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唧唧堂:Management Science 管理科学2020年8月论文摘要27篇

唧唧堂  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-11-18 23:56


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解析作者 | 唧唧堂管理学研究小组:Y XY
审校 | 唧唧堂管理学研究小组: Eric J
推送编辑 | 悠悠

1. 压力如何影响跨性别的绩效和竞争力

许多重要的职业事件(例如考试和面试)都包含竞争和压力因素,因此,针对这些因素的性别差异可能有助于解释劳动力市场的性别差距。在实验室实验中,本文使用“特里尔社交压力测试”(Trier Social Stress Test)测量了心理社交压力,并通过测量唾液皮质醇水平和心率来确认这是有效的。受试者在竞争和计件工资的激励下执行真实的任务,本文激发了竞争的意愿。本文发现,在受到比赛奖励的补偿后,处于紧张状态的女性的表现要比对照组的女性差,而在计件奖励下则没有差异。对于男性,压力不会影响竞争或计件工资下的工作量。竞争意愿中的性别差距不受压力的影响,但压力会降低总体竞争力,这与女性的表现有关。本文的结果可以解释竞争条件下绩效的性别差异,这对公司的雇用实践和激励结构具有影响。

Because many key career events, such as examinations and interviews, involve competition and stress, gender differences in response to these factors could help to explain the labor market gender gap. In a laboratory experiment, we manipulate psychosocial stress using the Trier Social Stress Test and confirm that this is effective by measuring salivary cortisol level and heart rate. Subjects perform in a real-effort task under both tournament and piece-rate incentives, and we elicit willingness to compete. We find that women under heightened stress perform worse than women in the control group when compensated with tournament incentives, whereas there is no treatment difference under piece-rate incentives. For men, stress does not affect output under competition or under piece rate. The gender gap in willingness to compete is not affected by stress, but stress decreases competitiveness overall, which is related to performance for women. Our results could explain gender differences in performance under competition, with implications for hiring practices and incentive structures in firms.

参考文献:Cahlíková, J., Cingl, L., & Levely, I. (2020). How stress affects performance and competitiveness across gender. Management Science, 66(8), 3295-3310.

2. 通过自愿与强制向投资者披露来管理供应商的社会和环境影响


A buying firm might in the future incur costs associated with a supplier’s carbon dioxide emissions, safety violations, or other social or environmental impacts. Learning about a supplier’s impacts requires costly effort, but it is necessary (and sometimes sufficient) to reduce those impacts. The capital market valuation of a buying firm reflects investors’ estimate of future costs associated with a supplier’s impacts, as well as any costs that the buying firm incurs in order to learn about and reduce a supplier’s impacts. This paper analyzes a game theoretic model in which a manager—with the objective of maximizing the capital market valuation of the buying firm—decides whether to learn about a supplier’s impacts, how much cost to incur to reduce the supplier’s impacts, and whether to disclose the supplier’s impacts to investors. The investors have rational expectations (e.g., that a manager might withhold bad news about the supplier’s impacts) and value the buying firm accordingly. The paper considers a mandate to disclose information learned about a supplier’s impacts. The paper shows that the disclosure mandate deters learning and thus, under plausible conditions, results in higher expected impacts. The disclosure mandate can result in lower expected impacts only if buying firms face moderately high future costs associated with suppliers’ impacts. In contrast, a disclosure mandate always increases a buying firm’s expected discounted profit and capital market valuation. A disclosure mandate can induce cooperation among buying firms with a shared supplier, yet result in higher expected impacts by the supplier. When a buying firm has alternative suppliers, the disclosure mandate favors commitment to a supplier to facilitate learning about that supplier’s impacts (instead of searching for a lower-impact supplier).

参考文献:Kalkanci, B., & Plambeck, E. L. (2020). Managing Supplier Social and Environmental Impacts with Voluntary Versus Mandatory Disclosure to Investors. Management Science.

3. 使用RSOME轻松进行强大的随机优化


We present a new distributionally robust optimization model called robust stochastic optimization (RSO), which unifies both scenario-tree-based stochastic linear optimization and distributionally robust optimization in a practicable framework that can be solved using the state-of-the-art commercial optimization solvers. We also develop a new algebraic modeling package, Robust Stochastic Optimization Made Easy (RSOME), to facilitate the implementation of RSO models. The model of uncertainty incorporates both discrete and continuous random variables, typically assumed in scenario-tree-based stochastic linear optimization and distributionally robust optimization, respectively. To address the nonanticipativity of recourse decisions, we introduce the event-wise recourse adaptations, which integrate the scenario-tree adaptation originating from stochastic linear optimization and the affine adaptation popularized in distributionally robust optimization. Our proposed event-wise ambiguity set is rich enough to capture traditional statistic-based ambiguity sets with convex generalized moments, mixture distribution, φ-divergence, Wasserstein (Kantorovich-Rubinstein) metric, and also inspire machine-learning-based ones using techniques such as K-means clustering and classification and regression trees. Several interesting RSO models, including optimizing over the Hurwicz criterion and two-stage problems over Wasserstein ambiguity sets, are provided.

参考文献:Chen, Z., Sim, M., & Xiong, P. (2020). Robust stochastic optimization made easy with rsome. Management Science.

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4. 差旅费用如何影响合作?


We develop a simple theoretical framework for thinking about how geographic frictions, and in particular travel costs, shape scientists’ collaboration decisions and the types of projects that are developed locally versus over distance. We then take advantage of a quasi-experiment—the introduction of new routes by a low-cost airline—to test the predictions of the theory. Results show that travel costs constitute an important friction to collaboration: after a low-cost airline enters, the number of collaborations increases between 0.3 and 1.1 times, a result that is robust to multiple falsification tests and causal in nature. The reduction in geographic frictions is particularly beneficial for high-quality scientists that are otherwise embedded in worse local environments. Consistent with the theory, lower travel costs also endogenously change the types of projects scientists engage in at different levels of distance. After the shock, we observe an increase in higher-quality and novel projects, as well as projects that take advantage of complementary knowledge and skills between subfields, and that rely on specialized equipment. We test the generalizability of our findings from chemistry to a broader data set of scientific publications and to a different field where specialized equipment is less likely to be relevant, mathematics. Last, we discuss implications for the formation of collaborative research and development teams over distance.

参考文献:Catalini, C., Fons-Rosen, C., & Gaulé, P. (2020). How Do Travel Costs Shape Collaboration?. Management Science.

5. 董事网络是否对财务报告质量很重要?审计委员会关联性和再声明的证据


This study examines the effect of audit committee connectedness through director networks on financial reporting quality, specifically the misstatement of annual financial statements. Using network analysis, we examine multiple dimensions of connectedness and find that after controlling for operating performance and corporate governance characteristics, firms with well-connected audit committees are less likely to misstate annual financial statements. In addition, our study demonstrates that audit committee connectedness through director networks moderates the negative effect of board interlocks to misstating firms on financial reporting quality. We conduct several tests to address identification concerns and find similar results. Our findings suggest that firms with better-connected audit committees are less likely to adopt reporting practices that reduce financial reporting quality.

参考文献:Omer, T. C., Shelley, M. K., & Tice, F. M. (2020). Do director networks matter for financial reporting quality? Evidence from audit committee connectedness and restatements. Management Science, 66(8), 3361-3388.

6. 普通审计市场的监管溢出效应


We find that Sarbanes–Oxley (SOX) had two significant effects on the audit market for nonpublic entities. The first short-run effect stems from inelastic labor supply coupled with an audit demand shock from public companies. As a result, private companies reduced their use of attested financial reports in bank financing by 12%, and audit fee increases for nonprofit organizations (NPOs) more than doubled. The second long-run effect was a transformation in the audit supply structure. After SOX, NPOs were less likely to match with auditors most exposed to public companies, whereas auditors increasingly specialized their offices based on client type. Audit market concentration for NPOs dropped by more than one-half within five years of SOX and remained at this level through the end of our sample in 2013, whereas the number of suppliers increased by 26%. Our results demonstrate how regulation directed at public companies generates economically important spillovers for nonpublic entities.

参考文献:Duguay, R., Minnis, M., & Sutherland, A. (2020). Regulatory spillovers in common audit markets. Management Science, 66(8), 3389-3411.

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7. 有效评估目标政策:改进“冠军与挑战者”实验


Champion versus challenger field experiments are widely used to compare the performance of different targeting policies. These experiments randomly assign customers to receive marketing actions recommended by either the existing (champion) policy or the new (challenger) policy, and then compare the aggregate outcomes. We recommend an alternative experimental design and propose an alternative estimation approach to improve the evaluation of targeting policies. The recommended experimental design randomly assigns customers to marketing actions. This allows evaluation of any targeting policy without requiring an additional experiment, including policies designed after the experiment is implemented. The proposed estimation approach identifies customers for whom different policies recommend the same action and recognizes that for these customers there is no difference in performance. This allows for a more precise comparison of the policies. We illustrate the advantages of the experimental design and estimation approach using data from an actual field experiment. We also demonstrate that the grouping of customers, which is the foundation of our estimation approach, can help to improve the training of new targeting policies.

参考文献:Simester, D., Timoshenko, A., & Zoumpoulis, S. I. (2020). Efficiently Evaluating Targeting Policies: Improving on Champion vs. Challenger Experiments. Management Science.

8. 桥接学术界和工业界:地理中心如何连接大学科学和公司技术


Innovative firms rely increasingly on academic science, yet they exploit only a small fraction of all academic discoveries. Which discoveries in academia do firms build upon? We posit that hubs play the role of bridges between academic science and corporate technology. Tracking citations from patents to approximately 10 million academic articles, we find that hubs facilitate the flow of academic science into corporate inventions in two ways. First, hub-based discoveries in academia are of higher quality and are more applied. Second, firms—in particular young, innovative, science-oriented ones—pay disproportionate attention to hub-based discoveries. We address concerns regarding unobserved heterogeneity by confirming the role of firms’ attention to hub-based science in a set of 147 simultaneous discoveries. Importantly, hubs not only facilitate localized knowledge flow but also extend the geographic reach of academic science, attracting the attention of distant firms.

参考文献:Bikard, M., & Marx, M. (2020). Bridging academia and industry: How geographic hubs connect university science and corporate technology. Management Science, 66(8), 3425-3443.

9. 抵消分歧和证券价格


We propose that investor beliefs frequently “cross” in the sense that an investor may like company A but dislike company B, whereas another investor may like company B but dislike company A. Such belief-crossing makes it almost impossible to construct a portfolio that is composed solely of every investor’s most favored companies. This causes the level of excitement for portfolios to be generally lower than the levels of excitement that individual companies generate among their most fervent supporters. Coupled with short-sale constraints, wherein prices are set by the most optimistic investors, this causes portfolios to trade at discounts. Utilizing several settings whereby the value of a portfolio and the values of the underlying components can be evaluated separately (e.g., closed-end funds), we present evidence supporting our proposition that, in financial markets, the “whole” is often less than the “sum of its parts.”

参考文献:Huang, S., Hwang, B. H., Lou, D., & Yin, C. (2020). Offsetting disagreement and security prices. Management Science.

10. 零


Asset prices can be stale. We define price staleness as a lack of price adjustments yielding zero returns (i.e., zeros). The term idleness (respectively, near idleness) is, instead, used to define staleness when trading activity is absent (respectively, close to absent). Using statistical and pricing metrics, we show that zeros are a genuine economic phenomenon linked to the dynamics of trading volume and, therefore, liquidity. Zeros are, in general, not the result of institutional features, like price discreteness. In essence, spells of idleness or near idleness are stylized facts suggestive of a key, omitted market friction in the modeling of asset prices. We illustrate how accounting for this friction may generate sizable risk compensations in short-dated option returns.

参考文献:Bandi, F. M., Kolokolov, A., Pirino, D., & Renò, R. (2020). Zeros. Management Science.

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11. 时间依赖性患者不出现行为下的预约安排


This paper studies how to schedule medical appointments with time-dependent patient no-show behavior and random service times. The problem is motivated by our studies of independent datasets from countries in two continents that unanimously identify a significant time-of-day effect on patient show-up probabilities. We deploy a distributionally robust model, which minimizes the worst-case total expected costs of patient waiting and service provider’s idling and overtime, by optimizing the scheduled arrival times of patients. This model is challenging because evaluating the total cost for a given schedule involves a linear program with uncertainties present in both the objective function and the right-hand side of the constraints. In addition, the ambiguity set considered contains discrete uncertainties and complementary functional relationships among these uncertainties (namely, patient no-shows and service durations). We show that when patient no-shows are exogenous (i.e., time-independent), the problem can be reformulated as a copositive program and then be approximated by semidefinite programs. When patient no-shows are endogenous on time (and hence on the schedule), the problem becomes a bilinear copositive program. We construct a set of dual prices to guide the search for a good schedule and use the technique iteratively to obtain a near-optimal solution. Our computational studies reveal a significant reduction in total expected cost by taking into account the time-of-day variation in patient show-up probabilities as opposed to ignoring it.

参考文献:Kong, Q., Li, S., Liu, N., Teo, C. P., & Yan, Z. (2020). Appointment scheduling under time-dependent patient no-show behavior. Management Science.

12. 并行单服务器队列系统的受约束的负载平衡策略


Flow-control policies that balance server loads are well known for improving performance of queueing systems with multiple nodes. However, although load balancing benefits the system overall, it may negatively impact some of the queueing nodes. For example, it may reduce throughput rates or engender unfairness with respect to some performance measures. For queueing systems with multiple single-server nodes, we propose a set of constrained load-balancing policies that ensures the expected arrival rate to each queueing node is not reduced, and we show that such policies provide multiple benefits for each queueing node: stochastically fewer customers and lower variance of the number of customers at each queueing node. These results imply performance improvement as measured by multiple general objective functions, including but not limited to the expected number of customers at a queueing node, probability of having a high number of customers, variance of the number of customers, and expected number of customers conditional on exceeding a threshold defined by a fixed service level. We demonstrate numerically that our proposed policies capture a large portion of the potential maximal improvement.

参考文献:Do, H. T., & Shunko, M. (2020). Constrained Load-Balancing Policies for Parallel Single-Server Queue Systems. Management Science.

13. 重新设计志愿者市场:捐赠者注册处


This paper addresses volunteer labor markets where the lack of price signals, nonpecuniary motivations to supply labor, and limited fungibility of supply lead to market failure. To address the causes of the market failure, we conduct a field experiment with volunteer whole blood donors where we introduce a market-clearing mechanism (henceforth: the Registry). Our intention-to-treat estimates suggest that subjects invited to the Registry, regardless of joining, are 66% more responsive to critical shortage appeals than control subjects. While the Registry increases supply during a critical shortage episode, it does not increase supply when there is no shortage; thus, the Registry significantly improves coordination between volunteer donors and collection centers, thereby improving market outcomes. We find evidence that the Registry’s effectiveness stems from crowding-in volunteers with purely altruistic motives and volunteers with a preference for commitment.

参考文献:Heger, S. A., Slonim, R., Garbarino, E., Wang, C., & Waller, D. (2020). Redesigning the Market for Volunteers: A Donor Registry. Management Science.

14. 市场时机对股东有利吗?

公司经常交易自己定价有误的股票。这种称为股票市场时机(market timing)的活动可以产生可观的利润并提高长期股价。本文质疑与此密切相关的一个流行观点,即市场时机总是使公司股东受益。由于逆向选择和公司短期价格的变化,公司的机会性融资策略可能会对不知情的股票持有人产生负面影响,而长期收益不会累积给即将退出的股东。市场时机对股东的负面影响随着股票交易量的增加而增加。此外,时间安排的影响是不对称的:股东更愿意公司纠正定价偏低而不是定价偏高。本文的理论可以更好地解释观察到的公司股票发行和回购活动。

Corporations often transact in their own mispriced stock. This activity, known as equity market timing, can generate substantial profits and increase the long-term stock price. We challenge a closely related popular view that market timing always benefits firm shareholders. Opportunistic financing maneuvers by a firm can negatively affect its uninformed stock owners because of adverse selection and the change in the firm’s short-term price, whereas the long-term returns do not accumulate to departing stockholders. The negative effect of market timing on stockholders increases with the share turnover. Furthermore, the effect of timing is asymmetric: shareholders prefer that the firm corrects underpricing rather than overpricing. Our theory can be used to better interpret the observed stock issuance and repurchase activities of firms.

参考文献:Babenko, I., Tserlukevich, Y., & Wan, P. (2020). Is market timing good for shareholders?. Management Science.

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15. 众筹,融资约束和实际效果


We study the feasibility and optimal design of presale crowdfunding contracts where participating consumers pay a premium above the future expected spot price and financially constrained entrepreneurs balance the potential product–market distortions introduced through presale crowdfunding against the cost of traditional external financing. Our analysis shows how such crowdfunding contracts enable the execution of projects that could not be otherwise undertaken and highlights novel interactions between the cost of capital, demand uncertainty, and production. Tighter financing constraints reduce the ability of the monopolist to extract surplus but, contrary to the usual result, may increase production. We evaluate how uncertainty and market size reduce the price-discriminating power of the monopolist and affect the optimal contract regime. Nevertheless, we show how such presale price-discriminating contracts are implementable even when the number of potential consumers is relatively high and their individual demand is stochastic.

参考文献:Kumar, P., Langberg, N., & Zvilichovsky, D. (2020). Crowdfunding, Financing Constraints, and Real Effects. Management Science, 66(8), 3561-3580.

16. 互惠基金的浮动定价:打破“火灾销售”和基金赎回之间的反馈循环


We develop a model of the feedback between mutual fund outflows and asset illiquidity. Following a market shock, alert investors anticipate the impact on a fund’s net asset value (NAV) of other investors’ redemptions and exit first at favorable prices. This first-mover advantage may lead to fund failure through a cycle of falling prices and increasing redemptions. Our analysis shows that (i) the first-mover advantage introduces a nonlinear dependence between a market shock and the aggregate impact of redemptions on the fund’s NAV; (ii) as a consequence, there is a critical magnitude of the shock beyond which redemptions brings down the fund; (iii) properly designed swing pricing transfers liquidation costs from the fund to redeeming investors and, by removing the nonlinearity stemming from the first-mover advantage, it reduces these costs and prevents fund failure. Achieving these objectives requires a larger swing factor at larger levels of outflows. The swing factor for one fund may also depend on policies followed by other funds.

参考文献:Capponi, A., Glasserman, P., & Weber, M. (2020). Swing pricing for mutual funds: Breaking the feedback loop between fire sales and fund redemptions. Management Science.

17. 衍生品市场的蔓延


A major credit shock can induce large intraday variation margin payments between counterparties in derivatives markets, which may force some participants to default on their payments. These payment shortfalls become amplified as they cascade through the network of exposures. Using detailed Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation data, we model the full network of exposures, shock-induced payments, initial margin collected, and liquidity buffers for about 900 firms operating in the U.S. credit default swaps market. We estimate the total amount of contagion, the marginal contribution of each firm to contagion, and the number of defaulting firms for a systemic shock to credit spreads. A novel feature of the model is that it allows for a range of behavioral responses to balance sheet stress, including delayed or partial payments. The model provides a framework for analyzing the relative effectiveness of different policy options, such as increasing margin requirements or mandating greater liquidity reserves.

参考文献:Paddrik, M., Rajan, S., & Young, H. P. (2020). Contagion in derivatives markets. Management Science.

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18. 在线市场的排名和拍卖


Online e-commerce platforms, such as Amazon and Taobao, connect thousands of sellers and consumers every day. In this work, we study how such platforms should rank products displayed to consumers and utilize the top and most salient slots. We present a model that considers consumers’ search costs and the externalities sellers impose on each other. This model allows us to study a multiobjective optimization, whose objective includes consumer and seller surplus as well as the sales revenue, and derive the optimal ranking decision. In addition, we propose a surplus-ordered ranking mechanism for selling some of the top slots. This mechanism is motivated in part by Amazon’s sponsored search program. We show that the Vickrey–Clarke–Groves mechanism would not be applicable to our setting and propose a new mechanism. This mechanism is near optimal, performing significantly better than those that do not incentivize sellers to reveal their private information regarding each consumer purchase, such as their profit. Moreover, we generalize our model to settings in which platforms can provide partial information about the products and facilitate the consumer search and show the robustness of our findings.

参考文献:Chu, L. Y., Nazerzadeh, H., & Zhang, H. (2020). Position ranking and auctions for online marketplaces. Management Science.

19. 混合分布的非参数估计的条件梯度法


Mixture models are versatile tools that are used extensively in many fields, including operations, marketing, and econometrics. The main challenge in estimating mixture models is that the mixing distribution is often unknown, and imposing a priori parametric assumptions can lead to model misspecification issues. In this paper, we propose a new methodology for nonparametric estimation of the mixing distribution of a mixture of logit models. We formulate the likelihood-based estimation problem as a constrained convex program and apply the conditional gradient (also known as Frank–Wolfe) algorithm to solve this convex program. We show that our method iteratively generates the support of the mixing distribution and the mixing proportions. Theoretically, we establish the sublinear convergence rate of our estimator and characterize the structure of the recovered mixing distribution. Empirically, we test our approach on real-world datasets. We show that it outperforms the standard expectation-maximization (EM) benchmark on speed (16 times faster), in-sample fit (up to 24% reduction in the log-likelihood loss), and predictive (average 28% reduction in standard error metrics) and decision accuracies (extracts around 23% more revenue). On synthetic data, we show that our estimator is robust to different ground-truth mixing distributions and can also account for endogeneity.

参考文献:Jagabathula, S., Subramanian, L., & Venkataraman, A. (2020). A conditional gradient approach for nonparametric estimation of mixing distributions. Management Science.

20. 优化择校问题中的分配目标


I investigate three goals of school choice: welfare, encouraging neighborhood schools, and diversity. I use optimization problems to find the best stable and incentive compatible match for any combination of these objectives. These problems assume there is a continuum of students and school seats, which allows me to describe the incentive compatibility conditions in a tractable form. I prove that the set of stable matchings is generically continuous in the distribution of students and the school capacities, which implies that the characterization of the possible stable matches in the continuum model approximates the set of stable matches in a matching market with a large, but finite, number of students. I then apply my framework to data from Boston Public Schools. If the mechanism conditions on demographics, the improvement (relative to the status quo) in student welfare is equivalent to moving 291 students (out of 3,479) to schools one rank higher in their preference lists. In contrast, if the mechanism does not condition on demographics, the welfare improvement is equivalent to moving only 25.1 students to schools one rank higher. Improvements in the distributional goals can be made (e.g., increasing enrollment in neighborhood schools by 50%) without reducing welfare or diversity.

参考文献:Bodoh-Creed, A. L. (2020). Optimizing for distributional goals in school choice problems. Management Science.

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21. 星期五效应:公司游说,药物安全警报的时间安排和药物副作用

安全警报是由健康监管机构发布的警告,警告患者和医生有关新药物的副作用。但是,并非所有安全警报都同样有效。本文提供的证据表明,发布安全警报的星期几可以解释安全警报影响的差异。具体而言,本文显示,周五发布的安全警报的传播范围较广:在社交媒体上的安全警报共享减少了34%,新闻文章中提及的安全警报减少了23%至66%,新闻接收的可能性降低了12%至51% 完全没有 因此,本文建议星期五警报在减少与毒品有关的副作用方面不太有效。本文发现,将星期五警报转移到任何其他工作日将使所有与毒品有关的副作用减少9%至12%,将与毒品有关的严重并发症减少6%至15%,并将与毒品有关的死亡减少22%至36%。这个问题尤为重要,因为星期五是1999年至2016年间安全警报公告最频繁的工作日。本文证明,星期五警报的这种流行程度可能不是随机的:过去游说过美国食品药品监督管理局的公司占49% 周五宣布安全警报的可能性提高了56%。

Safety alerts are announcements made by health regulators warning patients and doctors about new drug-related side effects. However, not all safety alerts are equally effective. We provide evidence that the day of the week on which the safety alerts are announced explains differences in safety alert impact. Specifically, we show that safety alerts announced on Fridays are less broadly diffused: they are shared 34% less on social media, mentioned in 23% to 66% fewer news articles, and are 12% to 51% less likely to receive any news coverage at all. As a consequence of this, we propose Friday alerts are less effective in reducing drug-related side effects. We find that moving a Friday alert to any other weekday would reduce all drug-related side effects by 9% to 12%, serious drug-related complications by 6% to 15%, and drug-related deaths by 22% to 36%. This problem is particularly important because Friday was the most frequent weekday for safety alert announcements from 1999 to 2016. We show that this greater prevalence of Friday alerts might not be random: firms that lobbied the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in the past are 49% to 56% more likely to have safety alerts announced on Fridays.
