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可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-04-27 14:10





This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. com.


Rob: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. My name is Rob and I'm joined in the studio by Finn.


Finn: Hello. Today, we're talking about managersthey are the people who boss us aroundin other words, tell us what to do. Don't they Rob?


Rob: Well not our manager Finnhe is an example of a perfect managerhe is inspirationalhe is someone to look up to and admire!


Finn: Oh, yes, that's right Robhe might be listening! So apart from our manager, we are discussing the question: what are managers for? And we'll be looking at some related words and phrases.


Rob: I imagine being a manager is a demanding and stressful job.


Finn: Yes but it sometimes comes with good financial rewardsome managers do get paid well.


Rob: Yes that's probably why one demanding and stressful job - managing a football team - comes with a big financial reward in many countries. And for today's question do you know who was the world's highest paid football manager in 2012? Was it: a) Sir Alex Ferguson b) Jose Mourinho or c) Fabio Capello?

是啊,这就是为什么,在很多国家,要求高、压力大的工作会有很高的收入,例如管理一支足球队。今天的问题是,你知道2012年世界上薪水最高的足球教练是谁吗?a)阿历克斯·弗格森爵士 b)何塞·穆里尼奥 c)法比奥·卡佩罗?

Finn: I think Ferguson or Mourinho. Mourinho was managing Real Madrid in 2012 so I'll say him.

我觉得是弗格森或者穆里尼奥. 2012年,穆里尼奥还管着皇家马德里队,所以我选他。

Rob: We'll find out if you're right at the end of the programme. But now let's talk more about everyday managersthe sort we work for or withpeople who run our departments, companies or schools and colleges.


Finn: There are a lot of them, Rob. It's been reported that in the UK there are now five million managersthat's ten times as many as there were 100 years ago. So what are they all doing?


Rob: I suppose they're making important decisions for their businesses, and have good organizational skills. They have to manage their staff toothat's people like you and me Finn.


Finn: Ah yes, a good manager needs good people skillsthat's where they can talk and listen to a variety of people who all have different needs and abilities.


Rob: A good manager is also approachable and they deal with problems quickly and fairly too. What do you think makes a bad manager Finn?


Finn: One that is concerned about hierarchyso that's their position in the company. They want to show who is boss but actually they achieve very little. Rob, you've been a manager, what was it like for you?


Rob: I was more of a middle manager, so I reported to the senior manager but was managing a small team of producers. It was like spinning lots of platesso trying to do many things at the same time, speaking to different people, organizing the rota and attending many meetings.


Finn: All important things Rob. Maybe managers are necessary to keep everything working smoothlyand let's face it, someone has to take charge and make decisions.


Rob: True. But many of us think we are managers because of our job titlethat's the name we are given at work. It's something the author and journalist Lucy Kellaway has been speaking about on BBC radio.


Finn: See if you can hear some of the job titles she mentions here:


Even if you don't actually manage anyone, your title pretends you do. So a conductor is a train manager. A technician is an IT manager and even a humbler administrator is an office manager. We've all become obsessed with management.


Rob: So Lucy Kellaway says some job titles are falsethey are made up and pretend to be a managerial title when they are not. For example, we heard a train manager


Finn: That's someone who sells ticketswe call them a conductor. And we heard an office manager


Rob: That's an administratorsomeone dealing with paperwork and the day-to-day running of the office. And what about an IT manager?


Finn: An IT manager is really a technician. Other job titles have also been exaggerated or changed so that people worried about their status can feel happiertitles like executive, director or principal.


Rob: We could argue that everyone's job involves some kind of managing: I'm managing this programme by moving the faders in the studio and asking you to read the script.


Finn: So instead of your normal job titleproducerwhat job title could you give yourself?


Rob: I'm the director of programme engineering! How does that sound?


Finn: Or creative director? That is perhaps taking the definition of manager too far. If we end up having too many managers who is going to do all the real work? Me I expect!


Rob: There's no time Finn, it's time to reveal the answer to today's question. Earlier I asked you if you knew who is the world's highest paid football manager?


Finn: And I said Jose Mourinho.


Rob: And you were right! He earned over 12 million pounds in 2012.


Finn: That is a lot. Maybe it's time for me to work my way up the career ladder, get a better job and earn some serious money!


Rob: It's time to go now but do join us again for another edition of 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. Bye!


Finn: Bye!


That was 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. com.
