专栏名称: 这里是美国
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这里是美国  · 公众号  · 美国  · 2017-10-31 11:59



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It's that time of year. Time for ghosts, goblins and other creatures that go bump in the night.


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And if those sorts of things give you the heebie-jeebies, maybe you'll take comfort in knowing that 4 percent of Americans say that ghosts (and by that, we mean the "real" kind, not the cute little ones who knock on your door with a plastic pumpkin and a sheet over their head) make them afraid or very afraid. Five percent of us say the same about zombies. Seven percent are freaked out by clowns.

如果说这些鬼怪让你觉得有些紧张或者害怕,那这个消息可能会使你感到一些安慰:有4%的美国人认为自己害怕或者非常害怕鬼 (当然了,我们指的是“真正可怕”的那种鬼,并不是那种戴着塑料南瓜帽子、头上贴着纸来敲你家门的可爱“小鬼”们)。5%的人觉得害怕或者非常害怕僵尸,7%的人觉得小丑非常可怕。

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Those numbers come to us from the fourth annual Survey of American Fears, conducted by Chapman University. The No. 1 U.S. fear, according to this survey? Corrupt government officials. Nearly three-quarters of Americans say that government corruption makes them afraid or very afraid. That is by far the top concern of those surveyed, and it has shown a nearly 17 percentage point jump from three years ago.


▲Via NPR

Source & graphic: chapman.edu

万万没想到的是,第一名竟然是“ 政府官员腐败 ”。

根据查普曼大学发布的全美“害怕榜”排名前十的图表,除了“政府官员腐败”外,最令美国人害怕的事物还包括“特朗普医改政策”; 海洋、河流、湖泊污染;饮用水污染;未来没有足够积蓄;医疗费用太高;美国将有可能卷入另一次世界大战;全球变暖、气候变化;朝鲜使用核武器;空气污染。


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With Halloween just around corner, a recent survey shows what really keeps Americans awake at night. The Chapman University Survey of American Fears polled 1,207 U.S. adults on their level of fear across 80 different categories ranging from crime to personal anxieties and natural disasters. As in previous years, corruption of government officials was top by a significant margin in 2017 with 74.5 percent of U.S. adults saying it makes them either "afraid" or "very afraid".

万圣节快要到了,但是近期一项调查的结果才真的会让美国人们在夜里惊醒。查普曼大学发起了2017全美“害怕榜”调查,共有1207名成年美国人参与,调查80种事物令他们害怕的程度。这些事物中包括了犯罪 、个人焦虑、自然灾害等不同类别。与往年的调查结果类似的是,“政府官员腐败”这一项依然高居榜首,在2017年的调查中总有74.5%的美国人都表示对此感到“害怕”或者“非常害怕”。

File photo: Chinanews.com

This year's ranking reflects the political unrest and uncertainty brought about by Donald Trump's election to the presidency. With a storm still engulfing the nation's healthcare system, the American Healthcare Act/Trumpcare has the second highest fear factor at 55.3 percent. Trump's decision to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Climate Accords has also made an impact with 48 percent of Americans now fearful of global warming and climate change while 44.9 percent are afraid of air pollution.


Illustration: Shen Lan / GT

On the international stage, tensions between Washington and Pyongyang are also starting to send a chill down people's spines. 48.4 percent of U.S. adults fear U.S. involvement in another world war while 47.5 percent are afraid North Korea will use nuclear weapons.


▲Via Forbes


Sources & graphics: chapman.edu
