专栏名称: 瑞达利欧RayDalio
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瑞达利欧RayDalio  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-11-19 12:00


培训是提升员工技能、助其成长的计划中的一部分。修复是试图显著改变员工的价值观和/或能力。 鉴于价值观和能力很难改变,修复通常是不切实际的。 价值观不当、能力不足的员工会给机构带来严重损害,他们应被辞退。如果尝试修复,最好由专业人士进行较长时间的指导。


Training is part of a plan to develop people’s skills and help them evolve. Rehabilitation is an attempt to create significant changes in people’s values and/or abilities . S in ce values and abilities are difficult to change , rehabilitation is typically impractical. Since people with inappropriate values and inadequate abilities can have a devastating impact on the organization, they should be fired. If rehabilitation is attempted, it is generally best directed by professionals over extended periods of time.

Remember that if you are expecting people to be much better in the near future than they have been in the past, you are probably making a serious mistake. People who repeatedly operate in a certain way will probably continue to operate that way because that behavior reflects what they’re like. Since people generally change slowly, you should expect slow improvement (at best). Instead, you need to change the people or change the design. Since changing the design to accommodate people’s weaknesses is generally a bad idea, it is better to sort the people. Sometimes good people “lose their boxes” (they get fired from their role) because they can’t evolve into Responsible Par- ties soon enough. Some of them might be good in another position, in which case they should be reassigned within the company; some of them will not and should leave.
