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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-07-08 06:00



英国首相特蕾莎曾公开表示:并无计划在英国 大选后提高税收水平。但计划往往赶不上变化,英国的税收似乎并没有停止提高的趋势,保险费税在2015年11月上涨到9.5%之后,从2016年10月1日起再次提高半个百分点,达到10%。所有购买了车险、家庭财产险、宠物险和医疗保险的消费者将不得不缴纳更多保费。根据最新的标准,车险用户平均每年将多缴纳2英镑保费、家庭财险用户需平均多交1.6英镑。

Whoever wins the next election, taxes are likely to go up


The tax burden will soon be at its highest level since the mid-1980s


May 18th 2017

TO FINANCE the many costly promises in its manifesto the Labour Party would need to increase taxes significantly. It has promised a steep rise in corporation tax and a higher rate of income tax for those earning more than £80,000 ($104,000) a year. The Liberal Democrats want to add one percentage point to each band of income tax to pay for extra spending on health care.


  • manifesto n.(尤指政党或政府的)宣言,声明

The Conservatives, by contrast, like to portray themselves as the party of low taxes. On the campaign trail Theresa May has talked of her low-tax “instinct”. But she has left the door open to higher taxes, in contrast to her party’s promise in 2015 not to increase income tax, VAT or national insurance contributions (a payroll tax which Philip Hammond, the chancellor of the exchequer, is keen to raise).


  • exchequer(英国的)财政部

Regardless of the parties’ manifestos, a look at Britain’s accounts makes one thing clear: whoever wins on June 8th and whatever promises they make now, in the coming years the tax burden is likely to rise to its highest level in decades.


When the Conservatives came to power in coalition with the Lib Dems in 2010, the government was running a budget deficit worth 10% of GDP.(读者试译句) As ministers went about reducing the deficit in the parliament of 2010-15, most of the adjustment was borne by cuts to public spending rather than by tax rises .


Departments can make efficiency improvements up to a point, but eventually ever-smaller budgets make it difficult to provide core services. From prisons to the National Health Service, measures of performance started to go south from around 2014, according to a recent report from the Institute for Government, a think-tank. The rate of child poverty, which fell during the 2000s, is now rising sharply, in part because of big cuts in working-age benefits.


Since the election in 2015 the government has subtly adopted a new approach to austerity: less emphasis on spending cuts, more on tax rises. In the average budget or autumn statement since then, the government has called for tax rises four times as big as the average in the parliament of 2010-15. Granted, the personal allowance for income tax has risen. The headline rate of corporation tax has been cut. Yet increases in less-noticed charges such as environmental taxes, stamp duty (a levy on property transactions) and insurance-premium tax (levied on everything from holiday to vehicle insurance) have more than compensated.


  • austerity n.节衣缩食;艰苦朴素

Mr Hammond is fast gaining a reputation as a tax-grabber. In his first budget in March the chancellor pencilled in a reduction in the tax-free allowance for dividend income from £5,000 to £2,000. He also proposed an increase in the national-insurance contributions paid by the self-employed—though this was hastily, and embarrassingly, withdrawn after an outcry from newspapers and Tory backbenchers.


  • pencil v.用铅笔写

  • outcry n.强烈的抗议(或反对)

In all, following recent revisions to official economic forecasts, it is now expected that in 2018-19 the tax burden, expressed as a percentage of GDP, will be at its highest level since the mid-1980s. Mrs May’s “instinct” may well be to lower taxes, but she cannot help being bound by Britain’s unforgiving fiscal arithmetic.


  • arithmetic n.(某形势的)数据统计

翻译 ▍瞐瞐 Ding

审核 ▍瞐瞐

图文编辑 ▍且听风吟

责任编辑 ▍毛毛

Try to translate 

When the Conservatives came to power in coalition with the Lib Dems in 2010, the government was running a budget deficit worth 10% of GDP. 

Put Chinese below









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