How to Elevate Student Work through Exhibition
When students share their learning with an authentic audience we provide them with an opportunity to share their story, reflect on their growth, and imagine with others possibilities for their future.
Student driven学⽣驱动
Students talking about their work & process学⽣谈论⾃⼰的作品和项⽬过程
Not too scripted BUT students need practice 不要太照本宣科,但学⽣需要练习
Can be anywhere (in school, outside, at coffee shop, in a museum, etc)可以在任何地⽅(在学校,外⾯,咖啡店,博物馆等)
Advertise in advance so folks know to come!提前做⼴告,让⼈们知道你会来!
Exhibition leaders–let students take the lead in set up and running the night展会负责⼈:让学⽣带头布置和操办活动
Give the audience/visitors a role rather than just having them walk around and asking each student what they did给观众/访客⼀个⾓⾊更好,不只是让他们⾛来⾛去和问学⽣做了什么