emerging and future travel modes (ridesharing, e-bikes, etc.)

Impacts of travel satisfaction on important life domains (social interactions, family relationships, health, work performance, etc.) and life satisfaction

Travel satisfaction oriented policy for transport planning


Environmental Research

CALL FOR PAPERS for the Virtual Special Issue “New research on reduction and/or elimination of hazardous substances in the design, manufacture and application of chemical products”

全文截稿: 2021-04-30
影响因子: 5.026
• 大类 : 环境科学与生态学 - 2区
• 小类 : 环境科学 - 2区
• 小类 : 公共卫生、环境卫生与职业卫生 - 2区
网址: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/environmental-research

Green Chemistry and Sustainable Engineering are key fields of research covering from broad aspects (such as global warming or environmental pollution) to other more specific (such as CO2 conversation to green fuels, or bio-adsorption), in all cases of wide relevance, making clear the need of performing new research to provide new findings and proposals. Specifically, new research on reduction and/or elimination of hazardous substances in the design, manufacture and application of chemical products, could be highly interesting.

In view of that, the Editors of this Special Issue encourage authors to submit new quality manuscripts on the matter, focusing on key aspects that could aid in solving related environmental issues now and in the future. Specifically, the Editors encourage authors to submit full research or short communication manuscripts, in order to present their new research results, as well as critical reviews or works showing scientifically based new perspectives, with discussion and reflections on key aspects of this very interesting field of research.


Environmental Research

CALL FOR PAPERS for the Virtual Special Issue “New Research on Water, Waste and Energy Management, with Special Focus on Antibiotics and Priority Pollutants”

全文截稿: 2021-04-30
影响因子: 5.026
• 大类 : 环境科学与生态学 - 2区
• 小类 : 环境科学 - 2区
• 小类 : 公共卫生、环境卫生与职业卫生 - 2区
网址: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/environmental-research

Antibiotics in the environment have deserved high concern in recent years, while priority pollutants include potentially toxic elements usually called heavy metals and specific organic chemicals, needing continuous attention. Human health and environmental hazards related to these chemicals merit a special focus within the broad field of water, waste and energy management, to complement a wider view dedicated to the overall issues in the area.

In view of that, the editors of this Special Issue encourage authors to submit new quality manuscripts on the matter, promoting increased knowledge regarding both characterization and tentative solution of related issues. Research papers, review manuscripts, short communications, or theoretical works showing new perspectives with scientifically founded discussion, will be welcome.


Journal of Environmental Management

Special Issue on New Trends on Green Energy and Environmental Technologies, with Special Focus on Biomass Valorization, Water and Waste Recycling

全文截稿: 2021-04-30
影响因子: 4.865
• 大类 : 环境科学与生态学 - 2区
• 小类 : 环境科学 - 2区
网址: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-environmental-management
