专栏名称: 取经号JTW
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取经号JTW  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-05-01 22:16


“五一”小长假,你学习了吗?—— 为了消解莘莘学子过去三天虚掷光阴的悔恨,本期我们奉上一剂知识满满的强心针,助你满格回血,秒启学霸模式。


译者:徐嘉茵 & 邵海灵


策划: 邹世昌

本文选自 The Economist | 取经号原创翻译

关注 取经号, 回复关键词“外刊”



我们选取了4月16至22日的辩题 “大学校园的言论自由” ,翻译了双方辩手第三轮(也是最后一轮)的精彩发言和司仪的总结陈词。大学讲台应该容忍攻击性的言论吗?网站上的投票结果并不是正确的答案。兼听则明,偏听则暗。而兼听还只是追寻答案的开始。我们相信,接触了正反两种观点后,你才有慎思明辨的基础,从而在漫漫人生旅程中,对无数类似的问题展开推敲、独立思考,最终得到属于自己的答案。


Debate : This house believes that universities should not host speakers who propound offensive ideas

辩题 :持攻击性观点的演讲者,不应被请到大学来


Yes side : Evan Smith, Flinders University, writing a book on no-platforming

正方 :埃文·史密斯,来自弗林德斯大学,正在写一本关于 言论封杀 的书

No Platform , sometimes deplatforming, is a policy of the National Union of Students (NUS) of the United Kingdom. Like other no platform policies, it asserts that no proscribed person or organisation should be given a platform to speak, nor should a union officer share a platform with them. The policy traditionally applies to entities that the NUS considers racist or fascist, most notably the British National Party.

言论封杀 ,字面直译即“禁上讲台”,是英国全国学生联合会的一项方针。就像其他地方的封杀政策一样,该禁令规定,所有被正式列入黑名单的危险个人或组织,都不能被赋予登上讲台、发表演讲的权利,也没有任何协会可以跟他们一同站在台上演讲。这项禁令历来用于那些被学生会定性为种族主义或法西斯主义的个人或团体,其中最有名的是英国国家党。

Evan Smith is a research fellow in history in the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences at Flinders University, in Adelaide, South Australia. He is currently writing a book on the history of no platforming. He previously held research positions at the Australian Institute of Criminology, the South Australian Office of Crime Statistics and Research and the Australian Taxation Office. He has written widely on the British Left, anti-racist activism and political extremism. He blogs at Hatful of History.

埃文·史密斯是南澳阿德莱德市弗林德斯大学人文、艺术和社科学院的一名历史研究员。他最近正在撰写一本关于言论封杀史的书。他曾在澳大利亚犯罪学研究所、南澳大利亚犯罪统计与研究办公室以及澳大利亚税务局从事研究工作,写过很多关于英国左派、反种族主义激进主义和政治极端主义的文章,在 Hatful of History的网站上有自己的博客。

Many who have joined this robust, informative debate have taken my opponent’s side. In my closing statement, I would like to address a few recurrent questions.


First, many commenters have asked how we define offensiveness, and worried that offensive speech sets too wide a parameter. But the tactic of no platform is not about shutting down offensive speech, but resisting racist, violent or explicitly anti-democratic speech—what is often colloquially known as “ hate speech ”. In most cases, controversial speakers are not actually no-platformed, but subject to criticism and protest, which may of course be adversarial—all sides have free-speech rights. America notwithstanding, legislation in many Western countries protects people from hate speech (although, of course, free-speech absolutists sometimes condemn such legislation as stifling).

首先,许多评论者问道:我们应如何定义“攻击性”?他们担心攻击性言论的定义过于宽泛。但是,言论封杀的策略并不在于禁止攻击性言论,而在于抵制种族主义、暴力或明确反对民主的言论——也就是我们 平常 所说的“ 仇恨言论 ”。在大多数情况下,备受争议的演讲者实际上并没有被封杀,只是受到了批评和抗议,这当然会产生对抗性——各方都拥有言论自由。美国和许多西方国家的法律都保护人们免受仇恨言论的影响(尽管如此,言论自由绝对论者有时候会谴责这种法律,认为它太压抑了)。

colloquially :[kə'lokwɪəli]  adv. 口语地、通俗的来说

hate speech :仇恨言论,是一个人或群体在性别、种族、宗教、残疾或性取向等特性的基础上,攻击另外一个人或群体的言论。

Second, many of the comments conflate university administrators preventing an individual or group from speaking on campus with the application of the no-platform tactic from below by students (through student unions or other activist groups). As I mentioned in my previous statement, universities in many countries—including America, Britain and Australia—have sought to close down discussion of ideas believed to be offensive. That often casts a wider net than student actions to prevent racist or fascist speakers from university campuses. The power dynamic of the university officially preventing someone from speaking is very different from the pressure applied by students.


No-platform opponents often portray the tactic as tyranny of a vocal minority. But it can only be successful where it is applied democratically and a significant portion of the student body expresses support for it, either through direct action or via elected student organs.


Third, both my opponent and his supporters in the comments section ask why students in particular deserve protection from racist, violent or anti-democratic speech. This mischaracterises the no-platform tactic and its place within anti-racist and anti-fascist activism. The principle of no-platform was partly developed because of the popular notion that the university is a “marketplace of ideas” in which everyone respects the rules of engagement. No-platform challenged the idea that racist or fascist speakers and groups could be reasonably debated in such an environment, because they have no respect for democratic debate.


But the tactic was not intended to be used in isolation from other forms of activism.  Activists, including students, sought to prevent racists and fascists from congregating in public venues, marching on the streets and using the media to propagate their message. No platform developed from the anti-fascist campaigns of the 1930s and 1940s, in which fascists were confronted on the streets, and only in the 1970s was it specifically brought into the universities.


One of the voices seemingly absent from this debate is that of the students themselves. It is very well for those in academia and university administration to argue whether offensive speakers should be banned from universities or whether no-platforming violates academic freedom. But we need to listen to students when they vocally oppose certain speakers or groups from appearing on campus. The student body is, of course, widely varied and does not speak with one voice, but student concerns about potentially harmful or hateful speakers should be taken into consideration. Whether the tactic of no platform is used is a matter of democratic debate within the student organs and the broader student body.


In closing, universities should allow students to be confronted by controversial ideas and concepts, but respectfully, and within an environment that does not assume that students need to be offended in order to gain their critical faculties. At the same time, it should be recognised that students have the right to vocally criticise or reject these ideas. And specifically in the case where speakers promote racist, violent or explicitly anti-democratic ideas, the tactic of no platform can be used to shut them down.



No side : Lawrence Summers, Harvard University, and former US Treasury Secretary

反方 :劳伦斯·萨默斯,来自哈佛大学,美国前任财政部长

Lawrence Summers is a professor of economics at Harvard University and served as the university's president from 2001 to 2006. He was the US Treasury Secretary in 1999-2001 under President Bill Clinton and served as the director of the White House National Economic Council for President Barack Obama in 2009-10. Earlier he was the Chief Economist of the World Bank. He chairs the boards of Citizen Schools and the Center for Global Development, and is a board director of Teach for America and ONE.

劳伦斯·萨默斯是哈佛大学的经济学教授,并在2001至2006年间担任哈佛校长。他于1999至2001年间在比尔·克林顿总统手下担任美国财政部长,于2009至2010年间在巴拉克·奥巴马总统手下担任白宫国家经济委员会主任。早年他曾是世界银行的首席经济学家。目前他是公民学校与全球发展中心的理事长,也是美国知名教育组织Teach for America和英国反贫困组织ONE的董事会成员。

That those wishing to invite speakers they want to hear should be permitted to do so seems natural. For this not to be the case a strong argument has to be made.  My opponent has failed both to make the case that there are substantial benefits from banning speakers. He has yet to adduce a single instance when the world would be better off if a speaker had been banned. And he has not responded to my claims regarding the harms of limiting speech. Therefore, there is no basis for supporting the motion before the house.

如果有人想要听到某些人士的演讲,那就应该得到邀请讲员的许可,这是很自然的一件事。假如要推翻这一点,就得拿出强而有力的理由。而对方辩手一方面没有充足的论据来证明禁邀讲员能有任何 实质或显著的 好处。他 尚未 举出一条例证来说明:一个讲员被禁会让世界变得更美好。另一方面,对于我提出的限制言论的害处,他也没有做出回应。由此可见,对方辩手没有任何依据来让全体观众支持上述辩题。

substantial /səbˈstænʃəl/ adj.  large in amount or degree; having substance or capable of being treated as fact; not imaginary显著的;重大的;实质的

have yet to : have not done something 尚未,有待于

In his rebuttal advocating for the denial of free speech rights on campus, my opponent professes to be the true defender of democracy. I am struggling to make sense of his claims. How can the banning of speakers represent “democratic” values, when doing so tramples on minority views in deference to the loudest arbiters of truth at any particular moment? That simple majority rule is not a principle of self-evident wisdom is shown in the existence of the Bill of Rights, which celebrates speech as among the first of ten things that the majority may not infringe. Nor is this an American peculiarity; Article 19 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognises: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression.”

