专栏名称: 独霸上海的妖怪
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北京晚报  ·  王楚钦、王曼昱,双双首次夺冠! ·  昨天  
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独霸上海的妖怪  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-09-04 19:00



上周我们讲解了Teens and Screens的前三段 经济学人:电子信息化前青少年的正负选择|外刊精读 了解了反方观点“智能手机和社交媒体导致了青少年问题”的表面合理性。今天我们继续学习后面段落,看看作者对此现象的观点是什么。



stampede , mind-warping , property , school run,well-behaved , phone-basher , a poor solution to sth , tactic (for sth) , go for , research into / on sth , risk factors for sth , on the available evidence

如果依然有不熟悉的单词,回头再多复习几遍 经济学人:电子信息化前青少年的正负选择|外刊精读 。再强调一下,学习是一个遗忘的过程,需要我们重复重复再重复,才能烂熟于心。



A generation’s mood

Teens and screens

Some studies of Britain and America, which conduct large surveys of young people, have found correlations between heavytechnology use and unhappiness. Correlation is not causation, however: it could be that unhappy people seek refugeonline. And the correlations are very weak. Only about 1% of the variability in young people’s mental wellbeing can be explained by social-media or smartphone use. One British study suggests that eating breakfast regularly is more than three times as important.

Perhaps technology has messed up all young people, even those who abstain from it. Maybe it makes everyone feel left out, or thwartsall intimate connections: if your friend is always looking at her phone, it may notmatter much whether you are. But if the effects are so amorphous it is hard to know what to do. Should parents gang up on teenagers as a group and enforce a universal crackdown? Should they deal with the inevitable charge of unfairness by applyingthe same restrictions to themselves? Good luck with that.

Parents who worry about their teenage offspring (which is to say, all parents) can do something, however. Prod them out of the house, and worry a bit less about what they get up to. There is plenty of evidence for the cheeringeffects of hanging out with friends. Yet youngsters are doing less of this. Over-protective parents are probably one reason.

Social pressure is another. It is revealing of broader attitudes that, in Britain, “teenagers hanging out on the streets” is a standard measure of anti-social behaviour. The authoritative Crime Survey of England and Wales asks people whether it is a problem where they live, alongsidethings such as drug dealingand burnt-out cars. That the rate of adolescent hanging-out has dropped from 33% to 16% in ten years may please criminologists, but is unlikely to signal happier teenagers.

Put them to work

A last cause of teenage angst could be the economy andthe job market. The great recessionhit young people harder than others. Some teenagers believe they face crushing competition, not only from their peers but from foreigners and robots. All the more reasonfor governments to work on improving schools and to get rid of job protection for older workers. Teenagers, for their part, could probably handle a bit more work. Even though homework is associated with higher test scores, it declined by an hour a week across the OECD between 2003 and 2012, from six hours to five. Some put in that much time on their phones in a single day.


A generation’s mood 一代人的精神状态

Teens and screens 少年与屏幕


Some studies of Britain and America, which conduct large surveys of young people, have found correlations between heavy technology use and unhappiness. Correlation is not causation , however: it could be that unhappy people seek refuge online. And the correlations are very weak. Only about 1% of the variability in young people’s mental wellbeing can be explained by social-media or smartphone use. One British study suggests that eating breakfast regularly is more than three times as important.

  • conduct [kənˈdʌkt] v. to organize and / or do a particular activity 组织;安排;实施;执行 ◇to conduct an experiment / an inquiry / a survey 进行实验 / 询问 / 调查

  • correlation [ˌkɒrəˈleɪʃən] n. ~ (between A and B) | ~ (of A with B) a connection between two things in which one thing changes as the other does 相互关系;相关;关联 ◇There is a direct correlation between exposure to sun and skin cancer. 暴露在太阳下与皮肤癌直接相关。 correlate v.

  • causation n.[U](formal) 1. the action of causing something to happen or exist 起因,原因,诱因 2. causality 因果关系,因果性

  • heavy 除了可以形容重量,还可以用来修饰数量 / 程度 / 严重性 ,表示“很多的,大量的;非常;严重的” (great in amount, degree, or severity) 比如 ◇heavy defeat 惨败 ◇heavy cold 重感冒 ◇heavy smoker 烟瘾大的人,而文中的 heavy use 表示“大量使用”。 [小词活用]

  • seek refuge 寻求逃避

  • refuge [ˈrefjuːdʒ] n. shelter or protection from someone or something 避难 ; 庇护 take / seek refuge (in sth) ◇They were forced to seek refuge from the fighting. 他们被迫寻求庇护,以躲避战争。

  • variability [ˌveəriəˈbɪlɪti] n. the fact of sth being likely to vary 可变性;易变性;反覆不定 ◇climatic variability 气候的多变性 ◇a degree of variability in the exchange rate 汇率的变化幅度

  • mental wellbeing 心理健康 physical and emotional well-being 身心健康

  • A can be explained by B A 可以被 B 解释,也就是 B 可以解释 A ,我们可以将之提炼为一个表示原因的句型,意为“ A 是因为 B ”,比如 Some extreme weather events can be explained by natural changes. 一些极端天气情况是由气候变化造成的。 [写作推荐]

  • [同义替换] social-media or smartphone use 即前面提到的 technology use

英美一些针对年轻人的大规模调查发现,重度使用科技产品与郁郁寡欢之间存在关联。然而,相关性不等于因果关系:也可能是不快乐的人在网上寻求逃避。而且这一关联性很微弱。使用社交媒体或手机只能解释年轻人约 1% 的心理健康变化。英国一项研究表明,按时吃早餐与心理健康的关 联性要高出两倍以上。


Perhaps technology has messed up all young people, even those who abstain from it. Maybe it makes everyone feel left out , or thwarts all intimate connections: if your friend is always looking at her phone, it may not matter much whether you are. But if the effects are so amorphous it is hard to know what to do. Should parents gang up on teenagers as a group and enforce a universal crackdown ? Should they deal with the inevitable charge of unfairness by applying the same restrictions to themselves? Good luck with that.

  • matter v. ~ (to sb) to be important or have an important effect on sb / sth 有关系 ; 要紧;有影响 ◇It doesn't matter what you wear, as long as you look neat and tidy. 穿什么无所谓,只要看上去干净整洁就行。 [复习]

  • mess up

    1. mess sth up to spoil or ruin something, especially something important or something that has been carefully planned 弄糟,毁掉〔尤指重要物品或精心策划的事情〕 ◇I've really messed up this time. 这次我真的把事情给弄糟了。 ◇If you cancel now you'll mess up all my arrangements. 如果你现在取消,就会破坏我所有的安排。

    2. mess sb up (informal) to cause sb to have serious emotional or mental problems 使心情恶劣;使精神崩溃

  • abstain from sth [æbˈsteɪn] If you abstain from something, usually something you want to do, you deliberately do not do it. 戒绝;抑制 ◇Abstain from sex or use condoms. 禁绝性事或使用安全套。 abstain refrain 意思相仿,后面也都接 from ,但语气略有不同。 abstain 语气比 refrain 重些,有“故意避免”的意思,往往指习惯的行动,如 abstain from tobacco 有“绝不抽烟”的意思。 refrain 有“欲发而止”的意思,往往指一时的行动,如 refrain from laughter 有“欲笑而不笑”的意思。 [同义词辨析]

  • be / feel left out to feel that you are not accepted or welcome in a situation 被忽视(冷落) / 觉得被忽视(冷落) ◇New fathers often feel left out when baby arrives. 有了小宝宝以后,初为人父者往往有一种被冷落的感觉。

  • thwart [ θ wɔːt] v. (often passive) ~ sth | ~ sb (in sth) to prevent sb from doing what they want to do 阻止;阻挠;对…构成阻力 =frustrate ◇to thwart sb's plans 阻挠某人的计划 ◇She was thwarted in her attempt to take control of the party. 她控制这个政党的企图受阻了。

  • intimate adj. 1. having an extremely close friendship 亲密的 ; 密切的 ◇an intimate friend of Picasso's 毕加索的一个密友 ◇an intimate relationship 亲密的关系 2 . Private and friendly so that you feel comfortable 幽静舒适的,温馨的 ◇the intimate atmosphere of a country pub 乡村酒吧亲切宜人的气氛 ◇an intimate meal for two 温馨的两人餐

  • amorphous [əˈmɔːfəs] adj. (formal)having no definite shape, form or structure 无固定形状的;不规则的;无组织的 ◇an amorphous mass of cells with no identity at all 不知何物的杂乱一团的细胞

  • gang up (on / against sb) (informal) to join together in a group to hurt, frighten or oppose sb 结伙,联合起来,拉帮结派(伤害、恐吓或反对某人) ◇At school the older boys ganged up on him and called him names. 在学校读书时那些大男孩联合起来欺负他,辱骂他。

  • enforce [ɪnˈfɔːs] v. to make people obey a rule or law 执行,实施 enforce a law / ban etc ◇Governments make laws and the police enforce them . 政府制定法律,警察负责执行。

  • crackdown [ˈkrækdaʊn] n. ~ (on sb / sth) severe action taken to restrict the activities of criminals or of people opposed to the government or sb in authority 严厉的打击;镇压 ◇a military crackdown on student protesters 对抗议的学生实行的军事镇压 ◇a crackdown on crime 对犯罪的严厉打击 => crack down

  • inevitable adj. that you cannot avoid or prevent 不可避免的;不能防止的 =unavoidable ◇It was an inevitable consequence of the decision. 那是这个决定的必然后果。

  • charge n.1. an official claim made by the police that sb has committed a crime 指控;控告 ◇After being questioned by the police, she was released without charge. 她被警察传讯后无罪释放。 2. [C] a statement accusing sb of doing sth wrong or bad 指责;谴责 = allegation ◇She rejected the charge that the story was untrue. 她否认了说她编造事实的指责。

  • apply sth to sth 应用于;把(能力等)用于 ◇His project is concerned with applying the technology to practical business problems. 他的项目是将这项技术应用于实际的商务问题。

  • good luck with sth 愿某人做某事好运,也就是“祝某人做某事顺利、成功”的意思,常常带有讽刺意味,本文也是如此。

  • 注意这里后面跟 sth 用的介词是 with ,如果后面跟人,介词就要用 to ,即 good luck to sb 祝某人好运

科技或许已经影响到了所有年轻人的精神健康,连那些并未沉溺其中的人也未能幸免。它也许让所有人都感到被冷落,或者说妨碍 了所有的亲密关系:如果你的朋友总是在看手机,那么你自己看不看手机结果都一样。但这种影响如此难以捉摸,令人们无所适从。父母们是否该联起手来,全面逼迫青少年减少使用科技产品?他们是不是应该在这方面以身作则,以免被指责不公平?祝他们能做到吧。


Parents who worry about their teenage offspring (which is to say, all parents) can do something, however. Prod them out of the house, and worry a bit less about what they get up to . There is plenty of evidence for the cheering effects of hanging out with friends. Yet youngsters are doing less of this. Over-protective parents are probably one reason.

  • prod [prɒd] 本义是“戳、捅”,引申为“催促;督促;鼓动”的意思 (to try to make sb do sth, especially when they are unwilling) 比如 ◇She finally prodded him into action. 她终于鼓动他行动起来。

  • get up to sth to do something, especially something slightly bad 干〔尤指不妥的事情〕 ◇Go upstairs and see what the kids are getting up to. 上楼去看看孩子们在捣什么鬼。

  • There is plenty of evidence for sth. / There is plenty of evidence that … 有充分证据表明 我们在写自己支持的观点时就可以用这一句式,比如我们想表明自己的观点——压力会造成疾病,可以说 ◇There is plenty of evidence that stress is partly responsible for disease. 如果要进一步论述,后面还可以加一些具体的例子的。如果我们反对某一观点,便可以说 There is little evidence to suggest/show that… 没有证据表明 比如“没有证据表明音乐能让小孩更聪明”: There is little evidence to suggest that music can make children more intelligent/smarter. [写作推荐]

  • cheering [ˈtʃɪərɪŋ] adj. describes something that encourages you and makes you feel happier 令人欢欣鼓舞的;鼓舞人心的 ◇cheering news 鼓舞人心的消息 => cheer v. 要注意 cheering cheerful 的区别, cheerful 表示“高兴的,兴高采烈的”,比如 ◇a cheerful, hard-working employee 快快乐乐勤奋工作的雇员, cheering 的意思是“激励人的,鼓舞人的” ◇a few cheering words 是“用来鼓舞人心的几句话”。

  • hang out (informal) to spend a lot of time in a particular place or with particular people 泡在某处;与…经常在一起 ◇I don't really know who she hangs out with. 我真不知道她平时都和一些什么人混在一起。



Social pressure is another. It is revealing of broader attitudes that, in Britain, “teenagers hanging out on the streets” is a standard measure of anti-social behaviour . The authoritative Crime Survey of England and Wales asks people whether it is a problem where they live, alongside things such as drug dealing and burnt-out cars. That the rate of adolescent hanging-out has dropped from 33% to 16% in ten years may please criminologists , but is unlikely to signal happier teenagers.

  • 小词 another 起到了衔接上下两段的作用。大家在阅读时要多留意学习外刊是如何进行段与段的过渡和衔接的。 another 就是一个简单好用的小词,可以增加文章的连贯性和衔接性 (coherence and cohesion) ,比如在分析原因时,我们模仿本文的写法: A big reason for sth is … Another reason is that… A last cause of sth could be… 同理,在提出建议时,我们可以说: An obvious answer (to sth) would be to do sth. Another approach is to do sth. Sth can also help sb to do sth. 这种写法比我们一贯使用的 First, second, third 要灵活地道许多。 [写作推荐]

  • be revealing of/about sth 揭示;体现 比如 Little things are often revealing of one's character.

  • broad attitudes 普遍态度 broad support 广泛支持

  • measure [ˈmeʒər] n. be a measure of sth (formal) be a sign of the importance, strength etc of something, or a way of testing or judging something 是某事物的体现 ; 是对某事物的评判标准 ◇Exam results are not necessarily a true measure of a student's abilities. 考试成绩并不一定是学生能力真正的衡量标准。 [熟词僻义]

  • anti-social behaviour 反社会行为 anti- 这个前缀可以表示“反,反对” ◇antinuclear 反对使用核武器(核能)的 ◇anti-American 反美的,还能表示 “防(止)” ◇antifreeze 防冻剂 ◇antiseptic 抗菌剂,防腐剂

  • alongside sth used to say that people or things do something or exist together at the same time (与 )一起 ; (与 )同时 Charles spent a week working alongside the miners. 查尔斯花了一周时间与矿工一起干活。 (注意 alongside 是介词)

  • drug dealing 毒品交易

  • please v. to make sb happy 使满意;使愉快 ◇You can't please everybody. 你无法让每个人都满意。 ◇He's a difficult man to please . 他是个难以取悦的人。 [熟词僻义]

  • criminologists 犯罪学家 crime -ologist 合成而来,后者作为后缀表示“ ... 学家”, ◇sociologist 社会学家 ◇geologist 地理学家
