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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-02-05 13:26


本周黑海方坯出口市场进一步走软。这是对贸易商做出一系列多头平仓努力的回应,随后土耳其废钢进口价格在一天内下跌约 10 美元/吨。

The Black Sea billet export market hassoftened more this week. This is in reaction to a number of long-positionliquidation efforts by traders, followed by a drop in Turkish scrap importprices of around $10/tonne in one day.

周二,来自贸易商的现货价格为 380-385 美元/吨 fob 黑海,但地中海地区的需求仍非常有限。由于来自菲律宾和印尼的询盘,亚洲市场目前正受到更多关注。

Spot cargoes from traders were available at$380-385/tonne fob Black Sea on Tuesday, but demand in the Mediterraneanremained very limited. Asia is drawing more focus at the moment, with enquiriesfrom the Philippines and Indonesia.

一些参与者注意到投机情绪,该地区的买家试图抓住市场方向,并借此获利。 这是一项徒劳的任务,因为没人知道疫情的影响会持续多久,而银行也不打算等待贸易商整理他们的未平仓头寸并要求清算, 一位贸易商在谈到当前形势时表示。

Some participants note a somewhatspeculative mood, as buyers in that region try to catch the direction of themarket, and play it to their advantage. A futile task, because no one has any idea how long the effects ofthe virus will be at play, while banks have no intention of waiting for tradersto sort out their open positions and demand liquidation,” one trader says ofthe situation.

两宗来自白俄罗斯的现货在菲律宾报价为 425-428 美元/吨 cfr 马尼拉, 2 月份装船。一宗乌克兰的高锰船货报价为 430 美元 / cfr ,随时可装船。由于贸易商争相平仓,少数贸易商的货物报价为 380-385 美元/吨 fob ,与东南亚的 cfr 价格一致。钢厂对 3 月生产、 3 月底装船产品的意向报价为 385-395 美元 / fob ,但市场上意向寥寥,原因是终端用户进入观望模式。

TwoBelarussian-origin spot cargoes were heard offeredin Philippines at $425-428/t cfr Manilla, for February loading. One Ukrainiancargo of high-manganese material was offered at $430/t cfr with immediatereadiness. Few traders' cargoes were offered at $380-385/t fob, in line withcfr prices in Southeast Asia, as traders were scrambling to liquidatepositions. Mills offer indications reached $385-395/tfob for March-casting and late March-loading material, but drew little interestin the market, as end-users went into observation mode.

随着废钢价格下跌,土耳其方坯以 380 美元/吨 fob 销往东南亚,但截至 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)发稿时,该交易尚未得到确认。一些市场观察人士对该交易表示怀疑,因为东南亚买家的看跌情绪有所加剧。消息人士补充说,未来几天,预计市场上将有越来越多的现货寻找买家,这将使常规业务暂停,直到结清头寸。

With scrap coming down, Turkish billet washeard sold to Southeast Asia at $380/t fob, but the sale could not be confirmedbefore Kallanish went to press. Several market observers cast doubt on thesale, as Southeast Asian buyers have become more bearish. In the next few days,the market is expected to see an increasing volume of spot cargoes looking forbuyers, which will put regular business on hold, until positions are cleared,sources add.



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