专栏名称: 十过耶路撒冷而不入
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  十过耶路撒冷而不入


十过耶路撒冷而不入  · 知乎专栏  ·  · 2016-09-28 17:06


“There is no other solution......Peace for Israel is not just a strategic choice. It is a moral call which stems from the depth of our heritage." —— 西蒙·佩雷斯


  • Operation Entebbe
  • 1950年代与法国合作创建 Dimona 的 内盖夫核子研究中心 (本古里安也是核研究的支持派)
  • 1958年(时任以色列安全部部长)建立 Rafael - Advanced Defense Systems
  • 奥斯陆协议 (1994年因此和拉宾以及阿拉法特一起得到诺贝尔和平奖。在见证过拉宾遇刺事件后依旧坚定地认为和平是必须的且可达成的)
  • 与约旦签署和平协议
  • 对以色列国际形象的提升做出了显著贡献
  • 开发北部加利利地区和南部内盖夫地区(绿化沙漠,建立聚居点等项目)

看完这些成就后, 推荐大家看一个视频,是个佩雷斯出演自己的搞笑短片 ,讲的是他总统任期结束后找工作的故事,很短,内容和他的各项成就有关系。比如视频开始出现的那个头发奇怪的娃娃就是本古里安的典型形象,2333,以色列本古里安机场也能见到。


普通公民佩雷斯找工作—在线播放—优酷网,视频高清在线观看" ></a><meta name="irTitle" content="普通公民佩雷斯找工作" /><meta name="irAlbumName" content="普通公民佩雷斯找工作" /><me http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODAyNDc2MDky.html


Stand-up梗:Dimona 那个核验究中心刚开始是以纺织厂的名义存在的。


白宫官方悼文 <- 推荐点开看一下,这篇白宫的悼文写得真好。
"There are few people who we share this world with who change the course of human history , not just through their role in human events, but because they expand our moral imagination and force us to expect more of ourselves . My friend Shimon was one of those people," —— 巴拉克·奥巴马

“Shimon Peres—a Founding Father of the State of Israel and a statesman whose commitment to Israel's security and pursuit of peace was rooted in his own unshakeable moral foundation and unflagging optimism .” —— 巴拉克·奥巴马

"Laura and I join the people of Israel and those around the world in mourning the death of Shimon Peres. As a young man, he worked for his country's independence. For the rest of his life, he led it with a deep and abiding concern for his people and a commitment to freedom and peace. The Bush family will miss Shimon Peres and his grace, dignity, and optimism ." —— 乔治·沃克·布什

“I will miss Shimon Peres, my brilliant and eloquent friend. His life was a blessing to all who strive for peace.” —— 比尔·克林顿

“Shimon Peres was a political giant, a statesman who will rank as one of the foremost of this era or any era , and someone I loved deeply.” —— 托尼·布莱尔

“The world has lost a true legend and statesman. Shimon Peres was a gift to the country he helped establish and lead, and a persistent voice for the cause of peace. President Peres’ countless contributions to the world earned him the Nobel Peace Prize, Congressional Gold Medal, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom. While we join the State of Israel and people around the globe in mourning his death, we also give thanks for his incredible life.” —— House Speaker Paul Ryan

"Israel has lost one of its most illustrious statesmen, and peace has lost one of its most ardent defenders " —— 弗朗索瓦·奥朗德

".. .even in the most difficult hours, he remained an optimist about the prospects for reconciliation and peace " —— 潘基文


"There's no corner of this country that he hasn't touched...Everywhere he goes around the world, people listen to him." —— Isaac Herzog (Zionist Union chairman)

“尽管我们是政治上的对手,我依旧对他本人以及他所做出的贡献抱有崇高的敬意。西蒙是最后一位建国先驱。哪怕在他和拉宾还有沙龙竞争最激烈的时候,他们依旧维持着某种深刻的友谊,那是曾在艰辛的建国初期一起努力过的人间的深刻感情。 我们都记得最后几年他坚持反趋势而行的身影 (注:应该是指在日益右派的思想潮流下保持和平理念), 他的存在不可超越 ......佩雷斯的精神遗产是他的参与感,哪怕他的思想不是主流,也要坚持参与并遵循自己的理念而行动" —— Ehud Barak (前以色列总理)【不负责任翻译】

“他从欧洲来到以色列,自此从未停止过对于梦想的追逐,从未停止过为了锡安主义、以色列以及以色列人民的行动。佩雷斯在以色列历史上的每一个篇章里都留下了自己的那一笔......他用信念以及梦想的翅膀载起了一整个民族。他是这个民族伟大精神的象征。西蒙促使我们展望未来、拥有远见,我们如此热爱他的前瞻性。我们热爱他,因为他让我们有勇气想象,不是回顾过去,而是看到当下,并展望未来...... 我会永远记着他...尤其是他燃起的以色列人心中对于和平的渴望和信心 ,这是他的遗产,我会将其传达下去。" —— Reuven Rivlin (现任以色列总统)

“西蒙将他的一生都贡献给了我们民族的奋起。作为一个拥有前瞻性的人,他的目光无时不刻不投向未来。他为以色列在各方面的强大都做出了贡献。作为一个和平主义者,他在生命最后的时刻都在为了我们的后一代而努力和我们的邻居构建和平......他做总统的七年间,为了以色列人的团结做出了无数的努力。人民也因此非常地爱戴他。 他为以色列和以色列人民做出的贡献在整个民族历史上都少有人能比肩 。” —— 本雅明·内塔尼亚胡

  • 和平运动者
  • 行动派
  • 拥有前瞻性的人才
  • 拥有强大的令人敬佩的人格的人。



