专栏名称: 冯一聊科创
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冯一聊科创  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-26 09:44


原文 :上海市科委官网,20240619发

















1. 项目申报单位应当是注册在本市的法人或非法人组织,具有组织项目实施的相应能力。

2. 对于申请人在以往市级财政资金或其他机构(如科技部、国家自然科学基金等)资助项目基础上提出的新项目,应明确阐述二者的异同、继承与发展关系。

3. 所有申报单位和项目参与人应遵守科研诚信管理要求,项目负责人应承诺所提交材料真实性,申报单位应当对申请人的申请资格负责,并对申请材料的真实性和完整性进行审核,不得提交有涉密内容的项目申请。

4. 申报项目若提出回避专家申请的,须在提交项目可行性方案的同时,上传由申报单位出具公函提出回避专家名单与理由。

5. 所有申报单位和项目参与人应遵守科技伦理准则。拟开展的科技活动应进行科技伦理风险评估,涉及科技部《科技伦理审查办法(试行)》(国科发监〔2023〕167号)第二条所列范围科技活动的,应按要求进行科技伦理审查并提供相应的科技伦理审查批准材料。

6. 所有申报单位和项目参与人应遵守人类遗传资源管理相关法规和病原微生物实验室生物安全管理相关规定。

7. 每位项目申请人限报1项。



2. 面上项目网上填报起始时间为 2024年7月3日9:00 ,截止时间(含申报单位网上审核提交)为 2024年7月22日16:30 。申报单位于 2024年7月30日前 提交加盖单位公章的推荐函,推荐函模板及寄送地址见附件。











  • 申报单位推荐函模板.docx


  • 关于发布上海市2024年度“科技创新行动计划”自然科学基金项目申报指南的通知.pdf

To thoroughly implement the innovation-driven development strategy and speed up building Shanghai into a globally influential center of science, technology and innovation, the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (STCSM) hereby releases the Call for Proposals for the Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai under the 2024 Shanghai Action Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation.

I. Scope

Type 1 General Projects

Objective: To strengthen fundamental and applied fundamental research, encourage more original cutting-edge and cross-disciplinary research, upgrade the capacity for innovation, and further consolidate the foundation of Shanghai's scientific and technological development.

Duration: From October 1, 2024 to September 30, 2027.

Funding: Fixed grants with RMB200,000 for each project.


The Principal Investigator (PI) must apply through his/her employing organization. A person who has served as the PI of one or more ongoing research projects under national or municipal fiscal funding cannot apply as the PI. The host institution shall review the submitted applications to ensure that they meet the above requirements and select and endorse the most suitable ones.

Type 2 Continued Support Projects


For projects granted by the Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai that have passed comprehensive performance evaluation in 2024, those demonstrating highly original exploration, high-quality preliminary work, and promising research content will be given a continued support to facilitate original breakthroughs, based on the results of on-site panel review.

Duration: From November 1, 2024 to October 31, 2027.

Funding: Fixed grants with RMB500,000 for each project.

II. Application Requirements

Apart from the above conditions, the following requirements shall also be abided by:

1. The host institution shall be an incorporated or unincorporated body registered in Shanghai and have the capability of implementing a project.

2. For new projects proposed based on previous projects that have already received municipal fiscal funding or funding from other agencies (such as the Ministry of Science and Technology and the National Natural Science Foundation of China), the similarities, differences, and development relationships between the two shall be clearly stated.

3. All host institutions and project participants shall abide by the management requirements of research integrity. The Principal Investigator (PI) shall certify the authenticity of all submitted materials. The host institution shall be responsible for the eligibility of applicants, verify the authenticity and completeness of submitted materials, and refrain from submitting any application that contains confidential information.

4. If the applicant requests to exclude certain experts from the review panel, an official letter needs to be issued by the host institution and uploaded with the feasibility plan, indicating the list of excluded experts and the corresponding reasons for the exclusion.

5. All host institutions and project participants shall abide by the science and technology ethics. Proposed scientific and technological activities shall be subject to scientific and technological ethics risk assessment. If they fall within the scope listed in Article 2 of the Measures for Scientific and Technological Ethics Review (for Trial Implementation) issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology, ethics review shall be conducted as required together with corresponding scientific and technological ethics review approval materials.

6. All host institutions and project participants shall observe the laws and regulations on the management of human genetic resources and on the biosafety management in pathogenic microbiology laboratories.

7. Each applicant shall apply for one project only.

III. Application Method

1. Applications shall be made online. Applicants shall get access to the application system via “Shanghai Science and Technology Information Management System” (svc.stcsm.sh.gov.cn), select an appropriate subject and start application.

(Notice: Filling in English is welcome, although webpages of the application system are in Chinese, and assistance might be needed. )

2. For General Projects, the online application starts from 9:00 on July 3, 2024, and ends at 16:30 on July 22, 2024 (including review and submission by host institutions). The host institution shall submit an official letter of recommendation by July 30, 2024.

For Continued Support Projects, the application duration will be notified separately according to the results of comprehensive performance evaluation.

IV. Review

General Projects: two rounds of online peer reviews.

Continued Support Projects: single round of on-site panel review.

V. Announcement
