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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-05-21 06:03




Glowing bacteria offer hope for safe detection of 100m landmines


 Peter Beaumont in Jerusalem | 469 words

A team of researchers at an Israeli university has successfully tested a technology using fluorescent bacteria and lasers that could become a safer system for detecting buried landmines.


  • fluorescent:发光,荧光

An estimated 100m landmines are scattered in some 70 countries, a legacy of often long-past conflict, and the devices injure up to 20,000 people a year.


Mine clearance work is typically dangerous, labour-intensive and costly.


The team at Jerusalem's Hebrew University has tested mine detection using bacteria genetically modified to give off a fluorescent signal when mines - often made out plastic - are close, which can then be detected with a laser. 


Reporting the findings in the journal Nature Biotechnology, the researchers say their approach relies on tiny amounts of vapour given off by the explosives in the mines.


It was recognised that some plants reacted to those vapours, and the research used modified bacteria that essentially glow in contact with the explosive vapour. Encased in polymer beads scattered on the suspected minefield, that fluorescence is then detected by a laser system that researchers suggest could be mounted on a vehicle - including drones.

某些植物对炸药蒸气起反应,研究中利用遇到炸药蒸气后本就会发光的改造菌 。在有雷区嫌疑的地面撒上包在聚合物小珠中的发光菌,随后激光器会检测到这些荧光。研究人员称激光器可以搭载在包括无人机在内的移动工具上。

The system has been successfully tested in a field of real landmines, scanning the ground at a rate of around 18cm per second - a speed the researchers hope to increase.


Belkin's team is not the first to develop bacteria that glow in the presence of explosive vapour - similar findings were reported by a team at Edinburgh University in 2009 - but it appears to be the first to have developed a potentially functioning detection system using the technology.


"Our field data show that engineered biosensors may be useful in a landmine detection system," said Prof Shimshon Belkin, who headed the experiment. However, the technology would need to be developed further still, he added.


"For this to be possible, several challenges need to be overcome, such as enhancing the sensitivity and stability of the sensor bacteria, improving scanning speeds to cover large areas, and making the scanning apparatus more compact so it can be used on board a light unmanned aircraft or drone."


The university said in a statement: "This appears to be the first demonstration of a functional standoff landmine detection system."


A byproduct of the research by Belkin and his team was announced three years ago: the use of modified bacteria to detect pollutants in water, suggesting further applications for the technology.





Try to translate it

The team at Jerusalem's Hebrew University has tested mine detection using bacteria genetically modified to give off a fluorescent signal when mines - often made out plastic - are close, which can then be detected with a laser. 


