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唧唧堂  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-01-22 23:04


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解析作者 | 唧唧堂管理学研究小组: ATP
审校 | 唧唧堂管理学研究小组: 明月奴
推送编辑 | 悠悠


作者评估了在COVID-19流行之前到流行期间美国人的心理幸福感(即抑郁症状和生活满意度)的水平和个人变化,从总体上以及社会经济地位(SES)进行评估。数据来自兰德公司在全国范围内具有代表性的美国生活小组对1,143名成年人进行的2次调查,第一次调查在2019年4月至6月间进行,第二次调查在2020年4月美国大流行的初次高峰期进行。大流行期间的抑郁症状高于大流行之前的群体指标。从流行之前到流行期间,抑郁症状增加,生活满意度下降。与受教育程度较低的人相比,受教育程度较高的人从流行之前到流行期间的抑郁症状增加更多,生活满意度下降更多。补充分析表明,收入与幸福感的变化呈曲线关系,收入水平最高的人比收入水平较低的人在流行之前到流行期间的生活满意度的下降幅度更大。我们借鉴资源守恒理论 (Conservation of Resources) 和基本社会原因理论 (the theory of fundamental social causes),研究了COVID-19期间社会经济地位与幸福感之间关系的四种关键机制(感知财务资源、感知控制、人际资源、COVID-19相关知识或新闻的消费)。这些机制解释了在COVID-19流行之前到流行期间,样本整体的幸福感变化,但并没有深入剖析为何更高教育水平的个体的幸福感降低更多。

The authors assess levels and within-person changes in psychological well-being (i.e., depressive symptoms and life satisfaction) from before to during the COVID-19 pandemic for individuals in the United States, in general and by socioeconomic status (SES). The data is from 2 surveys of 1,143 adults from RAND Corporation’s nationally representative American Life Panel, the first administered between April–June, 2019 and the second during the initial peak of the pandemic in the United States in April, 2020. Depressive symptoms during the pandemic were higher than population norms before the pandemic. Depressive symptoms increased from before to during COVID-19 and life satisfaction decreased. Individuals with higher education experienced a greater increase in depressive symptoms and a greater decrease in life satisfaction from before to during COVID-19 in comparison to those with lower education. Supplemental analysis illustrates that income had a curvilinear relationship with changes in well-being, such that individuals at the highest levels of income experienced a greater decrease in life satisfaction from before to during COVID-19 than individuals with lower levels of income. We draw on conservation of resources theory and the theory of fundamental social causes to examine four key mechanisms (perceived financial resources, perceived control, interpersonal resources, and COVID-19-related knowledge/news consumption) underlying the relationship between SES and well-being during COVID-19. These resources explained changes in well-being for the sample as a whole but did not provide insight into why individuals of higher education experienced a greater decline in well-being from before to during COVID-19.

Wanberg, C. R., Csillag, B., Douglass, R. P., Zhou, L., & Pollard, M. S. (2020). Socioeconomic status and well-being during COVID-19: A resource-based examination. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(12), 1382-1396. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/apl0000831


为了对抗新型冠状病毒的传播,美国疾病控制预防中心(CDC)制定了一份建议美国人遵守的预防性健康行为清单,包括社交隔离、经常洗手、限制非必要的离家旅行。基于稀缺性理论 (scarcity theory),本研究旨在检验感知工作不安全和感知财务不安全等经济压力因素是否与员工自我报告的对这些行为的遵守有关。此外,我们还探究了两个可能在上述关系中发挥调节作用的州级背景变量的影响:失业保险福利的慷慨和全州关于COVID-19限制的广泛性。使用来自43个州的目前受雇用745名的美国雇员的多层次数据集,我们发现工作不安全和财务不安全都与遵守CDC推荐指南呈负相关。但是,州级变量起到了跨层调节变量的作用,即在失业制度更健全的州内,工作不安全与遵守CDC指南之间的负向关系被减弱。然而,在COVID-19限制更广泛的州工作似乎主要有利于财务上更有保障的工人。当全州政策的限制性更强时,与经济没有保障的雇员相比,经济更有保障的雇员更有可能遵守CDC推荐的指南。我们在讨论这些结果时,认为需要继续制定政策来解决公共卫生危机,同时也要保护面临经济压力的雇员。

In order to combat the spread of the novel coronavirus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has developed a list of recommended preventative health behaviors for Americans to enact, including social distancing, frequent handwashing, and limiting nonessential trips from home. Drawing upon scarcity theory, the purpose of this study was to examine whether the economic stressors of perceived job insecurity and perceived financial insecurity are related to employee self-reports of enacting such behaviors. Moreover, we tested propositions regarding the impact of two state-level contextual variables that may moderate those relationships: the generosity of unemployment insurance benefits and extensiveness of statewide COVID-19-related restrictions. Using a multilevel data set of N = 745 currently employed U.S. workers nested within 43 states, we found that both job insecurity and financial insecurity were negatively related to the enactment of the CDC-recommended guidelines. However, the state-level variables acted as cross-level moderators, such that the negative relationship between job insecurity and compliance with the CDC guidelines was attenuated within states that have a more robust unemployment system. However, working in a state with more extensive COVID-19 restrictions seemed to primarily benefit more financially secure workers. When statewide policies were more restrictive, employees reporting more financial security were more likely to enact the CDC-recommended guidelines compared to their financially insecure counterparts. We discuss these findings in light of the continuing need to develop policies to address the public health crisis while also protecting employees facing economic stressors.

Probst, T. M., Lee, H. J., & Bazzoli, A. (2020). Economic stressors and the enactment of CDC-recommended COVID-19 prevention behaviors: The impact of state-level context. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(12), 1397-1407. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/apl0000797

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COVID-19危机迫使许多机构要求员工全职远程工作,以防止病毒的传播。同时,COVID-19的动荡局势带来了独特且不可预见的日常干扰性任务挫折,转移了员工对常规工作任务的注意力,需要他们做出适应性的、努力的反应。然而,人们对远程办公的员工在居家工作时如何应对这种复杂的需求并调节其工作行为知之甚少。基于Hobfoll的资源守恒理论 (Conservation of Resources, COR),我们建立了一个多层次、两阶段的有调节的中介模型,提出日常COVID-19任务挫折是会引发资源损失过程的压力源,因而将与员工一天结束时 (end-of-day) 情绪衰竭 (emotional exhaustion)正相关。随后情绪衰竭的员工进入资源保存模式,从而促成衰竭与次日工作退缩行为之间的正相关关系。基于COR,我们还预测,对于那些与同事有更高(vs.更低)的任务相互依赖度的远程办公员工来说,日常COVID-19任务挫折与衰竭之间有更强的正向关系,但组织可以通过为员工提供更高(vs.更低)的远程办公任务支持来缓解衰竭与次日工作退缩行为之间的正向关系。我们收集了120名因疫情封锁而全职远程办公的员工在10个工作日的日常经验抽样数据。结果总体上支持了假设,并且我们讨论了它们在大流行期间和之后对学者和管理者的影响。

The COVID-19 crisis has compelled many organizations to implement full-time telework for their employees in a bid to prevent a transmission of the virus. At the same time, the volatile COVID-19 situation presents unique, unforeseen daily disruptive task setbacks that divert employees’ attention from routinized work tasks and require them to respond adaptively and effortfully. Yet, little is known about how telework employees react to such complex demands and regulate their work behaviors while working from home. Drawing on Hobfoll’s (1989) conservation of resources (COR) theory, we develop a multilevel, two-stage moderated-mediation model arguing that daily COVID-19 task setbacks are stressors that would trigger a resource loss process and will thus be positively related to the employee’s end-of-day emotional exhaustion. The emotionally exhausted employee then enters a resource preservation mode that precipitates a positive relationship between end-of-day exhaustion and next-day work withdrawal behaviors. Based on COR, we also predict that the relation between daily COVID-19 task setbacks and exhaustion would be more positive in telework employees who have higher (vs. lower) task interdependence with coworkers, but organizations could alleviate the positive relation between end-of-day exhaustion and next-day work withdrawal behavior by providing employees with higher (vs. lower) telework task support. We collected daily experience-sampling data over 10 workdays from 120 employees (Level 1, n = 1,022) who were teleworking full-time due to the pandemic lockdown. The results generally supported our hypotheses, and their implications for scholars and managers during and beyond the pandemic are discussed.

Chong, S., Huang, Y., & Chang, C.-H. (D.). (2020). Supporting interdependent telework employees: A moderated-mediation model linking daily COVID-19 task setbacks to next-day work withdrawal. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(12), 1408-1422. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/apl0000843


近年来,人们对员工在追求最佳功能(即感觉和表现良好)的过程中塑造活动和体验的积极作用产生了浓厚的兴趣,这被称为工作、休闲、家庭和工作-生活平衡的重塑。不同的观点强调了重塑过程中的不同维度(即动机、行为、生活领域和结果),产生了丰富但零散的理论描述。以心理需求满足为潜在过程,我们提出了一个整合性的模型,以解释个体不同身份角色的塑造动机和努力的已有概念。这种整合强调了这些方面的重要性,即承认未被满足的需求、匹配需求和重塑努力、重塑过程的层级内和层级间的时间动态、以及跨身份领域的溢出和补偿过程的可能性。相应地,重塑的整合需求模型 (the Integrative Needs Model of Crafting) 解释了(1)为何以及如何进行重塑,(2)何时以及为何重塑努力可能(不可能)有效地实现最佳功能,(3)重塑随时间推移的顺序过程,(4)重塑过程如何在不同的身份领域内展开。

In recent years, there has been heightened interest in the active role of employees in shaping activities and experiences in their pursuit of optimal functioning (i.e., feeling and performing well), referred to as job–, leisure–, home–, and work–life balance crafting. Various perspectives have emphasized distinct dimensions within the crafting process (i.e., motives, behaviors, life domains, and outcomes), yielding a rich but fragmented theoretical account. With psychological needs satisfaction as the underlying process, we propose an integrative model to account for past conceptualizations of crafting motives and efforts across a person’s various role identities. This integration highlights the importance of recognizing unfulfilled needs, matching needs and crafting efforts, within- and between-level temporal dynamics of the crafting process, and possibilities for spillover and compensation processes across identity domains. Accordingly, the Integrative Needs Model of Crafting explains (1) why and how people craft, (2) when and why crafting efforts may (not) be effective in achieving optimal functioning, (3) the sequential process of crafting over time, and (4) how crafting processes unfold across different identity domains.

de Bloom, J., Vaziri, H., Tay, L., & Kujanpää, M. (2020). An identity-based integrative needs model of crafting: Crafting within and across life domains. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(12), 1423–1446. https://doi.org/10.1037/apl0000495

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利用角色理论,我们研究了员工道德所有权 (moral ownership) 与创造力之间的潜在负向关系,以及道德领导力 (ethical leadership) 在这种关系中的缓解作用。我们认为,道德所有权更高的员工可能会承担更多的道德角色责任,以确保自己的行为和环境的道德性,这无形中会导致他们在工作中的创意性思维和创造性更差。然而,我们提出道德领导者可以解除这些员工的这种道德代理角色,让他们在保持道德性的同时发挥创造性。我们采用了多元方法,在2个实地研究(1个基于美国的二人组研究和1个基于中国的团队研究)和2个实验研究(1个基于情景的研究和1个基于团队的研究)中检验了我们的预测。这些研究的结果都表明:(a)员工的道德所有权与员工的创造力呈负相关,(b)道德领导力可以调节这种关系,当道德领导力更高而非更低时,这种负相关关系就会减轻。此外,基于团队的实验室研究表明,道德责任感的缓解能对道德领导力的缓冲效应有中介作用。我们讨论了工作中的角色理论、道德性、创造性和领导力的影响。

Utilizing role theory, we investigate the potential negative relationship between employees’ moral ownership and their creativity, and the mitigating effect of ethical leadership in this relationship. We argue that employees higher on moral ownership are likely to take more moral role responsibility to ensure the ethical nature of their own actions and their environment, inadvertently resulting in them being less able to think outside of the box and to be creative at work. However, we propose that ethical leaders can relieve these employees from such moral agent role, allowing them to be creative while staying moral. We adopt a multimethod approach and test our predictions in 2 field studies (1 dyadic-based from the United States and 1 team-based from China) and 2 experimental studies (1 scenario-based and 1 team-based laboratory study). The results across these studies showed: (a) employee moral ownership is negatively related to employee creativity, and (b) ethical leadership moderates this relationship such that the negative association is mitigated when ethical leadership is high rather than low. Moreover, the team-based laboratory study demonstrated that moral responsibility relief mediated the buffering effect of ethical leadership. We discuss implications for role theory, ethicality, creativity, and leadership at work.

Liu, X., Liao, H., Derfler-Rozin, R., Zheng, X., Wee, E. X. M., & Qiu, F. (2020). In line and out of the box: How ethical leaders help offset the negative effect of morality on creativity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(12), 1447–1465. https://doi.org/10.1037/apl0000489



The preponderance of organizational socialization research has focused on the perceptions and interests of newcomers. Yet, insiders—particularly immediate supervisors—are central to newcomers’ adjustment, primarily in providing newcomers help. To facilitate such behavior, however, it is necessary to understand supervisors’ helping motivations. Beginning from a new theoretically grounded taxonomy, we examined how supervisor reports of their own self-oriented, other-oriented, and normative motives predicted newcomer-rated received help and subsequent adjustment/socialization outcomes. We also examined the moderating role of newcomer motive perceptions on whether help was reciprocated to supervisors. Our model was tested with multiwave data from newcomers and supervisors during the first 3 months of starting a job. Newcomers reported receiving greater help from supervisors who described themselves as being motivated by self-oriented tangible gains and other-orientation, whereas supervisors who described themselves as being motivated by self-oriented enhancement were seen as less helpful. Further, when newcomers perceived that supervisors were more motivated by other-orientation and less by self-oriented tangible gains, newcomers reciprocated more help to the supervisor later on. Our results advance theory about the role of interpersonal helping during socialization, revealing that not all provided help is interpreted similarly by newcomers, and that differing supervisor motivations should also be factored into account.

Rubenstein, A. L., Kammeyer-Mueller, J. D., & Thundiyil, T. G. (2020). The comparative effects of supervisor helping motives on newcomer adjustment and socialization outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(12), 1466–1489. https://doi.org/10.1037/apl0000492

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许多组织的代表在招聘和评估求职者时都会审查其社交媒体(SM)信息(如Facebook、Twitter)。尽管如此,关于各组织可利用的社交媒体信息,或关于对这种信息的评估是否是工作成果的有效预测因素的实证数据却很少。这项多研究调查探讨了这个新兴领域的几个关键问题。在研究1中,我们对求职者的Facebook网站(n = 266)进行了内容分析,发现这些网站经常提供美国就业法通常禁止组织在做出人事决定时使用的人口统计变量(如年龄、种族和宗教),以及其他与工作无关的个人信息(如性取向、婚姻状况)。在研究2中(n = 140),我们考察了求职者的SM信息是否与招聘者的评价有关。结果显示,各种类型的SM信息与招聘者对可雇佣性的判断相关,包括人口统计变量(如性别、婚姻状况),组织常规评估的变量(如教育、培训和技能),以及组织可能关注的变量(如亵渎、性行为)。在研究3中(n = 81),我们考察了结构化社交媒体评估(例如,通过评级员培训)是否会影响标准相关的有效性。结果显示,结构化社交媒体评估似乎并没有改善对未来工作绩效或退出意向的预测。总的来说,本研究结果表明,组织在人员配置过程中应该谨慎评估社交媒体。
