课程的第一部分由Marcel Pelgrom教授讲述转换器的限制因素,并结合了采样和量化问题。通过对抖动和失配的预估,可以对性能做一些量化预估。量化和采样的限制因素成为选取有效转换型架构的第一要素。
参考源、比较器和数模转换也是模数转换器中的重要单元。通过对Flash ADC和时钟交织ADC的进一步分析也说明了这些设计考虑因素。
课程的第二部分由Boris Murmann 教授继续讲述模数转换器中另外5个主题,它们代表了ADC设计中的最基本问题:逐次逼近型ADC流水线型ADC,过采样ADC,开关电容电路中的噪声分析,以及gm/Id运放的设计。
High-performance and high-speed analog-to-digital converter are essentialand irreplaceable components in a wide variety of modern electronic systems,ranging from data communication to medical imaging. And an analog-to-digitalconverter connects our physical world to the realm of unlimited digital signalprocessing. Therefore the understanding of the fundamental properties ofanalog-to-digital conversion is crucial for determining what processing makessense in the digital domain.
Part I of this course will be delivered by Prof. Marcel Pelgrom will explorethe limits of conversion, especially linked to the problem of sampling and ofquantization. Estimating jitter and mismatch will allow some quantitativeprediction on the performance. From thelimitations found in quantization and sampling also a first indication can beobtained on what conversion architecture is most promising. Reference source design, comparators anddigital-to-analog conversion are crucial elements for building converters.Further analysis of flash and time-interleaved converters will clarify thedesign considerations.
Examples from recent papers and own work will illustrate the theory.
Part II will be delivered by Prof. BorisMurmann is a continuation of part I. It will cover five additional topics thatrepresent important cornerstone-knowledge in data converter design: Successiveapproximation ADCs, pipeline ADCs, oversampling ADCs, noise analysis inswitched capacitor circuits, as well as gm/ID-based amplifier design.Throughout the course, we will discuss and illustrate the state of the artusing designs that were recently published at premier internationalconferences.