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【Advances in Applied Energy】千禧年以来住宅建筑终端运行排放的全球转型

AEii国际应用能源  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-06-28 18:00



Global transition of operational carbon inresidential buildings since the millennium




The carbon intensity of global residential building operations declined 1.2% yr −1 in 2000–2020.

Uneven energy intensity and shrinking householdsize were keys to decarbonizing residential buildings.

Appliances(∼-17.7kgCO 2 /household) decarbonized the most in global residential buildings’ end uses.

By 2020, global decarbonization totaled 7.1Gt CO 2 , and the corresponding efficiency was 9.4%.

Decarbonization is thriving in emergingeconomies, but their intensity still falls behind top economies.


住宅部门是全球第三大能源需求和二氧化碳排放终端,处于全球能源转型和净零排放的最前沿。为了加快住宅建筑的脱碳步伐,本研究首次提出了一个自下而上的评估框架,结合“分解-结构-分解”(DSD)方法,评估了本世纪以来全球 12 个气候区—— 56 个国家/地区住宅建筑终端运行的排放模式和脱碳进程。结果表明:(1)全球住宅建筑的终端运行碳强度在过去二十年内保持1.2%/年的下降水平,家庭户均能源需求与家庭户均规模是促使现阶段住宅脱碳的关键;(2) 终端活动在全球住宅建筑脱碳中扮演着越来越重要的角色(综合贡献水平:-46.3 千克二氧化碳/户/年),其中贡献最大的终端是电器 (38.3%),其次是供暖 (21.2%) 和照明 (12.6%);(3)尽管近二十年全球住宅建筑的脱碳水平为7.1吉吨二氧化碳,年均脱碳效率9.4%,但是住宅脱碳的区域异质性尤为显著,特别是在新兴经济体之间。此外,本研究检验了追踪脱碳的评估框架的不确定性和稳健性,并进一步提出了全球住宅建筑的适应性深度脱碳策略。综上所述,本研究回顾并比较了全球和区域间的住宅建筑脱碳表现和动机,有助于各国建筑领域净零排放政策措施的制定实施,从而助力全球建筑碳中和目标的尽早实现。

更多关于" residential building decarbonization "的研究请见:



建筑有望成为实现全球碳中和“最后一公里”的关键领域,开发一套可以追踪全球建筑能耗、排放、建筑存量的多区域数据集迫在眉睫。作为本研究的数据驱动,我们独立开发了全球建筑碳排放数据库(IBED, https://ibed.world/)。IBED将为各国提供可比的建筑碳排放清单,支撑国家/地区开展建筑历史排放基线确定、历史减排水平评估、碳达峰与碳中和路径模拟与优化,有助于各国建筑领域净零排放政策措施的制定实施,从而助力全球建筑碳中和目标的尽早实现。

Abstr act

The residential sector is the third-largestenergy consumer and emitter globally and as such is at the forefront of theenergy transition and net-zero emissions pathway. To accelerate the pace ofdecarbonization of residential buildings, this study is the first to present abottom-up assessment framework integrated with the decomposing structuraldecomposition method to evaluate the emission patterns and decarbonizationprocess of residential building operations in 56 countries spanning 12 regionsworldwide from 2000 to 2020. The results show that (1) the operational carbonintensity of global residential buildings has maintained an annual decline of 1.2%over the past two decades, and energy intensity and average household size havebeen key to this decarbonization; (2) end uses have held an increasinglyimportant role in decarbonizing global residential buildings (-46.3 kgs ofcarbon dioxide per household per year), with the largest contributors beingappliances(38.3%), followed by space heating (21.2%) and lighting (12.6%); and(3) although the total decarbonization of global residential buildings was 7.1gigatons of carbon dioxide and achieved a decarbonization efficiency of 9.4%per yr during this time period, regional decarbonization inequality and unevendistribution remained quite large, especially in emerging economy regions.Moreover, the uncertainty and robustness of the assessment framework are alsotested, and adaptive high decarbonization strategies are further proposed forglobal residential buildings. Overall, this study reviews and compares globaland regional performances and motivations for decarbonization to supportnational decarbonization efforts to reach net-zero emissions and advance theglobal residential building sector toward a carbon-free century.


Global residential buildings

Operational carbon emissions

Residential end-use activities

Decomposing structural decomposition

High decarbonization strategies

Graphic Abstract

GraphicalAbstract. Global transition of operational carbon in residential buildingssince the millennium: (a) The share of each major emitting region in the totaloperational carbon emissions change in 2020 compared with 2000; (b) Definitionof the twelve emitting regions examined in thisstudy, shaded as in (a); (c-d) Regional trends in cumulative operationaldecarbonization and the corresponding decarbonization efficiency from 2001 to2020 (light to dark colored dots); (e) Cumulative decarbonization and thecorresponding decarbonization efficiency across emitters during the period2001–2020; (f-h) Top 10 countries in average annual decarbonization level ofglobal residential building operations across different emission scales. Notes:Background contours in (c-d) are in units of cumulative decarbonization. Thecumulative carbon emissions for the United States (23.5 GtCO2, decarbonizationefficiency: 8.1%) and China (13.5 GtCO2, 11.1%) are not plotted in (e) due toscale limitations.
