专栏名称: EHSCity
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美国注安培训 8月10~12日 都江堰

EHSCity  · 公众号  · 社会安全  · 2017-07-17 09:56


Certified Safety Professionals (CSP) are persons who perform at least  50% of professional level safety duties, including making worksite  assessments to determine risks, assessing potential hazards and  controls, evaluating risks and hazard control measures, investigating  incidents, maintaining and evaluating incident and loss records, and  preparing emergency response plans. Other duties could include hazard  recognition, fire protection, regulatory compliance, health hazard  control, ergonomics, hazardous materials management, environmental  protection, training, accident and incident, investigations, advising  management, record keeping, emergency response, managing safety  programs, product safety and/or security.

CSP Candidates:

  • Will have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in any field or an associate in safety, health, or the environment.

    • The associate degree must include at least four  courses with at least 12 semester hours/18 quarter hours of study in the  safety, health, or environmental domains covered in the CSP examination  blueprint.

  • Will have 4 years of safety experience where safety is at least  50%, preventative, professional level with breadth and depth of safety  duties.

  • Will have a BCSP-Approved Credential:

    • Associate Safety Professional (ASP)

    • Graduate Safety Practitioner (GSP)

    • Certified Industrial Hygienist® (CIH®)

    • Chartered Member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (CMIOSH)*

    • Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP)*

    • Professional Member of the Singapore Institution of Safety Officers (SISO)*

    • Member in the Institute of Safety Professionals of Nigeria (MISPN)*

    • NEBOSH National or International Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety*

    • Diploma/Certificate in Industrial Safety, as issued by  the State Government Departments/Boards of Technical Education,  Government of India*

  • Must pass the CSP examination.

*Must meet all eligibility requirements when pursuing CSP

  • 第一天 8/9

14:00—18:30 报到

  • 第二天 8/10

8:30—9:00 会场和培训介绍

9:00—10:00 CSP 基础理论:


10:00—10:20 茶歇

10:20—11:50 CSP 基础理论:

法律法规 和标准要求

11:50—14:00 午餐+午休

14:00—15:30 风险识别

15:30—15:50 茶歇

15:50—17:20 风险识别以及


  • 第三天 8/11

8:30—10:00 风险控制

10:00—10:20 茶歇

10:20—11:50 人为因素管理

11:50—14:00 午餐+午休

14:00—15:30 职业健康和


15:30—15:50 茶歇

15:50—17:20 CSP 考试资格


  • 第四天 8/12

8:30—10:00 CSP 相关计算


10:00—10:20 茶歇

10:20—11:50 CSP 相关计算

