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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-03-27 06:01




Morrissons to 'hedge bets' and recruit more UK-based suppliers


Sarah Butler | 545 words

  • hedge bets  几面下注(以规避风险)

  • 注:Morrissons:英国第四大的超级市场集团

The UK produces only 23% of the fruit and vegetables it consumes and imports twice as much food as it exports.


Morrisons is aiming to recruit 200 more British suppliers after a report commissioned by the supermarket found that only just over half the food eaten in the UK comes from local sources.


  • commission  v.正式委托(谱写或制作、创作、完成)

The report, by Professor Tim Benton of the University of Leeds, highlights the growing risks associated with a global food supply chain. Benton warns that increased frequency in severe weather events caused by climate change, combined with political changes, such as Brexit and the election of Donald Trump, may affect global trading relationships and compromise the food supply. Trump's protectionist agenda may lead to countries hoarding the crops they specialise in, for example.


  • hoard v. 囤积

The effect of restricted food supplies has been highlighted by recent shortages of fresh produce due to poor weather in southern Spain, where more than 80% of the UK's leafy vegetables come from during winter.


"The future of the UK food system that we advocate is a response to the risks and uncertainties of the future. It is not to disengage from reliance on global trade, but to hedge our bets by increasing local production for local consumption," Benton argues in the report.


  • disengage  v.解脱,松开

The chairman of Morrisons, Andy Higginson, said: "Morrisons is already British farming's biggest single customer, and the publication of the report today from Prof Benton makes us more determined to produce more of our food and source more from local British suppliers ... We want small UK food suppliers to become bigger ones and we also want to give our customers the option of more food that meets their local food tastes."
