《重新定义团队:谷歌如何工作》一书作者、前谷歌人力运营部高级副总裁、谷歌高级顾问Laszlo Bock先生在2017年元旦正式宣布离职创业。
在BOCK先生任职谷歌(2006-2016年) 担任人力运营部负责人的shi年期间,谷歌的员工数从6000增长到近5万,在全球四十多个国家设立了七十多个分支机构。他帮助谷歌创建了人力运营部,并创建了谷歌(也许是世界上)第一个人才数据分析团队。他撰写的《重新定义团队:谷歌如何工作》一书是用人才数据说话的典范,并揭示了改变未来的工作法则。该书曾获《纽约时报》畅销榜第一名,并在国内HR界引起“重新定义”热潮。他本人曾于2014年被《Human Resource Executive Magazine》评为 十 年内对HR行业影响最深远的 十 人之一。
以下是 Bock 先生刚刚在 LinkedIn 上发布的信息:
Today I wrap up over a decade at Google. It’s been an honor to be a part of the company’s story, and a joy to learn so much from so many Googlers. Even more, it was a privilege to build People Operations along with so many exceptional friends and — together — to create the first People Analytics team. As for what’s next …. (see Google HR chief Laszlo Bock leaving to launch startup By Ethan Baron / December 13, 2016 at SiliconBeat) And with that, here’s to an amazing 2017, for all of you and your loved ones!
Google HR chief Laszlo Bock leaving to launch startup
If an HR manager can be called legendary, it would be Laszlo Bock, the man behind the company culture at Google for the past decade, and a driving force behind the firm’s data-driven hiring and famed free-food cafeterias.