Beverly Boulevard and La Brea Avenue, Los Angeles, California, June 21, 1975, Stephen Shore
I made this photograph at the intersection of Beverly Boulevard and La Brea Avenue in
Los Angeles on June 21st in 1975. I was beginning a commission from the great architect, Robert Venturi, to explore the contemporary American landscape. I was drawn to this scene because it seemed to be such a quintessential Los Angeles experience: the gas stations, the jumble, the signage, the space. I was also, for my own personal reasons, exploring visual structure. For the previous two years, since I had been using a large format camera, questions would arise, seemingly on their own. They were questions about how the world I wanted to photograph could translate into an image. They were, essentially, questions about structure.
肖尔是个从不啰嗦的人,他那本《照片的本质》全部文本加起来也没超过3000字,但是却一字胜千言,而在《Form and Pressure》这篇短文中却用了“极多”的篇幅去告诉我们结构到底是什么,可见结构的重要性。
I think of “structure” rather than “composition” because “composition” refers to a
synthetic process, such as painting. A painter starts with a blank canvas. Every mark he or she makes adds complexity. A photographer, on the other hand, starts with the whole world. Every decision he or she makes brings order. “Composition” comes from a Latin root, componere, “to put together”. “Synthesis” comes from a Greek root, syntithenai, which also means, “to put together”. A photographer doesn’t “put together” an image; a photographer selects.