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【文献情报】|Journal of Hydrology|地下水-地表水交换影响季节性冻融流域中硝酸盐的命运:来源、迁移和去除!

R语言与水文生态环境  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-02-17 04:33


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  • 期刊: Journal of Hydrology

  • 中科院分区: 1区 地球科学

  • 影响因子(IF):5.9

  • 第一作者:Jiamei Wang

  • 通讯作者:Wei Ouyang

  • 第一作者单位:State Key Laboratory of Water Environment Simulation, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, PR China

  • 原位连接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2025.132803

  • (1)对冻融流域GW - SW交换强度进行了量化;

  • (2)枯水期由于GW - SW交换作用,反硝化作用增强;
  • (3)硝态氮的来源、迁移和转化与GW - SW交换密切相关;
  • (4)粪肥和污水是GW中主要的硝态氮来源,以残留态氮的形式存在。
地下水和地表水 (GW-SW) 之间的相互作用会影响水文地球化学循环,导致流域内硝酸盐来源、迁移和转变的变化。季节性冻融循环也使上述过程复杂化。本研究采用水化学、稳定同位素分析和统计方法,研究了季节性冻融流域中 GW-SW 交换的动态特征,确定了不同时期的转化强度,并阐明了潜在的硝酸盐来源及其相对生物地球化学过程。GW 和 SW 主要由大气降水补充,大气降水在解冻期间转变为融雪水。补给源和含水层岩性控制了 GW-SW 交换的季节性变化。从上游到下游,湿润期 SW 损失向 GW 的转换强度范围分别为 54.6%、32.7–55.5% 和 26.5–37.4%。在干旱期获得 GW 的溪流百分比分别为 62.2-83.7%、47.1-62.0% 和 35.2-46.0%。GW 和 SW 中硝酸盐的主要来源是肥料和牲畜粪便,它们的贡献表现出 GW-SW 相互作用的季节性变化。农业活动和畜牧业导致地下水中硝酸盐含量高,在干旱时期,粪便和污水占硝酸盐含量的 90%。值得注意的是,雨季和旱季的 GW-SW 相互作用增强了反硝化过程,有助于去除地下水中的硝酸盐。本研究揭示了GW-SW相互作用显著影响流域硝酸盐的归宿以及人类活动对流域环境的影响,为流域水资源管理和扩散污染控制提供技术支持。

Fig. 1. Geographical location, land use and distribution of sampling points within the study area

Fig. 2. Variations in the temperature, precipitation, snow depth, river runoff in the BRW and total nitrogen (TN) load at the confluence of the Buerhatong River and Hailan River in 2022 2023.

Fig. 3. Distribution of δ 18 O-H 2 O and δ D-H 2 O and the relationships between water samples and global and local meteoric water lines (a) ( Craig, 1961 ). Spatial distributions of δ 18 O-H 2 O of SW and GW (b). Diagram of the GW SW exchange ratio; the green arrows indicate SW recharging GW, whereas the red arrows indicate GW recharging SW (c). Variations in shallow groundwater and river levels and normalized data during the wet season from 2006 to 2011 (d), and wells YJ-4 and YJ-2 were located 3.6 km upstream and 8.8 km downstream of the SW level monitoring station, with YJ-2 180 m from the riverbank and YJ-4 1,080 m away

Fig. 4. Boxplots of nitrate in GW (a) and SW (c) and spatiotemporal distributions of nitrate in GW (b) and SW (d).

Fig. 5. NO3 –/Cl - / δ 18 O-H 2 O spatiotemporal changes in the BRW, and the distance is from the downstream outlet. GW/SW_main represents the main stream and GW/SW_minor represents the tributaries. Up, mid and down are upstream, midstream and downstream, respectively.

Fig. 6. Relationship between the molar ratio of NO3 –/Cl - and Cl - in SW (a) and GW (b). The relationship between δ 18 O-NO3 – and δ 18 O-H 2 O (c) and the dashed lines represent the exchange of O 2 with the atmosphere ( δ 18 O-NO3 –= δ 18 O-Air), the nitrification process ( δ 18 O-NO3 –= 2/3 δ 18 O-H 2 O + 1/3 δ 18 O-Air) and the exchange with H 2 O ( δ 18 O-NO3 –= δ 18 O-H 2 O), respectively. Dual isotope ( δ 15 N-NO3 – and δ 18 O-NO3 –) distributions (d), and the different rectangles indicate potential nitrate sources.

Relationship between δ 15 N NO 3 δ 18 O NO 3 - and ln[NO3 –]; the slope reflects denitrification and the fractionation coefficient (e).

Fig. 7. Mean proportional contribution (%) of each nitrate source in GW and SW (a) and the mean proportional contribution (mg/L) of each nitrate source in GW (b) and SW (c). SN: soil nitrogen, NF: NO3 – fertilizer, MS: manure and sewage, AF: NH4 + fertilizer, AD: atmospheric deposition.

Fig. 8. Spatiotemporal changes in the proportional contributions of nitrate sources.

Fig. 9. Mantel test (a) and random forest (b) analysis of nitrate and related variables in groundwater.

Fig. 10. A conceptual model of the GW SW interaction and nitrate sources, migration and geochemical processes between the wet and dry seasons.

