Self-entitled, moi? Teens, narcissism and why 'special' and 'unique' are different things
译者:羊神兽 原文作者:Lea Waters
Psychological science is full of interesting topics, many of which align to tell a coherent picture of human nature, but some of which create seemingly contradictory stories. A case in point is the thorny, and misunderstood, intersection between strength-based science and the research on narcissism.
There is now convincing evidence to show that narcissism is on the rise, especially in our youth. Some researchers have gone so far as to say that it is occurring in epidemic proportions, with about 25% of young people showing symptoms of narcissism. The inflated ego of Generation Me is reflected in reality TV, celebrity worship, out-of-control consumerism, voyeurism, materialism … perhaps even a new breed of president.
We are correct to be concerned about this phenomenon but our fear that all kids are budding narcissists has caused an unhelpful counter-reaction to approaches that seek to make our children and teens feel good about themselves.
In my own research on strength-based parenting it is common for people to wrongly label this approach as a recipe for self-entitlement. Their argument seems to be that a child who knows their strengths will automatically view themselves as better than everyone else. It is argued that the self-assurance that comes with identifying and using their positive qualities will make a child arrogant, selfish and uncaring. Genuine confidence about one’s strengths is categorised as over-confidence; desirable self-knowledge is branded as excessive self-admiration.
在我一项关于自信育儿法(strength-based parenting)的研究中,我发现人们大多认为这种方法会让孩子变得自负。他们的论点是,如果孩子知道了自己的能力多强后,他们自然而然认为自己比其他人棒。他们说,来源于认识自己,并通过应用自己优势带来的自信会让孩子变得自大自私,不关心他人。在这里,真自信变成了过分自信,认识自我变成了过度的自我崇拜。
Why does this occur? It’s partly because more is known about narcissism than strengths. While strengths psychology has largely stayed within the confines of academic journals or has been applied only within certain contexts such as the workplace, research on narcissism has made its way into the mass media and into our collective conscious. The New York Times noted that narcissism is a favoured “go-to” topic and that people everywhere are diagnosing others with it.
The fear that a strength-based approach will cause narcissism also occurs because we unwittingly fall prey to binary thinking. We mistakenly believe that one cannot be both confident and humble. We focus on Donald Trump and Kim Kardashian rather than Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa. There’s no way that Gandhi and Mother Teresa could have achieved what they did without confidence in their strengths, and yet they are both pillars of humility and selflessness.
When we assume that strength-focus is the same as a self-focus, we fail to entertain the idea that people who know their strengths are, actually, more likely to be pro-social and focus on helping others.
It’s tempting to conclude that every young person is at risk of becoming a narcissist but I’d like to stand up for the thousands of young kids I have worked with who are caring, thoughtful and humble – even when they use their strengths.
Prof Jean Twenge from San Diego State University, an expert on narcissism, points out that narcissism is a distinct from the concept of self-esteem. Being a strength-based parent is not about indulging your child in grandiosity, it’s about connecting to them to what it is really inside of them, their inherent talents and qualities.
Nor is strength-based parenting about ignoring a child’s weaknesses or problem behaviour. Indeed, the solid self-identity that comes through strength-based parenting gives children the sturdy foundation needed to acknowledge and address their weak spots because they know that their parent is seeing their strengths.
In other words, their strengths are not overly inflated and their weaknesses are not ignored – this is pretty much the opposite of narcissism.