专栏名称: 爸爸真棒
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  爸爸真棒


爸爸真棒  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-26 11:47


Swipe left for English

诺达抖音号不久之前发布了“暑期校园大变身”的帖子,看到校园设施的更新和“爆改”后,大家也是一整个期待住了,纷纷在留言区喊话 “谁能帮我算下还有几天开学”! 有谁想得到,今年最先踏入变身之后的诺达校园的,是今年诺达的一年级新生! 在为期一周时间里,他们成为了第一批小小体验官,开启了“见习小学生”的独特旅程,不仅沉浸式体验了小学生的探究课堂,还提前揭开了新伙伴和老师们的“神秘面纱”,拥有了一周快乐、美好、充满探索乐趣的特别时光。







这些都是NACIS一年级的小“萌新”们最初遇到的场景,但这种透露着一丝害羞的不熟悉感很快就被老师的温暖打散, 每个小朋友进班都收获了来自班主任的“私聊时间”, 老师会坐下来和小朋友们聊聊喜欢的事务、过往的经历、即将开始的小学生活的美好,这些温暖的话语无疑能够解开孩子们小小的“心结”,使他们有点紧张的小心情放松下来,开始向着成为一个真正的小学生的目标迈开坚实的一步。

每天的夏令营都会从一节班级晨会开启,这也是孩子们来到诺达小学的第一课——熟悉班级。 在NACIS,孩子们因被尊重、被发现、被鼓励自信表达而感受到教育的快乐, 老师会用生动的方式向孩子们解释班级的规定,比如奖励和鼓励的方式,怎么提出问题,表达自己的看法……为每一天的课程提前注射了满分的期待和元气。



相关脑科学研究发现,7岁以前的孩子处于语言敏感期,完全有能力同时习得两种语言,但如何抓住这一重要时期,让孩子可以真正掌握英语,却让很多家长犯了难。在NACIS,这从来不是家长需要“焦虑”的问题。 上学期在诺达校园举行的满分为900分的小托福考试中,诺达小学部有两位同学获得了895分的高分,两位获得了890分的高分,还有将近10位同学获得了850以上的优异成绩。 这样亮眼成绩背后的秘密武器就是NACIS小学一、二年级的全英班主任制。(点击查看更多信息)

为了加强小朋友们英语跟中文一样的“类母语”体验, NACIS对一、二年级全面启用外教包班制,减少孩子对中方班主任的语言依赖。尤其是一年级,班主任全部来自英国,拥有正宗的伦敦腔和丰富的教学经验,除了班主任,还有艺术、体育、STEAM等课程的英文授课,孩子们拥有更多机会与外教老师深度相处的时间与机会,而沉浸式的英文环境更能提高孩子们对“类母语”的自然粘合度。


每天的英语课是夏令营不可或缺的一环, 老师们通过读绘本、讲故事、做游戏、绘画、互动等多种趣味环节,动脑,动口,动肢体,把知识点从不同角度在大脑中加深印象。 不仅教授自然拼读等干货内容,也让孩子们大胆地用英文表达自己和进行互动活动,中方老师也会在其中做支持,应对各种特殊情况,外教班主任的关怀也渗透到方方面面,在吃饭、带队、放学的时候同样会看到他们的身影。当孩子们正式进入小学的学习后,老师会根据孩子的不同水平设置随堂作业,并提供诺德安达独有的全球学习资源平台,帮助小朋友们在多元文化的熏陶下更好的成长!

NACIS在创校8年的时间中,学校不断地优化和调整英语教学的实践,探索出了更适合NACIS孩子的英语学习成长路径。 “双母语”不仅仅是作为交流的工具,更是承载了孩子们在多元文化环境下的自信,构建了孩子们的深度思维与能力,并为全人发展与终身学习奠定了深厚的根基。


除了沉浸式英文体验, 夏令营还为孩子们安排了语文、数学、音乐、体育学科的学习,每天45分钟(一个课时)的学科体验。 相比于成为一名正式小学生,这样每天一个课时的体验帮助孩子们做好从幼儿园到小学的过渡衔接,更好地适应小学的学习生活。

当你走进一个班级,你会看到老师指着一幅画,问孩子们: “假设你是这只小蜻蜓停留在这片叶子上睡觉,在这场美妙的梦里你会梦见什么呢? ”孩子们展开了奇思妙想 “在这片荷叶上吃到了自己喜欢的糖果”、“在这里闻到了自然奇妙的味道”…… 这是正在进行语文课堂,即使在讲一首《小池》的古诗,老师也会多维度地帮助学生打开新的思维空间,培养他们的创新意识。

在NACIS小学部,每门课的教授都是如此,以点带面,不仅仅局限在某一个单一的知识点上,而是充分扩展开去,保护着孩子们最为宝贵的创造力和独特性。 在艺术课上,老师指导学生通过绘画、展览、装置等形式表达自我;在音乐课上则鼓励孩子们用不同乐器和同学们合奏,哪怕只是一个轻声的敲击,也是一个美好的音符。一周时间里,孩子们对小学课堂的期待值大大提升了数个Level!



作为一名诺达的小学生,游泳可是适应学校生活必不可少的环节, 因为在NACIS,游泳是小学部的必修课程,按照国外游泳课程体系,依托学校魔都天花板级别的泳池设施,通过系统的教学和创新的方法,确保了每一个孩子都能在水中获得安全、健康且愉快的体验。 诺达的游泳校队也是实力强劲,有不少小公羊也是从小学一年级就开始加入校队,一路成长!(点击查看更多信息)




在NACIS小学部,收到学部家长信是每个家庭都会期待的事情。 在诺达看来,孩子的成长是学校教育和家庭教育共同培育的成果,良性的家校沟通和家校合作是诺达社区得以不断壮大和发展的重要基础。

在这次的夏令营中,小学部每天都为家长们安排了家长工作坊, 分享的主题包括欢迎与期待、和孩子一起阅读、在家支持孩子的学习、家校沟通、ECA分享等等,既包含了育儿干货话题,也通过介绍孩子们小学生活的各个环节让家长们对孩子在NACIS的新生活有了更加全面的了解。 在夏令营的前两天,小学部的Kris校长和Thomas校长就和家长们分享了“成长型思维”以及“如何与孩子们一起阅读”的话题。


NACIS 的家校沟通不止于此,学校专门设立了家长课堂。与普通的讲座和说教不同,参加的家长们会聚在一起,分享自己的成功心得,讲述自己的焦虑,并得到来自校长、心理专家和其他家长的建议。 家校合力,共同关注孩子的成长和情感体验;学校也不断给家长信心,知行合一,形成教育合力,齐心促进孩子的快乐成长。




9月26日 小学、中学校长咖啡会

10月13日 校园开放日活动


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陈老师:‭+86 21 24038800#4045‬

卫老师:+86 21 24038800#4019‬

徐老师:+86 21 24038800#4027

刘老师:+86 21 24038800#4020



Recently, the NACIS Douyin account published a post titled "Summer Campus Transformation," which sparked great anticipation after witnessing the updates and renovations of the facilities. Many students expressed their excitement in the comments section, asking, "Who can help me count down the days until school starts?" The first group to experience the transformed NACIS campus was the G1 students. During a week-long period, these students became the "little experience officers," embarking on a unique journey as "trainee primary students." They not only immersed themselves in inquiry-based learning typical of primary education but also had the opportunity to unveil the "mysteries" of their new classmates and teachers, enjoying a week filled with joy, exploration, and meaningful interactions.

The New Student Summer Camp is a traditional and distinctive programme at NACIS, designed to help G1 and G6 students acclimate to their new lives. Each year, the heads and teachers return early to design a week-long curriculum filled with diverse activities, enabling children to adapt to their "new identities." This year, the G1 summer camp not only facilitated a smooth transition from preschool to primary school, but also helped shorten the adjustment period, allowing every family to experience the unique atmosphere and warmth.

A Vibrant Day Begins with the Homeroom Time!

On the first day of the summer camp, the children stepped onto the campus, commencing their journey as "trainee primary students." From the moment they signed in, the theme of the day revolved around making new friends.

"Say hello to the heads and teachers!"

"Sit next to the friend you wish to befriend!"

These were the initial scenes encountered by the G1 newcomers at NACIS. However, the initial shyness and unfamiliarity dissipated with the warmth of the teachers. Each child received "one-on-one time" with their form tutors upon entering the classroom, during which the teacher engaged them in conversations about their interests, past experiences, and the exciting journey ahead. Such comforting words undoubtedly helped alleviate any anxieties the children may have had, allowing them to take a solid step toward becoming true primary students.

Each day of the summer camp begins with the homeroom time, marking the students' first lesson at NACIS - familiarizing themselves with their class. At NACIS, students experience the joy of education through respect, discovery, and self-expression. Teachers explain class rules in engaging ways, such as discussing reward systems, how to ask questions and express opinions, thereby instilling high expectations and enthusiasm for each day's lessons.

An Immersive English Environment During the Language Sensitive Period!

Research in neuroscience indicates that children under the age of seven are in a language-sensitive period, possessing the capacity to acquire two languages simultaneously. However, many parents struggle with how to harness the crucial time to ensure their children master English. At NACIS, it has never been a source of anxiety for parents. Last semester, during the TOEFL Junior held at NACIS, two primary students scored an impressive 895 points, while two others achieved 890 points, and nearly ten students scored above 850. The secret behind these remarkable results lies in the international form tutor system for G1 and G2 students at NACIS.

To enhance the children's "native-like" experience with English, NACIS has implemented an international form tutor system for G1 and G2 students, reducing the children's reliance on national teachers. Particularly in G1, all form tutors come from the UK, possessing authentic London accents and extensive teaching experience. In addition, subjects such as art, PE, and STEAM are taught in English, providing children with more opportunities for in-depth interactions with international teachers. The immersive English environment enhances the children's natural affinity for the language, thereby increasing their exposure to English.

G1 Homeroom Teachers

From the very first day that children enter NACIS, they begin to experience, imitate, and learn both authentic expressions of spoken language and the rigorous standards of academic English . Daily English classes are an indispensable component of the summer camp experience. Teachers employ a variety of engaging activities, including reading picture books, storytelling, games, painting, and interactive exercises, to enhance cognitive engagement, verbal expression, and physical involvement. The implementation of a full international form tutor system in the lower primary is a pioneering initiative among bilingual schools in Shanghai, which exemplifies the ample and stable reserve of international teachers and serves as a tangible manifestation of our educational philosophy and vision.

During the past 8 years since establishment, NACIS has continually optimized and adjusted its English language teaching practices, exploring a growth path for English language acquisition that is more suitable for its students. The concept of "bilingualism" serves not merely as a tool for communication but also embodies the confidence that children develop in a multicultural environment. It fosters deep thinking and capabilities in students, laying a solid foundation for holistic development and lifelong learning.

Subject Learning: Exploring the Joys of the Classroom!


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