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经济学人 | 你会给你的宠物买古龙香水吗?

每日双语经济学人  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-25 09:00




People are splurging like never before on their pets


Would you buy your furry companion a cologne?


Among the products of DOG by Dr Lisa, an Australian pet-care brand, you will find a cleanser for sensitive skin, a soothing balm and a cologne. All are free of genetically modified ingredients—and vegan, which dogs are not, at least by choice.


Still, canines craving meat need not eat like animals: Butternut Box, a maker of fresh pet food taste-tested by humans, can offer your furry friend a low-fat chicken dish with peas, lentils and “a whiff of sage”. It is the most popular meal it offers.

即便如此,对于那些渴望品尝肉食的狗狗而言,它们也不必像野生动物那样觅食:Butternut Box,一家以人类口味为标准进行测试的新鲜宠物食品制造商,精心准备了低脂鸡肉搭配豌豆、扁豆及“一抹鼠尾草香”的特色佳肴,成为了该品牌最受欢迎的产品之一。

There is little, it seems, that people won’t do for their pets. Americans spent $186bn on them last year, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, covering everything from food and vet visits to toys and grooming. That is more than they spent on childcare. Catering to pets has become big business.


Mars, a company best known for its chocolate bars, made two-thirds of its revenue last year from pet-care. Besides owning the Royal Canin pet-food brand, the company also operates thousands of vet clinics. Nestlé and Colgate, two other consumer-products giants, also make around a fifth of their revenue from their pet divisions.

玛氏,这家以巧克力棒闻名的公司,其去年三分之二的营收便来源于宠物护理业务。除了拥有Royal Canin这一知名宠物食品品牌外,玛氏还经营着数千家兽医诊所。同样,雀巢与高露洁这两大消费品巨头也有大约五分之一的营收来自宠物部门。

Spending on pets rocketed through the covid-19 pandemic, as lonely people adopted animals then splurged on them. Between 2019 and 2023 pet spending grew by a compound annual rate of 11%, in nominal terms, compared with 6% for consumer spending overall and 5% for pet spending over the preceding decade (see chart). Plenty more growth is yet to come.


Unlike virtual yoga classes or meal-kit subscriptions , animals weren’t easy to drop once lockdowns ended. Consumers, grappling lately with higher prices and a cooling job market, have been reluctant to inflict austerity on their pets.


Morgan Stanley, a bank, reckons pet spending in America will grow by 2.5% this year, well ahead of estimates for, say, clothes. The pet business proved similarly resilient during the global financial crisis of 2007-09.


And analysts reckon the pet business will soon have the zoomies again. Morgan Stanley forecasts that annual spending will rise to around $260bn by 2030, consistent with its pre-pandemic growth trend. Behind that is a shift in the relationship between pets and humans.


Owners increasingly see themselves as parents, not masters. “Pets have gone from the backyard to the living room to the bedroom,” says Loïc Moutault, head of the pet division at Mars.


That change is playing out across generations. Millennials, many of whom have put off having children, have more fur babies per household than any other generation in America.


Gen Z is proving to be equally pet-loving. “Millennials and Gen Z see their pets differently,” says Kristin Peck, chief executive of Zoetis, a drugmaker for animals. “They really see them as part of their families.”


Dogs, cats and other animals lucky enough to be welcomed into such families are in for a treat. Younger owners might take their pets to the vet more often, to the animals’ dismay, but they make up for it by giving them more presents.


Some 95% of Gen Z owners surveyed last year by the American Pet Products Association, an industry group, said they bought their dog a gift at least once a year, compared with 81% of boomers. The average cost of those gifts was a lavish $44 among Gen Z owners, compared with $17 among boomers.




splurge [spl ə rd ʒ ] n./v. 挥霍;浪费;铺张

furry [ ˈ f ɜ ː ri] adj. 毛茸茸的;绒毛状的

whiff [w ɪ f] n. 一阵气味;一股臭味 v. 嗅;闻
