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中国物理学会期刊网  · 公众号  · 物理  · 2017-05-02 09:37


1Optimization from Quantum Physics 


时间: 5月4日(周四)10:00



Optimization has been ubiquitous in describing various models in Quantum Physics, for example, electronic structure calculation,many-electron quantum mechanics, Bose-Einstein condensates and etc. It is interesting to see that linear and nonlinear eigenvalue optimization, semi-definite programming and optimization with orthogonality constraints as well many other important fields in optimization play more and more important roles in quantum physics. This talk will present a few recent advance on the interplay between these two fields.  

2Holography for Boundary Conformal Field Theory 

报告人:朱創新,National Tsing Hua University



地点:Conference Hall 322

Conformal field theory (CFT) and boundary conformal field theory (BCFT) are crucial to the description of critical phenomena and quantum phase transition in many-body condensed matter system and quantum field theory. (B)CFT are also fundamental building blocks in string theory. In this talk, I will discuss an extension of the AdS/CFT correspondence to BCFT. Applications to Weyl anomaly, entanglement entropy of BCFT will be discussed. Comparsion with other concurrent proposal will be scrutinized.

3Liquid crystalline photonic crystals for femtoseconds laser pulse modulations

报告人:Iam Choon Khoo,Pennsylvania State University




Liquid crystals possess extremely large optical nonlinearities that can be used in conjunction with various nano-structures and lasers ranging from the femtoseconds to CW operations, due to their extraordinarily large individual (organic) molecular nonlinearities that response in the sub-picoseconds time scale and collective crystalline optical nonlinearities that response in milliseconds –nanoseconds. This presentation is focused on recently obtained results of femto-seconds pulse compression/stretching/recompression, as well as slow light generation with cholesteric liquid crystals (CLC). We will discuss the underlying theory and recent corroborating experimental observations of these ultrafast phenomena. Since CLC can be fabricated to yield photonic bandgap and band-edge wavelength location throughout the visible to near IR regime, the aforementioned processes can be realized with any laser wavelength in this broad spectral range.



时间: 5月5日(周五)15:00



5Black Holes and Gravitational Waves

报告人:Anthony Lasenby,Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge

时间: 5月5日(周五)16:00


地点:KIAA-PKU Auditorium

Black hole coalescences are a major source of gravitational waves in the universe. The current status of observations of these will be briefly reviewed, and we then turn to the gravitational waves themselves. The advantages of a particular gauge choice for representing the waves will be argued for, and used to demonstrate some astrophysical consequences relevant to the nearby environment of coalescing black holes, and other sources  of gravitational radiation. A link will also be made to a form of gravitational wave 'memory'.



1. 时间的方向 || Stephen W. Hawking

2. Majorana费米子与拓扑量子计算(上)

3. 萨哈罗夫、戈尔巴乔夫与削减核武器

4.  颠覆认知!看完这些图,你的世界观还好吗?

5.  单元素二维原子晶体材料研究进展

6.  数学是什么?

7.  物理学咬文嚼字之八十四:Energy

8.  超导“小时代”之十七:朽木亦可雕

9.  超冷原子实验验证量子相变的时空对称性

10. 漫谈经济物理学



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