专栏名称: 瑞达利欧RayDalio
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瑞达利欧RayDalio  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-11-21 11:58


要辞退你在乎的人非常困难。 当与你建立了良好的人际交往的某人,无法在其岗位上成为一流员工,要想裁掉他是很难的,因为结束友好关系很不容易,但从确保公司长期保持卓越的角度考虑,这很必要。 你可能需要他们正在做的工作(即使并不出色),觉得这很难做出改变。 但是他们会“污染”环境,在你真正需要他们的时候掉链子。 这样做是困难但必要的。 最佳方式是去“爱护你向之开枪的人”,即以关心且能帮助到他们的方式去做。

It is very difficult to fire people you care about. Cutting someone that you have a meaningful relationship with but who isn’t an A player in their job is difficult because ending good relationships is hard, but it is necessary for the long-term excellence of the company. You may have a need for the work they’re doing (even if it’s not excellent) and find it hard to make a change. But they will pollute the environment and fail you when you really need them. Doing this is one of those difficult, necessary things. The best way to do it is to “love the people you shoot”—do it with consideration and in a way that helps them.

