时间: 6月22日(周四)10:00
Spins the Spin: Spin-orbit Effects with Spin Rotation Symmetry in Ferromagnetic Metals
报告人:Xin Fan,University of Denver
In this talk, we will discuss our research on the spin-orbit effects of transverse spins in ferromagnetic metals. We find that the ferromagnetic metals not only have finite spin-orbit effects, but also exhibit an unusual symmetry as if the spins are rotated by the magnetization of the ferromagnetic metals. We will discuss the implications of our finding on the fundamental understanding of the spin-orbit effects, as well as on the potential application in spin-orbit torque based magnetic memories.
Deformed space-time in loop quantum gravity
报告人:Suddhasattwa Brahma,复旦大学
In this talk, I shall discuss deformations in fundamental space-time structures appearing from non-perturbative corrections in loop quantum gravity (LQG). This gives rise to a non-Riemannian geometry for quantum space-time with 'signature-change' being the main physical effect. Additionally, phenomenological consequences of such space-times, in the form of modified dispersion relations in the flat limit, shall also be demonstrated. Finally, a brief discussion on the possible relationship between LQG and non-commutative geometry shall be initiated.
M-theory, E_{11} and Beyond
报告人:Chris Pope,Texas A&M University
It has been argued that the global E_n duality symmetry that arises when eleven-dimensional supergravity is compactified on an n-torus is actually a symmetry of the full uncompactified theory. In one of the boldest versions of this approach, it has been argued by West that there is an underlying description of eleven-dimensional supergravity, and M-theory, based on the infinite-dimensional E_{11} algebra. In this talk some recent work is described in which we study West's approach, and argue that some problems that arise in his formulation may be overcome if one enlarges the symmetry algebra even further, to the so-called Tensor Hierarchy algebra.
Measurable CP violation in charm decays
地点:Room 513, Main Building
CP violation plays an important role in interpreting the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe and searching for new physics beyond the Standard Model. So far CP violation has not been observed in the charm sector. Searching for CPV is one major goal of charm physics. We find new measurable effect of CP asymmetries in the non-leptonic charmed hadron decaying into neutral kaons in the Cabibbo-favored and doubly Cabibbo-suppressed processes. Compared to the CP asymmetries in the singly Cabibbo-suppressed processes, the advantages of this new effect include avoiding ambiguities from penguin contributions in theory, with only tree-level amplitudes available to be extracted from the data of branching fractions. Besides, such processes having larger branching fractions benefits for measurements in experiment. The values of such CP asymmetries are at the order of 10^{-3} and hence are accessible by the LHCb and Belle II experiments in the near future. Besides, the measurement and determination of time-dependent CP asymmetries at t=0 is a smoking gun of direct CP violation in charm decays and signal of new physics.
Entanglement in quantum field theories
时间: 6月22日(周四)15:30
地点:Theoretical Physics Division,319
Mutual information measures the entanglement between two disjoint regions. Using defect operator OPE and conformal block expansion,we show that the bilinear operators contribute to mutual information of two balls region universally. We check the analytic result numerically for various free boson and free fermion theories.
Gravitational Wave Astronomy with High-Frequency Gravitational Waves
报告人:Xilong Fan,LIGO@Tsinghua University
时间: 6月22日(周四)16:00
地点:KIAA-PKU Auditorium
The first directly detection of gravitational wave (GW) opens the new era of astronomy: the gravitational wave astronomy. I will briefly introduce the role of high-frequency GW signals in studies of multi-messenger joint observations, GW source population and cosmology. I will present a Bayesian approach to multi-messenger astronomy and its applications on GW-host galaxy and GW-short gamma-ray burst. The strong lensed GW-EM system as an astrophysical probe, especially on measuring the GW speed and constraining cosmology parameters, will also be discussed.
Development of Sensitive Optical Biosensing Technologies for Biomedical Applications
报告人:Jingyong Ye,the University of Texas at San Antonio
时间: 6月22日(周四)16:00
In this talk I will present two unique biosensors for both in vitro and in vivo applications. First, I will describe a photonic crystal based biosensor for label-free bioassays. As opposed to a conventional optical microcavity sensor that has a closed structure with its cavity layer sandwiched between two highly reflective surfaces, the photonic crystal sensor we developed possesses a novel open optical microcavity. The open configuration allows the sensing layer to be easily functionalized and directly exposed to analyte molecules for label-free bioassays through monitoring the change in resonant conditions of the open microcavity. A wide range of applications can be facilitated by the unique open-microcavity biosensor. In particular, two different applications will be covered in this talk. One is for label-free measurements of cardiac biomarkers- Troponin I (cTnI). The sensor is functionalized with antibodies against cTnI for sensitive detection of cTnI with a concentration as low as 0.1 ng mL-1. The other application is to use the sensor for the study of interactions between different peptides and FvTox1- a toxin produced by a soil borne pathogen that causes sudden death syndrome in soybean plants. Furthermore, I will discuss the development of a novel two-photon optical fiber fluorescence (TPOFF) probe and its applications for in vivo biosensing, such as real-time monitoring nanoparitcle-based drug delivery in a live mouse model.