Why Is the Speculator (Almost) Always Long?
the longest-running bear show in recent memory was the foreign currency
slide (the dollar bull market) that continued from 1978 through 1985.
The Swiss franc declined from 69.00 to 35.00, the D-mark from 58.00 to
29.00, and the British pound from 2.40 to around 1.05. Notwithstanding
this very long-term bear market, we have witnessed a near continuous
round of bottom-picking, with both professional and commission house
speculators chasing after the most elusive prize of all - the reversal
of the strong dollar. There were probably more traders throughout the
world watching and waiting for a bottom in currencies during much of
that seven-year period than for any other future traded. The key
questions traders had to face and will continue to face in similar
situations in the future are these:
1. Were the currency markets forming a significant reversal from down to up at various times during the seven-year bear market?
1. 这7年的空头市场期间内不同的时间中,外汇市场是不是由下而上形成显著的反转?
How could the operator have participated in such a reversal while
maintaining reasonable loss protection in the event, as actually
occurred, the reversal signals were false and the market continued to
2. 交易者要怎么参与这种反转,同时保持合理的止损保护,以免反转信号是错误的,市场最后还是继续下跌?事实上这样的事就曾经发生过。
Assuming the trader had reversed to long and had been stopped out, how
could he have gotten back short in conformity with the ongoing bear
3. 假如交易者已经转而做多,而且因止损而平仓,那么他要怎样回到空方阵营,继续在空头市场中玩下去?
have often noted that major, long-standing trends, particularly
downtrends, do not reverse very quickly. They generally take an
intolerable amount of time and are accompanied by innumerable false
signals that cause many operators to be whipsawed in and out to an
exasperating degree. However, there is a logical way to shift the odds a
bit more in your favor. Avoid trying to pick off tops and bottoms
because, at best, it is a subjective and arbitrary way to time trades.
Moreover, it hardly ever succeeds. Rather, you must exercise the
patience and discipline to wait until your technical indicators or
system tell you that the flip has occurred, at which point you should
get aboard in the direction of the newly emerged trend. If your
indicator reverses you, protect the new position with a reasonable stop.
This could also be a reversal stop to return you into the ongoing trend
if the reversal turns out to be false and untenable.
the specific case of the currencies and their seven-year bear market,
we discreetly avoided probing for the bottom so long as markets
continued to slide within a broad succession of lower highs and lower
lows. There was no logical way to form a sufficiently strong prediction
of a market reversal on which to place a large bet. Overeager traders
had been chopped up for years trying unsuccessfully to do just that.
Instead, we approached these markets in the following manner: At each
point where it appeared the market might be making a bottom (or a flip
from short to long), we identified the respective resistance points.
Each currency market would have to close through these in order to
justify in our analysis that the trend had flipped. We had a number of
close calls and “almosts,” but as you can see from the accompanying
long-term chart of the Swiss franc (Figure 9-2), the trend was clearly
down. No rally high surpassed any previous rally high until first half
of 1985, after the market hit bottom around the 34.00 level. One of the
long-term trading systems we follow gave an initial buy signal on March
12, 1985, and a subsequent buy signal on June 13 of the same year. This
analysis was further confirmed by our technical advisory, issued after
the first rally from 34.00 to 41.00 and the subsequent 50 percent
retracement to the 37.00 level. It suggested the purchase of Swiss at
38.05 stop, close only (basis long-term weekly). We would wait to buy on
the failure of the reaction and on the resumption of the rally.
图9-2 瑞士法郎(最近期)长期月线图
is the quintessential long-term roller-coaster market. The Swiss franc
topped out around the 69.00 level in late 1978, remaining within the
major bear trend until first-half 1985. This seven-year-long bear market
was a near total disaster for the majority of public speculators who
were committed to the bull side regardless of market trend. By the time
the trend reversed to north in mid-1985, most speculators missed the
turn. They were too exhausted, both financially and emotionally, from
fighting the markets with their losing long positions over the past
several years. A number of public commodity funds, however, scored
impressive profits on short currency positions during this period.
after taking a position on a projected trend reversal, it is necessary
to protect the new position with reasonable stops. So what is
reasonable? That is a function of the trader's personal pain level. In
my book, it can be set at anywhere from 50 to 100 percent of the margin
requirement which, in actual dollar terms, is from $600 to around
$1,500. Obviously, how much you are willing to risk is clearly related
to how much you logically project to win. So, if you are a very
long-term operator with a history of taking thousands from a winning
long-term move, you can obviously afford a somewhat higher risk on a
given position than a trader who is quicker to jump out.
have all seen too many examples of antitrend trading. The same goes for
top or bottom picking against major trending markets, where the
operator loses - $15,000 or more per contract - all out of proportion to
what he could reasonably have expected to win. And, as you can surmise,
after taking a bath of that magnitude, he isn’t likely to have much
enthusiasm for getting back aboard when the market signals its next
turn, even though this is just when he should be back in. But what if,
instead of having lost several thousand per contract, he had lost under a
thousand? He could then patiently wait for the next opportunity as
signaled by his system or other technical method. He would again risk
another thousand on the new position. Assuming his system or technical
method was viable, he would ultimately score on the position,
notwithstanding the few small losses along the way.
the old children’s rhyme, “He who fights and runs away lives to fight
another day.” I would dedicate to the speculator a revised version: “He
who has a bad trade and runs away, lives to trade (and make profits)
another day.”
you ever tried to quantify the long-short mix of your portfolio versus
the long-short mix of the actual market trends? I have, and the results
were quite revealing. In May of 1985, I called several of my colleagues
to inquire how they and their clients were positioned in the markets. I
also called a number of overseas traders and money managers.