What are rules designed for, right and wrong? Or what peaces your soul?
【Impress Me S1E2】
原文摘于一本治愈系小说 ,The light between oceans,讲述了在与世隔绝的灯塔工作与生活的夫妇Tom与Isabel偶然救下了一个孩子,和之后发生了的一系列的故事。
You could kill a bloke with rules, Tom knew that. And yet sometimes they were what stood between man and savagery, between man and monsters. The rules that said you took a prisoner rather than killed a man. The rules that said you let the stretchers cart the enemy off from no man's land as well as your own men. But always, it would come down to the simple question: could he deprive Isabel of this baby? If the child was alone in the world? Could it really be right to drag her away from a woman who adored her, to some lottery of Fate?
An article seems too long while a sentence seems too short ?
Here comes the solution —— 【 Impress Me 】
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【Impress Me S1E1】
My forgetfulness may annoy my family, but it has its benefits
The fact that I forget things, either by choice or chance, that are good and useful must at least be balanced with the fact that I also forget things that are painful and harmful. In this sense, forgetfulness can be a good thing. One often hears the phrase, when some past slight is examined, "I've forgiven but I haven't forgotten." Translation: "I haven't forgiven." Whereas I may not have forgiven, but usualIy I have forgotten, and it amounts to much the same thing.
【Impress Me S1E1】简评
Words and phrases
good and useful / painful and harmful 这里是两组相对应的形容词,所以翻译时互用反义词更贴切。 E.g. 美好、有利/痛苦、有害
past slight 这里past 指【已发生的、过去的】. slight 作名词时译为【轻蔑,忽视,冷落】,但是根据前后文,译为过去的【矛盾、摩擦、不愉快】更显得合理。
第一句 此句主体部分为The fact must at least be balanced with the fact,其余皆为内容的补充。
E.g. 那些【美好、有利的事】,我【无心或有心】的【忘了不少】,但我也【忘了至少同样多】的【痛苦、有害的事】。 【】指出的即为打乱顺序的内容。
2.The fact 如何翻译:这里的the fact 是有实意的,但是用成了像个介词一般. 改成the thing that …..句子也能通顺,但是句意大不如前。我的建议是译出来,可以用【事实上,实际上】等状态穿插植入译文。
3. I've forgiven but I haven't forgotten 如何处理:这里原作者很精简,虽然可以想象这是在说某件事中的某个人,但是若能绕开“ta”这个词,会更贴切。且查看上下文可知这句话并非重点,一笔代过好过喧宾夺主。
E.g. 我不介意不代表我忘了
4. whereas, but ,and 如何连接:首先理清楚这三个连词的作用.whereas 承上,表达在我这里,。情况和他人不同.but 转折,我虽然没原谅,【但】我忘了.and 这里表联合,指and前后的内容相关,很口语化的感觉。值得注意的是,it amounts to much the same thing 中 It 当然是指我对已发生的不愉快的反应即【不原谅,但忘了】,那the same thing 是和什么相同呢。我认为是和上文中的逻辑相同,即【我不介意不代表我忘了=我介意=我没忘,我忘了不代表我不介意=我忘了=我不介意】
@李雪巴拉拉 【Translation:】译为【潜台词就是】非常贴切。【forgiven】 在整句连用了【怪、原谅、释怀】.逐步递增升级,文笔很妙。
@爱吃蛋黄的猫 【ta】这个概念就是从你的译文中得见,非常严谨。【大抵是一回事吧】译出原作者苦笑的那种感觉,很赞。
Impress Me旨在给大家练手的机会,愿意看到这里的,相信也是对翻译有些许热情的吧。
See you next episode!
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