专栏名称: 裕彬量化分析
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裕彬量化分析  · 公众号  · 金融  · 2017-04-12 20:46





如上图所示,在过去40年间,每一次美元指数加速攀升,尤其是在100以上加速攀升,都会伴随着严重的金融风暴(1980年代的拉美债务危机,1997年亚洲金融危机,2009年次贷危机等等),我们可以把这种美元强势上行称之为death march(死亡行军)。美元指数的新一轮死亡行军就要开始,时间是4月23号左右,那一天法国举行第一轮总统大选。为什么法国总统大选这么重要?这是由于美元指数的构成决定的。

Currency Symbol Country Weight
Euro EUR Eurozone 57.6%
Yen JPY Japan 13.6%
Pound GBP Great Britain 11.9%
Dollar CAD Canada 9.1%
Krona SEK Denmark 4.2%
Franc CHG Switzerland 3.6%

如上图所示,美元指数是美元对欧元,日元,英镑,加拿大元,丹麦克朗,瑞士法郎这六种货币的加权汇率,而其中欧元的权重是57.6%。所以只要欧元暴跌,美元就要暴涨,而这样一件事在4月23号左右就有可能发生。根据最新的法国权威Le Monde/Cevipof选举民调结果显示,主张脱欧的勒庞和中间派候选人马克龙的支持率并列第一,这意味着4月23号的第一轮总统大选中勒庞将毫无悬念的进入第二轮总统大选。法国脱欧(Frexit)不是梦。而欧元区的核心引擎只有两个,一个就是法国,一个就是德国。只要勒庞让法国脱欧,欧元真就是完蛋了,美元就要开始death march(死亡行军)了,股票,基金,黄金,原油等几乎所有的大类资产都会剧烈震荡。





Article 89

The President of the Republic, on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, and Members of Parliament alike shall have the right to initiate amendments to the Constitution.
A Government or a Private Member's Bill to amend the Constitution must be considered within the time limits set down in the third paragraph of article 42 and be passed by the two Houses in identical terms. The amendment shall take effect after approval by referendum.

However, a Government Bill to amend the Constitution shall not be submitted to referendum where the President of the Republic decides to submit it to Parliament convened in Congress; the Government Bill to amend the Constitution shall then be approved only if it is passed by a three-fifths majority of the votes cast. The Bureau of the Congress shall be that of the National Assembly.

No amendment procedure shall be commenced or continued where the integrity of national territory is placed in jeopardy.

The republican form of government shall not be the object of any amendment.--法国宪法


Article 11

The President of the Republic may, on a recommendation from the Government when Parliament is in session, or on a joint motion of the two Houses, published in the Journal Officiel, submit to a referendum any Government Bill which deals with the organization of the public authorities, or with reforms relating to the economic, social or environmental policy of the Nation, and to the public services contributing thereto, or which provides for authorization to ratify a treaty which, although not contrary to the Constitution, would affect the functioning of the institutions.

Where the referendum is held on the recommendation of the Government, the latter shall make a statement before each House and the same shall be followed by a debate.

A referendum concerning a subject mentioned in the first paragraph may be held upon the initiative of one fifth of the members of Parliament, supported by one tenth of the voters enrolled on the electoral lists. This initiative shall take the form of a Private Members' Bill and may not be applied to the repeal of a legislative provision promulgated for less than one year.

The conditions by which it is introduced and those according to which the Constitutional Council monitors the respect of the provisions of the previous paragraph, are set down by an Institutional Act.

If the Private Members' Bill has not been considered by the two Houses within a period set by the Institutional Act, the President of the Republic may submit it to a referendum.

Where the Private Members' Bill is not passed by the French people, no new referendum proposal on the same subject may be submitted before the end of a period of two years following the date of the vote.

Where the outcome of the referendum is favourable to the Government Bill or to the Private Members' Bill, the President of the Republic shall promulgate the resulting statute within fifteen days following the proclamation of the results of the vote.

Article 61

Institutional Acts, before their promulgation, Private Members' Bills mentioned in article 11 before they are submitted to referendum, and the rules of procedure of the Houses of Parliament shall, before coming into force, be referred to the Constitutional Council, which shall rule on their conformity with the Constitution.

To the same end, Acts of Parliament may be referred to the Constitutional Council, before their promulgation, by the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, the President of the National Assembly, the President of the Senate, sixty Members of the National Assembly or sixty Senators.

In the cases provided for in the two foregoing paragraphs, the Constitutional Council must deliver its ruling within one month. However, at the request of the Government, in cases of urgency, this period shall be reduced to eight days.

In these same cases, referral to the Constitutional Council shall suspend the time allotted for promulgation. -法国宪法





让我们在超级去杠杆化的理论框架下,考察美国的一些重要的宏观金融数据, 这就好比测量体温,看看美国的金融体系有没有发高烧的迹象 。让我们先看下面这个数据图


如上图所示,The BofA Merrill Lynch Option-Adjusted Spreads是美国垃圾债券收益率和美国国债收益率之间的利差,这个值越大,代表金融系统发生系统性债务违约的风险就越大。该利差水平已经达到了2009年以来的最高水平,也就是2008年9月和2009年9月的水平。种种迹象表明,美国的融资市场的债务泡沫正在走向破灭。一旦垃圾债券的违约率达到8%--10%,债务泡沫就破灭了,系统性的债务违约就发生了。实证数据表明,今年这个情况可能不会发生,但是之后情况恶化的速度就会显著加快。2017年左右,美国爆发新的债务危机的可能性很高,而且极有可能会启动新一轮的超级去杠杆化。所以, 美国经济需要主动去除杠杆了,否则次贷危机就会卷土重来。关于去杠杆,我打个简单的比喻,高烧烧到了39度,要做的不是让它烧到40度以上,而是让他降温。在这样的情况下,美元指数不能太强,否则会推高美国高收益债券的利差,而目前该利差已达到次贷危机前的水平,再显著推高,美国自身发生债务危机的风险就会很高。 美国经济要去除杠杆,美元指数就必须去杠杆。美元高位盘整是目前最好的选择,绝不能显著超越100,更别说挑战164.72。---2016年11月19日《揭穿时寒冰的黑暗料理:美元指数破百,要挑战164.72,全球大萧条?》

