北京大学哲学系邀请Timothy Williamson教授做10次线上讲演,主题为“哲学的方法”。Timothy Williamson是牛津大学威克汉姆逻辑学讲席教授,是近十个国家或国际科学院院士,当今最具原创性和影响力的哲学家。
本次讲座由北京大学哲学系主办,由学术志提供技术支持。蒂莫西·威廉姆森(Timothy Williamson),英国牛津大学哲学博士,现任牛津大学哲学系威克汉姆逻辑学讲席教授,英国皇家学会会士、英国科学院院士、欧洲科学院院士、国际哲学学院院士、美国文理科学院院士、丹麦文理科学院院士、爱尔兰科学院院士和爱丁堡皇家学会会士,曾分别担任英国亚里士多德学会和心灵学会会长,是当今最具原创性和影响力的哲学家之一。重磅讲座10月12日即将开启,欢迎大家参加!
Lecture 6: Philosophy and LogicInvited Speaker: Timothy Williamson, 90 minutesInterlocutor: Professor ZHANG Liuhua (East China Normal University), 10 minutesQuestioner: Professor XU Min (Huazhong University of Science and Technology), 5 minutesReply: Timothy Williamson, 15 minutes
Many philosophers regard the central method of argument in philosophy as deduction, where the premises are logically inconsistent with the denial of the conclusion. Of course, this immediately raises the question of what supports the argument’s premises. Typically, the answer is that they are supported by abduction, a non-deductive form of argument. But this does not mean that philosophy does not need deduction, for it is often the means by which the consequences of a philosophical theory are drawn out, as they must be for the theory to be abductively assessed. Another challenge to the role of deduction in philosophy is that many principles of logic are philosophically controversial, contrary to the assumption that logic is a sort of neutral referee for substantive disagreements. In fact, virtually every proposed principle of logic has been challenged on metaphysical, epistemological, or scientific grounds—for example, concerning infinity, the open future, vagueness, semantic and set-theoretic paradoxes, and even quantum mechanics. Indeed, broadly logical principles constitute a central core of metaphysical theory. The best approach is to make the logic part of the theoretical package to be abductively assessed. ▲扫码听课