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国际业务研究院  · 公众号  · 金融  · 2017-06-27 22:29


转自 方达深圳公众号


































Pilot Policy Promulgated in Shenzhen

- Domestic Banks May Assign Non-Performing Loans to Foreign Investors Directly


In accordance with the foreign exchange control principle in mainland China - “domestic debt shall not be converted into foreign debt”, domestic banks were not permitted to make outbound assignment of their domestic non-performing loans (“NPL”) to foreign investors.  As a welcome change, the restriction has been broken through by a pilot policy for cross-border assignment of banks’ NPLs recently introduced in Shenzhen, and it is noteworthy that the pilot policy is not only applicable to banks located in Shenzhen but also all other banks around the mainland China.


We hereby briefly introduce this pilot policy as follows.


1. Legal Basis


The Official Reply from State Administration of Foreign Exchange Concerning Cross-border Assignment of Banks’ Non-performing Assets in Shenzhen by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange Shenzhen Branch (Hui Fu [2017] No. 24) authorizes State Administration of Foreign Exchange (“SAFE”) Shenzhen branch to promote the pilot policy regarding cross-border assignment of banks’ non-performing assets on the principles that  “examination and approval shall be made on a case by case basis” and “the assigned shall be NPLs”.  Pursuant to the aforesaid official reply, Shenzhen became the first pilot area which is authorized to examine, approve and manage the application for cross-border assets assignment at its own discretion.  The authorization is valid for one year, which will expire on 31 May 2018.  When the pilot policy expires, it will be revised and adjusted based on its implementation situation.


2. Scope of Application


The pilot policy only applies to outbound assignment of NPLs from domestic banks to foreign entities.  There is no mandatory requirement on the currency of the assignment.  The assignees shall be foreign institutional investors.


In addition, the legal relationships of the NPLs to be assigned should be as simple and clear as possible, and better not involving disputes.  It is advisable that the underlying NPLs not to be too complicated and not to involve real estate, government financing platforms and other sensitive industries and entities.


3. Assignment Procedures


The applicant of NPLs assignment shall, in respect of each NPL assignment transaction, apply for examination and approval to SAFE Shenzhen branch, and after obtaining such approval, register the cross-border financing with the same regulator.  In addition, the applicant shall also go through the formalities in relation to opening and closing of the foreign debt accounts; cross-border collection, payment, remittance and conversion of funds; cross-border financing deregistration and etc.


Banks located in Shenzhen may go through the above formalities as the applicant itself, or entrust Shenzhen Qianhai Financial Assets Exchange as the applicant to do the same; while banks located in other places in mainland China shall go through these formalities through Shenzhen Qianhai Financial Assets Exchange only.  If Shenzhen Qianhai Financial Assets Exchange acts as the applicant, the underlying NPL shall be quoted on and assigned through it.


4. Will Not Take Up Foreign Debt Quota


Although the applicants mentioned in section 3 above shall be responsible for the registration of the cross-border financing with SAFE Shenzhen branch on behalf of the borrowers of the underlying NPL, the cross-border financing arising from such outbound NPL assignment will neither take up the applicants’ nor the underlying borrowers’ foreign debt quota.


5. Current Development


In December 2016, the first outbound NPL assignment transaction done through Shenzhen Qianhan Financial Assets Exchange in the mainland China was completed, which transaction was approved by SAFE Shenzhen branch after obtaining SAFE’s approval.


To our knowledge, currently there are several NPLs are in the process of outbound assignments through Shenzhen Qianhai Financial Assets Exchange.


The brief above is for your reference and is not intended to provide legal advice. Should you have any inquiry, please contact Mr. Romy Zhuo.


银行融资部 合伙人

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