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VOA英语听力  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-09-23 22:01




最近有好几个小伙伴问Flora君去星巴克怎么点咖啡?本君只去星巴克喝过一次咖啡好嘛...中国的Starbuck基本是那种 人满为患 香水味好重 比菜市场还吵 的地方!!nili小编这种有品位的人肿么可能去那种地方喝咖啡呢?!伦家都是自己去探寻散落在民间的那些安静又精致的私人小咖啡馆,咖啡师一般是老板本人的那种,hiahia...

在昏暗的灯光下,帅气的咖啡师亲手为你制作专属咖啡。看着半小时前刚烘焙好、散发着馥郁芬芳的咖啡豆被精心研磨,然后以92~96摄氏度的水洗出咖啡本味的过程,已经是一场私人订制的行为艺术。(然鹅,I'm not a big fan of coffee. 这一切只是想象,hiahia!)



Ordering at Starbucks, a popular international chain of coffeehouses, can be intimidating to those of us who are not coffee connoisseurs or Starbucks regulars. With some basic understanding of theguidelines of coffee making, placing your next order at Starbucks will be a breeze.


Tailoring Your Drink


1. Consider your cravings. To get a drink you will enjoy, it is important ordering something based on what you are craving. Ordering at Starbucks does not necessarily mean that you must order coffee; in fact, there are dozens of drink choices including tea, smoothies, and hot chocolates. Consider the current outside temperatureand season to decide what sounds just right.


  • If you are not sure what sounds good, do not be afraid to ask yourbarista for suggestions or help. They can give you choices basedon your drink preferences to help make one that is tailored to you.

  • 如果你不知道该点什么才合适,大胆向店员寻求帮助。他们会根据你的喜好建议几款适合你的饮品供你选择。

  • Remember to think about if you want the drink hot, iced, or blended,as well as the sweetness and caffeine.

  • 别忘了告诉店员你想要热饮、加冰还是二者混合,还要说明你的甜度偏好和是否需要含咖啡因。

2. Choose a size. Starbucks is known for having their name-specific sizing. Don’t fear, getting the sizes down is easy. A tall is the equivalent of 12oz, a grande is 16oz, and a venti is 20oz in hot and 26oz in iced. Some Starbucks also offer a short drink equalling 8oz, or a Trenta, which is equal to 31oz.


  • A tall typically comes with a single shot of espresso, a grande comes with a double shot, and a venti also comes with a double shot, unless it is a venti iced drink, in which it comes with a triple shotof espresso.

  • 中杯一般搭配一个单位的浓缩咖啡,大杯和特大杯则含两个单位的浓缩咖啡,但是加冰的特大杯则含三个单位的浓缩咖啡。

  • If you want more espresso than the size you order comes with, simply ask for extra shots. These will cost more, but you will be able toget that perfect amount of espresso without having to size your entire drink up.

  • 如果你想要比经典搭配更多的浓缩咖啡,可以向店员提出要求,只需要多付点钱就能得到理想的咖啡浓度而不需要增大你的杯型。

3. Add a little flavor. It does not matter if you order coffee, tea, or anyother drink - you always have the ability to add sugar or a syrup flavor. Adding a flavor will typically give you two extra pumps of syrup, so if you want your drink extra sweet be sure to specify and beready to pay more. Sugar is free, but a syrup flavor is not.

3. 加点口味。无论你点咖啡、茶还是其他任何饮品,都可以加糖或者带各种口味的糖浆。加某种口味通常是给你提供两份额外的糖浆,如果你想让口味更甜,记得说清楚要加糖还是糖浆,并且做好多付点钱的准备。糖是免费的,但糖浆不是。

  • If you're uncertain what flavor you want to add, ask to see a flavormenu or ask the barista what popular flavors are available. There are dozens of flavor choices, so don't feel like you are limited to simply “sugar” or “no sugar.”

  • 如果你不确定自己想加什么口味,可以向店员索要菜单或者询问当下有哪些受欢迎的口味可供选择。其实有许多口味任君选择,不要以为只有加糖和免糖两种。

  • Most of the popular syrup flavors like vanilla, caramel, and hazelnut all come with sugar-free options. If you are trying to be a bit healthier, order a sugar-free syrup flavor for your drink.

  • 大多数口味,例如香草、焦糖和榛子口味都提供免糖的选择。如果你想更健康点,那就点一份免糖带口味的饮品吧。

  • Ask about seasonal flavors when you order, as there are many specialty syrups that are available at different times of the year. In thefall and winter, pumpkin is available while in the summer coconut is often out in participating locations.

  • 点单时可以询问有什么当季的口味,因为每年的不同时节会有一些特殊的应季口味。在秋冬季节,南瓜口味会出现在清单里,而夏季的某些地区,会供应椰香口味。

4. Choose the liquid base. Some drinks are made with milk while others are made with water as the base. If you prefer one over the other, specify that when you order. Typically, nonfat, 2% milk, soymilk, and half-and-half are the available milk options. Some Starbucks also carry speciality milks such as almond or coconut milk.

4. 选择打底材料。一些饮品是用牛奶制成的,而另一些则由水制成。如果你喜欢用其中任意一种打底,在点单的时候说清楚。2%的脱脂牛奶、豆奶、一半一半,是牛奶打底的经典选择。一些星巴克分店甚至提供一些例如杏仁牛奶或椰奶等特殊牛奶打底。

  • You can get any drink hot or iced, and many coffee drinks blended. If you change the form of your drink, you might also have to change the liquid base. For example, blended coffee must be made with a milk base instead of water to get the right consistency.

  • 任何饮品都有热饮和加冰的选择,许多咖啡饮品还可以两者混合。如果你想改变饮品的形式,你可能需要同时换掉打底液体的材料。例如:为了获得正确的稠度,混合咖啡必须用牛奶打底而不能用水打底。

  • When milk is steamed, it creates a richly aerated foam. This is like warm whipped milk on the top of your drink. If you like foam, you can order your drink with extra, or if you don't like it ask for your drink to go without.

  • 当牛奶煮沸后,它会形成许多气泡。这就像温过后搅拌出气泡的牛奶一样。如果你喜欢气泡,点单时可以注明需要多泡,如果不喜欢,也可以说明不要泡。

5. Consider the caffeine. Espresso and coffee both naturally have caffeine, as do black and green teas. If you want less caffeine in your drink, order half-caf (1/2 the normal amount of caffeine) or decaf (with no caffeine). You can also add extra shots of coffee if you are looking for a bit more energy from your drink.

5. 关于咖啡因。浓缩咖啡和普通咖啡都天然带有咖啡因,红茶和绿茶也一样。如果你想要少一点咖啡因,可以点一半低咖(1/2是咖啡因的正常含量)或者脱因咖啡(无咖啡因的咖啡)。如果想让咖啡更带劲一点,还可以多加一些浓缩咖啡。

Choosing a Drink


1. Get brewed coffee. This is just your basic drip coffee you might make at home, but prepared in many different flavors. Most Starbucks have multiple brews going during the day, so you can sample several different roasts and blends. Brewed coffee is the cheapest and easiest thing on the menu to order.

1. 来杯现煮咖啡。这就是那种你在家里煮的滴漏咖啡,只不过会搭配许多不同的口味。大多数星巴克分店一天会同时有几种咖啡在酿造,所以你可以试吃几种不同的单品咖啡或者混调咖啡。现煮咖啡是菜单上最便宜也最省事的一款。

2. Try a latte. Lattes are a basic espresso drink made out of steamed milk and espresso shots. Any flavor can be added to a latte, and any type of milk can be used. Lattes can be made hot or iced.

2. 尝尝拿铁的味道。拿铁是一款基础浓缩饮品,由热牛奶和浓缩咖啡混合而成。拿铁可以有各种口味,也可以用各种不同的牛奶进行搭配。可以是热饮,也可以加冰。

3. Try an americano. These are one of the most popular drinks for coffee enthusiasts, as the espresso taste is very strong. Americanos are made with espresso and water only, and have one extra shot more than any other drink. Cream and sugar can be added just like with drip coffee, as well as any flavor you might like.

3. 尝尝美式咖啡的味道。这是咖啡死忠粉的最爱,因为其中浓缩咖啡的味道很强烈。美式咖啡紧紧用水和浓缩咖啡制成,并且比其他咖啡品种多一个分量的浓缩咖啡。你可以像其他饮品一样在美式咖啡里面加奶精和糖,也可以加入任何你喜欢的口味。

4. Try a cappuccino. These are similar to lattes because they are made solely of steamed milk and espresso, but cappuccinos are comprised mainly of foam. This means that your drink will be light and fluffy more than it is liquid. When you order a cappuccino, you must order it as “wet” (not so much foam) or “dry” (mostly foam). Add any flavors or sugar alterations you would like.

4. 试卡布奇诺。卡布奇诺和拿铁很相似,也是由煮沸的牛奶和浓缩咖啡制成,但是卡布奇诺主要由泡沫构成,这意味着你的咖啡会很轻很松软,只有少量液体。当你点一份卡布奇诺时,你必须说明想要湿的还是干的。湿的是指没那么多泡沫,而干的则大部分由泡沫构成。可以根据个人喜好加糖或者任何口味到你的卡布奇诺里。

5. Order a caramel macchiato. Macchiato is the Italian word meaning, “marked.” It is used in this drink to describe the mark of espresso poured over the top, instead of being stirred into the drink. Caramel machinates are made with vanilla syrup, steamed milk and foam, espresso, and caramel drizzle.

5. 点一份焦糖玛奇朵。玛奇朵是意大利语,意思是“印记”。之所以这么叫是因为咖啡顶部有一个由浓缩咖啡拉出来的形状,浓缩咖啡不会被搅拌到饮品里面给你。焦糖玛奇朵由香草糖浆、煮沸的牛奶和泡沫、浓缩咖啡和少量焦糖制成。

6. Get a mocha. Mochas are lattes (milk and espresso) with the addition of chocolate. The two mocha variants are milk chocolate or white chocolate. The former is a bit richer while the latter is much sweeter. Mochas are typically made without any foam, so if you like the creamy milk ask for a little extra on top.

6. 来一杯摩卡。摩卡是拿铁的一种,只是在牛奶和浓缩咖啡基础上增加了巧克力。两种摩卡分别是牛奶巧克力摩卡和白巧克力摩卡,前者口味更醇而后者更甜。摩卡一般不会有泡沫,因此如果你喜欢炼奶,可以让店员给你加一点在顶部。

7. Try a specialty espresso drink. If you are a real espresso lover, order it straight up! Ask for a single or double shot of espresso, and then add a modifier of choice. Often espresso shots are served macchiato style with a dollop of foam, or con panna with a bit of whipped cream.
