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GTDAsia搞定  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-08-25 12:00


Scroll Down for English Version







使用快刀的挑战就是你有更多的责任。 它会按照你的指示来做事,所以要好好的下指令。








就像Kathryn Allen 经常说的:“我们没有举着刀叉到处跑”。 当使用GTD®搞定方法论时,记住这个厨房用语。即使你的系统没有那么的敏锐,你也不至于会受伤。你也学会需要花更多时间和经历来获取生活中美好的事物。



English Version

A Sharp knife is safer

The other day I was cooking and I noticed that, whilst sharper knives may seem more dangerous, they are in fact probably less, here is why I think that is...

Cooks know that a sharp knife is less likely to cause injury, because it goes where you point it. It does what you tell it to do, which means you can focus on what you want the outcome to be.

The challenge of a sharp knife is that it puts ever more responsibility on the person who uses it. It will do what you tell it do, so tell it well.

Where is this going you ask?

Well, it made me think of the sharpness of my system... the sharper it is the easier it is to use and navigate to make the most appropriate decisions about what to do next.


The Sharper I am about the outcome I am seeking, the easier to is to know what the next action is, and where it seats in my priorities.

Sharp knives are really safer, and sharper systems drive more effectiveness

Now, as Kathryn Allen often says: "we are not running around with forks" when using the GTD methodology, just to keep this argument in the kitchen area. Even if your system is not as sharp is could be, you are not necessarily going to get hurt. You may just spend more time and energy to get to the good stuff in your life.

Sharpen your system and your mind, get more of the right things done, in less time, with less stress and more clarity!