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取经号JTW  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-01-17 22:46




作者:Arwa Mahdawi





How a good night's sleep became the ultimate status symbol


本文选自 The Guardian | 取经号原创翻译

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Sleep deprivation used to be a badge of honor: a sign you were busy and important and very much in demand. Snoozing was losing and sleep was for wimps . Now, however, Arianna Huffington’s The Sleep Revolution, a call-to-bed that promises to transform your life, “one night at a time”, is a New York Times bestseller, and Huffington is crisscrossing the country urging people to “sleep their way to the top”.

在过去,睡眠不足曾是光荣的 象征 ——表明你日无暇晷,重要性不言而喻,是社会需要的栋梁。打盹的人已然输在了起跑线上,睡眠不过是为 弱者 准备的。如今,阿里安娜·赫芬顿的著作《睡眠革命》却呼吁人们上床睡觉,承诺睡眠可以改变你的人生:“每个晚上都是一次改变”。此书登上了纽约时报畅销榜,而赫芬顿也在全国 巡回 签售,鼓励人们“睡出成功之路”。

badge /bædʒ/ n. something that shows that you have a particular quality (荣誉/勇气等的)标记

crisscross /ˈkrɪs krɒs/ v. to travel many times from one side of an area to another 多次往返于,来回奔波于

Meanwhile, the sleep industry has woken up big time and a slew of startups are reinventing where, when and how we sleep – as well as how much we’re prepared to pay for it. Companies like Casper are getting millions of dollars in funding to disrupt the mattress market. Sleep salons like YeloSpa let urbanites nap – just a $1 a minute!

与此同时,睡眠相关产业已如火如荼地发展起来, 大量 初创公司开始重新定义我们何时、何地、如何睡觉,以及我们准备为新的睡眠模式付多少钱。诸如Casper之类的公司得到了数百万美元的投资以求将床垫市场重新洗牌。而像YeloSpa这样的睡眠沙龙为城市居民提供了白天小憩的机会——居然每分钟只要1美元!

slew /sluː/ n. (slew of sth.) a large number of things大量,许多

For the more upmarket snoozer, luxury hotels are offering “sleep retreats”; north of $1,000 gets you dinner and a movie about sleep. You might want to pack your performance pajamas; a moisture-wicking cami for a cooler night’s sleep sets you back $66. And if you’re staying home, you can upgrade your bedroom with everything from a mattress cover ($249) with a sensor that tracks your sleep to a brainwave-monitoring sleeping mask ($299) that lets you nap more efficiently.

针对更高端市场的消费者,豪华酒店推出了“睡眠静养”服务:不仅提供晚餐,还包括一部关于睡眠的电影,全套价格不少于1000美元。也许你会想要带上你的功能睡衣,那么买吸湿排汗 卡米背心 吧,可以让你享受一晚清凉的睡眠,而且只需66美元。如果你正待在家里,也可以给卧室更新换代一番,从配有睡眠检测传感器的床垫罩(249美元),到可以让你打盹更有效率的脑电波检测睡眠面罩(299美元),一切皆可升级。

Sleep hasn’t just been corporatized – it has infiltrated corporations. A number of companies already boast nap pods and Huffington predicts that nap rooms in offices are going to be “as common as conference rooms” in the next two years.


So how did this happen? How did sleep, something humans have done since long before Huffington awoke to it, suddenly become so fashionable?


A number of factors feed into the way we’re putting a higher value on sleep – both culturally and financially. Health and wellness have become more aspirational, for one.


feed into 插入,送进;输进 ( 某人、某物 )

Getting enough sleep is a natural fit for the sort of lifestyle in which paying $10 for green juice and $34 for a SoulCycle class is the norm. Then there’s the rise of the quantified self through wearable technology. Our bodies have become input/output devices that we monitor and optimize for greater efficiency, and sleep has become another data set to be tracked and hacked. What Huffington emphasizes about sleep, after all, is not that it rests you but that it restores you. Sleep, she says, is the ultimate performance enhancer.


The main reason sleep’s stock has gone up, however, is that very few people can actually afford to sleep much. Forget Birkin bags and superyachts: getting eight hours of rest has become the ultimate status symbol.


You know how Arianna Huffington gets her eight hours? Well, for one thing, she has “nine or so” assistants, according to a recent New York Times profile. Huffington calls them her “A-Team”; they do everything from running her errands to planning her travel to loading the Huffington Post on her computer in the morning. According to the Times, most of the A-Team can only endure about 12 months of the work because it’s so taxing . The low pay also means many of them take second jobs. Basically, they don’t sleep so that Huffington can … and can sell books about it.

你知道阿里安娜·赫芬顿是如何睡够八小时的吗?一方面,根据纽约时报的人物报道,她有“大约九个”助理。赫芬顿把助理们称为她的“先遣队”。从跑腿,到计划旅游行程,再到每天早上将赫芬顿邮报加载到她的电脑上,他们负责一切大大小小的事务。纽约时报表示,先遣队的大多数成员只能坚持12个月,因为工作太过 繁重 ,而较低的工资也意味着他们中的许多人需要再找第二份活干。正是因为助理们基本上不睡觉,所以赫芬顿才能睡觉,才可以热卖关于睡眠的书。

taxing /ˈtæksɪŋ/ adj. something that needs a lot of effort 繁重的,累人的,费劲的

“Sleep is one of humanity’s great unifiers,” writes Huffington in one of her many articles about sleep. But while the need for sleep may be one of humanity’s unifiers, the ability to actually get a good night’s sleep is emblematic of society’s great divisions.


emblematic /ˌembləˈmætɪk/ adj. seeming to represent or be a sign of something 象征性的;标志性的

Getting enough sleep isn’t just a question of valuing sleep enough to go to bed at the right time; it’s a question of going to bed in the right neighborhood, and in the right body. Numerous studies show that you’re more likely to sleep poorly if you’re poor. It’s hard to sleep if you’re worried about your safety or haven’t had enough to eat. It’s hard to sleep if you’re one of the 15 million American shift workers who work irregular hours. Research has also found that there’s a black/white sleep gap. One study shows that while white people sleep an average of 6.85 hours, African Americans sleep an average of 6.05 hours. They also have a lower quality of sleep. Researchers have attributed this, in part, to the stress of discrimination.


Want to know who gets the most sleep and the best quality of sleep in America? Wealthy white women. Which, if I’d hazard a guess, is probably the same demographic Huffington is targeting her book at. Huffington positions her proselytization of sleep as a “revolution”, but really it’s a rebranding. Getting enough sleep is the new “leaning in”: advice for the 1% that ignores the socioeconomic elephant in the room. The very r eal sleep crisis we face isn’t down to a few rich people thinking it’s a waste of time; it’s down to the 99% not being able to afford to spend time sleeping. (Oh, in case you’re wondering, Sheryl Sandberg has endorsed Huffington’s book, saying “Sometimes we need to sleep in to lean in!” Sure! Just make sure to brief your assistants first.)

想知道在美国哪些人睡得最多、睡得最好吗?答案是富有的白人女性。如果我 大胆地猜测 一下,恐怕这也是赫芬顿此书的目标受众吧。赫芬顿称自己对睡眠本质的 皈依 为一场“革命”,但这不过是换汤不换药的把戏。书中写道,充足的睡眠是新的“向前一步”,然而这只是为那些对于如此明显的社会经济地位的分化视而不见的前1%的人出谋划策。我们所面临的真正的睡眠危机并不在于少数有钱人认为睡觉是浪费时间,而在于99%的人睡不起觉。(噢,为了满足你的好奇之心,雪莉·桑德伯格确实支持赫芬顿这本书所持的立场,并表示“有时我们需要通过睡眠来向前一步!” 言之有理!但别忘了先给你的助理们安排任务。)

hazard /ˈhæzəd/ v. to say something that is only a suggestion or guess and that might not be correct 冒昧提出;大胆猜测

While sleep is currently enjoying a moment, I’ve got a feeling it will be short-lived. Sleep may be a performance enhancer, but it’s an inefficient one. The real prize is finding a way to negate sleep deprivation so humans can function on less sleep. Unsurprisingly, the military is at the forefront of this research. In 2008, the Pentagon published a report called “Human Performance” which examined the possibility of a future in which soldiers could perform at their peak with only a couple of hours’ sleep. “Suppose a human could be engineered who slept for the same amount of time as a giraffe (1.9 hours per night). This would lead to an approximately twofold decrease in the casualty rate. An adversary would need an approximately 40% increase in the troop level to compensate for this advantage.” The report goes on to look at the effects of ampakines, a class of drugs that modulate neurotransmitters in the brain, to remove the effects of sleep deprivation.
