双语 | 习近平在中国共产党与世界政党高层对话会上的主旨讲话重要语汇摘编
1. 我们要坚守人民至上理念,突出现代化方向的人民性。
We must put the people first and ensure modernization is people-centered.
2. 我们要秉持独立自主原则,探索现代化道路的多样性。
We must uphold the principle of independence and explore diversified paths towards modernization.
3. 我们要树立守正创新意识,保持现代化进程的持续性。
We must uphold fundamental principles and break new ground and ensure the continuity of the modernization process.
4. 我们要弘扬立己达人精神,增强现代化成果的普惠性。
We must help others to succeed while seeking our own success and ensure all can enjoy the outcomes of modernization.
5. 我们要保持奋发有为姿态,确保现代化领导的坚定性。
We must forge ahead with enterprise and ensure firm leadership over modernization.
6. 中国共产党将致力于推动高质量发展,促进全球发展繁荣。
The CPC will continue to pursue high-quality development and promote global growth and prosperity.
7. 中国共产党将致力于维护国际公平正义,促进世界和平稳定。
The CPC will continue to safeguard international fairness and justice and promote world peace and stability.
8. 中国共产党将致力于推动文明交流互鉴,促进人类文明进步。
The CPC will continue to promote inter-civilization exchanges and mutual learning and advance the progress of human civilizations.
9. “一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。”在各国前途命运紧密相连的今天,不同文明包容共存、交流互鉴,在推动人类社会现代化进程、繁荣世界文明百花园中具有不可替代的作用。在此,我愿提出全球文明倡议。
A single flower does not make spring, while one hundred flowers in full blossom bring spring to the garden. As the future of all countries are closely connected, tolerance, coexistence, exchanges and mutual learning among different civilizations play an irreplaceable role in advancing humanity’s modernization process and making the garden of world civilizations flourish. Here, I wish to propose the Global Civilization Initiative.
10. 我们要共同倡导尊重世界文明多样性,坚持文明平等、互鉴、对话、包容,以文明交流超越文明隔阂、文明互鉴超越文明冲突、文明包容超越文明优越。
We advocate the respect for the diversity of civilizations. Countries need to uphold the principles of equality, mutual learning, dialogue and inclusiveness among civilizations, and let cultural exchanges transcend estrangement, mutual learning transcend clashes, and coexistence transcend feelings of superiority.
11. 我们要共同倡导弘扬全人类共同价值,和平、发展、公平、正义、民主、自由是各国人民的共同追求,要以宽广胸怀理解不同文明对价值内涵的认识,不将自己的价值观和模式强加于人,不搞意识形态对抗。
We advocate the common values of humanity. Peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom are the common aspirations of all peoples. Countries need to keep an open mind in appreciating the perceptions of values by different civilizations, and refrain from imposing their own values or models on others and from stoking ideological confrontation.
12. 我们要共同倡导重视文明传承和创新,充分挖掘各国历史文化的时代价值,推动各国优秀传统文化在现代化进程中实现创造性转化、创新性发展。
We advocate the importance of inheritance and innovation of civilizations. Countries need to fully harness the relevance of their histories and cultures to the present times, and push for creative transformation and innovative development of their fine traditional cultures.
13. 我们要共同倡导加强国际人文交流合作,探讨构建全球文明对话合作网络,丰富交流内容,拓展合作渠道,促进各国人民相知相亲,共同推动人类文明发展进步。
We advocate robust international people-to-people exchanges and cooperation. Countries need to explore the building of a global network for inter-civilization dialogue and cooperation, enrich the contents of exchanges and expand avenues of cooperation to promote mutual understanding and friendship among people of all countries and jointly advance the progress of human civilizations.
推荐 | 肖桐、朱靖波著