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写作真题|No.6 城市快速发展是好事吗?

TFT小组  · 公众号  · 留学  · 2020-02-26 10:30


政策/环境类 题目在托福写作中会经常遇到,只要积累了两三个主题的语料,这一类题目的论述就能游刃有余。今天先从 「写作虐练」 任务中的真题入手,来看看小伙伴们是如何解决这类问题的。

2020年1月【写作虐炼】Day13 Task:

真题演练 (2019年10月27日)

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

The rapid growth of cities has a positive impact on the development of the society.




这是一道 二选一 类型的题目。政策类的题目可以从两个角度思考:
  • 一是 原因方 城市的快速建设可能会带动经济收入和人口流动,但也会带来环境、贫富差距问题

  • 二是 需求方 社会的良性发展需要经济支持,同时也需要避免环境污染、收入悬殊带来的民生问题

如果赞同这一观点,可以认同城市建设激活更多产业发展,为社会发展吸引更多外来资金。 The rapid growth of cities promotes industrial revolution and accumulates external funding to support the development of society. 同时吸引人才建设社会,More people are likely to join the growth of cities as high-tech experts or other kinds of workforce.

如果反对此观点,从环境和急功近利的角度展开。 (1)The rapid growth of cities means to consume more fuel and resources to build up the infrastructure, resulting in more deforestation and air pollution. (2)Government may misjudge the economic climate and raise too much cash for development, wasting taxation and inciting conflicts.


Opinion: The rapid growth of cities is beneficial.

Reason: Urbanization can bring sustainable development. It can lead to higher productivity and development of green economy.
L1. Higher productivity. Ex. Report.
L2. Thriving service sector less pollution.

Opinion: The city rapid growth can bring some problems.

Reason: City congestion: Increasing population traffic jams and lack of house
L1. High population density increasing motor vehicles inefficient traffic flow
L2. Increasing population, no adequate housing and high housing cost


来学习一下 「写作虐炼」 学员的回答吧:

@学员 吕*





Some companies provide important products or service, but also damage the environment. Some people believe that the government should impose more penalty, higher tax and larger fine on these companies, while others believe there are better ways. Which do you prefer?

同样是 二选一 类题目,首句交代了生产企业的背景,提供重要的产品或服务的同时可能损坏环境。其中一个选项规定了政府出台更严厉的惩罚制度,另一个选项则比较开放,可由考生自拟内容。无论是哪一个选项都能比较好地切入。


如果想要提出自己的观点,首先要反驳选项一的不利之处。 Strict regulations from government could deter some poor-managed companies and so have a negative on industrial development. 然后展开自己的better ways : Rather than enforcing stricter penalty and fine, government can figure out more methods like offering subsidy for renovation to reduce their emission.

Opinion: In my opinion, government has the alternative to tackle the environmental problems from these companies.

R1: Firstly, Strict regulations from government could deter some poor-managed companies and so have a negative on industrial development.

R2: Secondly, rather than enforcing stricter penalty and fine, government can figure out more methods like offering subsidy for renovation to reduce their emission.

「写作 真题」回顾

No.5 又是假新闻?!你怎么看?
No.4 放假后应不应该在家工作?
No.3 抽象话题也可以很好写?
No.2 太空探索、健康饮食...这些政府话题怎么开脑洞?
No.1 灵魂一问:
