At the moment,
each plastic
best at a different temperature, and
the one
that the team uses for the mixture
to the most recalcitrant of the reactions.
目前,每种塑料都有不同的最佳反应温度, 该团队使用的温度是针对最顽固的塑料的最佳温度。
In the 1970s, psychologists Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman showed the power of the anchoring effect. In a landmark study, the researchers found that spinning a wheel of fortune in front of participants and anchoring them with random numbers influenced their answers to simple questions, like “what is the percentage of United Nation countries in Africa?”
Studies show that anchoring effects persist no matter how weak the connection between the anchor and the actual decision. One study found that “estimates of an athlete’s performance were influenced by the number on his
.” In other words, people thought that an athlete with a higher jersey number was better than an athlete with a lower number, all else being equal.
Anchoring affects all kinds of decisions, even those made by experts who should know better. In particular, a recent study shows that anchoring is far more prevalent in the financial world than previously believed, with substantial anchoring effects influencing performance in the stock market.
Led by
a team at Ghent University, the study showed that investors valued firms more highly if the firms had higher stock prices. This occurred even after controlling for factors like the number of stocks available and other issues of corporate
There are
ways out of
anchoring. The first step is gaining clarity around the data. When we are clearer about the evidence, we are less likely to get hoodwinked. When it comes to a big decision, for instance, I often write down all the factors involved. Writing down the information helps me evaluate its reliability and eliminate anchors that aren’t relevant.
My friend Alex Clavel, the Head of Corporate Strategy at Softbank, recognizes the usefulness of anchoring in negotiations.
He encourages his team “to use anchoring proactively to convince other parties at the negotiating table that somehow our ‘anchor’ should be the basis of discussions.”
For example, during a negotiation session, I may begin by talking about a part of the contract that’s already been settled in my opponents’ favor. With this “win” in the
of their minds, my opponents may be more likely to make concessions once we move on to unsettled matters.
本文节选自:Harvard Business Review(哈佛商业评论)
作者:Helen Lee Bouygues
原文标题:Don’t Let Anchoring Bias Weigh Down Your Judgment
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