专栏名称: rereview
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rereview  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-05-10 21:00



相信大家也都听说了某选秀节目停播事件,究其原因是恶劣的打榜行为。爱奶人士强烈谴责好吗!!??今天我们来读一篇Sixth Tone上的文章吧。


One of China’s most popular online talent shows has been suspended days before its season finale due to a voting promotion that may have resulted in crazed fans wasting vast quantities of milk.

talent shows 选秀节目

suspend : 有暂停或暂时禁止某人做某事的意思;这里是停播的意思

finale : the last part of a performance

voting promotion : 打投;打榜

crazed v.s. crazy

crazy: annoyed; not irrational; silly(强调情绪)

crazed:  behaving in a wild or strange way(强调行为)

e.g. A crazy idea;

His behaviour drove me crazy

crazed fans


[ The trigger was a video ] that went viral over the five-day Labour Day holiday in early May, [ showing a group of middle-aged people opening bottles of dairy product, pouring their contents into buckets, and dumping the buckets into a drainage ditch ] . All they were interested in , apparently, were the bottle caps with QR codes printed on the inside that could be scanned to vote for contestants on the wildly popular talent show “Youth With You 3.”

drainage ditch 排水沟

contestant 选手

contest: competition


练习生就是选秀节目中接受训练的学员, trainee


the trigger is xx : xx的导火索,缘由,起因

e.g. The trigger of cancer is your unhealthy lifestyle.

go vira l :

be widely spreaded

e.g. Let's make joint efforts and make kindness go viral.

content :


e.g. He guessed the contents before opening the parcel.

all they are interested in is xx:

这里可以翻译成“他们唯一感兴趣的就是xx”也可以译成“他们想得到的就是xx”来替换“all they want is xx”

e.g. All they are interested in is the content in the parcel.


Since mid-February, an initial crop of around 120 contestants have been whittled down to just 20 over the course of several voting rounds. After the finale, only the top nine will be invited to form their own boy band .

a crop of : a group of people

whittle down : reduce the number or size of sb/sth

boy band : 男团


Fan voting is the sole criterion for who gets cut, and who edges one step closer to pop stardom .

sole criterion : 唯一评判标准

criterion : the standard; 复数criteria

→想起 sole agent独家代理

