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VOA英语听力  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-06-27 21:31


Hey guys,


This is Flora. Today I'm not gonna share skills in foreign trade, instead,  I'm gonna talk about the accent when people speak English. I hope it doesn't bother you.

我是Flora. 今天我不打算分享外贸的技巧,而是谈谈英语的口音问题,希望小伙伴们不要介意哈。

When I'm speaking English to my customers, they can always recognize my American accent immediately. They asked if I had studied in America. I told them that I have been to many countries but I've never been to America so far. They were surprised. I told them that I learnt English in China. They doubted it.


Apparently,  the most people they met in China could only speak English with Chinese accent. I asked them if it's really important to have good English accent in doing foreign trade business. You know what, they actually didn't think so.


If you have beautiful American accent or British accent, it will be amazing cuz you have another skill to make a good impression to your customers. While, it doesn't mean that you must speak like American or the British. A little Chinese accent is absolutely no problem for doing foreign trade. You don't have to get rid of it unless you have strong desire and interests to possess American or British accent.

如果你能发出漂亮的美式口音或英式口音,那真的很棒,因为你拥有了一项给客户留下良好印象的技能。然而,这并不意味着你必须说一口纯正的美式或英式口音。 有点儿中式口音对于做外贸来说是绝对没有问题的。 除非你有很强的愿望和兴趣来掌握纯正的美式或英式发音,否则你没有必要刻意的摆脱自己的中式口音。

I met customers from Russia, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Korea, Africa and so on. You know what?A majority of them have their native accent. Even different customers from America and UK have different accents !


So if you're worried about your accent, I'll tell you that this is the last thing you should worry. You'd better worry about whether you could understand the different accents from your different customers.


Although your Chinese accent might not be a big problem, you still have to improve your pronunciation to the level to be understood without second thought.

尽管你的中式口音不会成为一个大问题, 但你仍需提高英语发音水平直到客户能不假思索的听懂你所说的话。

Most importantly, you must learn how to read numbers precisely. Numbers are very important when you discuss about the price, quantity and sales volume with your customers. Wrong expression of numbers might cause a disaster to your company. You should be extremely careful when it comes to numbers.


Please leave me a message about how you read the following numbers in English.




I will let you know how to read it correctly tomorrow. So much for today,  thank you very much for your time, bye.



When I say Chinese accent is not a very big problem for doing foreign trade, I don't mean that you can ignore the grammar of English. You might have some accent, but please make sure the grammar you are using is correct . And if you have time, improving your pronunciation to be as decent as you can is a good choice. But if you don't have enough time to get rid of your accent,  you don't have to be worried about it.


当我说中国口音不是一个大问题时, 我并不是叫您忽略英文中的语法 ,您可能会有一些口音问题,但是 请确保您使用的语法是正确的 。另外,如果您有时间,尽可能让您的发音越地道越好,这对你来说是个不错的选择。如果没有大量的时间投入到矫正中式口音时,也不需要过度担心。

